Air ransport News
Page 49

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Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd., has acquired the farm of Duich, between Bowmore and Port Ellen, on the island of Isia.y. The ground extends to 1,300 acres, and will be used as a base in connection with the projected service to the Western Islands. The company has also acquired a field near its aerodrome at Campbeltown, thus increasing 'the width thereof.
£21,000 Sanctioned for Newcastle.
Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council has received sanctioa to borrow £21,000, repayable in 60 years, for the acquisition of the Woolsington aerodrome site.
Northampton Moves.
Northampton Corporation development committee proposes to proceed with investigations as to suitable aerodrome sites, and to engage a consultant.
News of the British Klemm.
A., few days ago the first all-British Klemm monoplane was flown at Heston by Mr. Hordern; test pilot of the British Klemm Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Hanworth. It was the Swallow model, with British Salinson geared 70-75 b.h.p. engine. The Eagle three-seater long-wing cabin type with Gipsy Major 120-132 b.h.p. or Napier Javelin 155
174 b.h.p. engine (advance references to which have appeared in this paper since May 12, 1933) will probably be flying towards the end of February.
Sunderland Examining Sites.
Sunderland Town Council has appointed a sub-committee to consider sites for a proposed municipal aerodrome. An East Bohlen site is favoured.
The New Short Monoplane: An Economical Air-transport Unit.
Performance data are now to hand concerning the Short Scion twin-englued transport monoplane referred to in this paper on April 28. The machine has been designed as a low-power craft for charter work, feeder service for main aircraft routes, etc. It has two Pobjoy type-R 78 b.h.p. radial aircooled engines, and its all-up weight is limited to 3,000 lb., which, with 30 gallons of petrol, allows a load, in cluding the pilot, of 1,040 lb. The maximum speed. is 117 m.p.h. and the cruising speed obtained at 2,700 engine r.p.m. is 90 m.p.h., the landing speed being 47.5 m.p.h. and the range at cruising speed 360 miles. The petrol consumption is 7.5 gallons per hour, equal to 12 m.p.g. Extensive flight tests have proved in every way satisfactory. The cabin is arranged to seat five persons and the pilot.
Hillman's Airways, Ltd., carried quite good traffic in Christmas week (to December 29) on the Romford-Paris line, 101 single-journey passengers being conveyed despite one off-day ;• that was Christmas Day, when the fog in France was bad. On December 23 passengers numbered 31 and on December 27 there were 26. On Monday of this week, when fog interfered with all services, one Hillman machine brought passengers across from Paris.
Capt. 011ey to Leave Imperials.
We are advised by Capt. Gordon P. 011ey that he has resigned from Imperial Airways, Ltd., and is shortly starting out on his own account. The nature of his plans cannot at present be published. Capt. 011ey is probably the best known of the pilots of Imperial Airways, Ltd., and has a record of something approaching 11,000 flying hours.
New Near East Services.
Arrangements are nearly complete for the commencement of a regular air service between Almaza, Cairo (the headquarters of Misr-Airwork, S.A.) and Palestine. The Upper Egypt service, to Assiut, Luxor and Assouari, was inaugurated on December 15.