" Regular" Motorbus Routes.
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An important matter concerning motorbus routes was considered at a, conference of Essex Local and Highway Authorities, convened by the Ilford U.D.C., and 'attended by representatives of that body, the Essex County Council, the Ongar , Rural District Council, and the Epping Rural District Council.
It was explained that the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd.' wrote under date the 21st.March, 1917, to the Ilford Urban District Council's surveyor, intimating a proposal of the company, to. resume the motorbus service 101B, North Woolwich to Chigwell Row (Sundays and holidays). The Conneil Clerk, on the 5th April, sent a letter to the company stating that, upon receipt of formal application for the consent of the Council as Highway Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Emergency Provisions), Act, 1916, Section 20, Subsection (1), the application would be submitted to the Council for their instructions. . On the 10th April, Mr, H. E. Blain, operating manager, London General Omnibus Co., wrote as follows :—" am in receipt of your „letter of the ,5th instant, and in reply desire-to Point out that this service will not Decupy any road which has, not been regularly used by omnibuses plying for hire within two years prior to 1st March, 1916, and Consequently theroute is authorized under the Aet to which. you refer. The question of the consent of your .Council does not, :therefore, arise, my object in writing being merely to advise you that the service, which was temporarily discontinued Ot the close of last summer, was about to recommence working.", The conference .expressed a general opinion that the point was important for the ratepayers who were called • upon to contribute to the maintenance of the roads used by motorbuses in the districts of the highway authorities affected by this resumption of service, and decided that having regard to the spirit of the Act (notwithstanding the somewhat abstruse phraseology of the section in question), steps should be taken to test the legality of the contention of the Lon4 don General Omnibus Co., so far as concerns the re7 sumption of the service from Beehive (Ilford) to Chig-, well Row.
Recent Registrations.
Ebb-nits (Croydon), Ltd. (5000), by Messrs. Biddle, Thorne, Welsford and Gait., 22, Aldermanbiary, E.C., to take over a removal-contracting and warehousing business, Erpro, Ltd. (1500), with its registered office at The Gables, Lingfield, Surrey, to manufacture, build and deal in vehicles, and to carry on business of brass and iron
founders. • Boon Tractors, Ltd. (210,000), with its registered office at 28, Coten End, Warwick, to purchase certain rights and interests from the Boon Traction and Agricultural • Motors, Ltd.
Moul and Co., Ltd. (2000), with iLs registered office at 1, St. Anne's Chambers, Orchard Street, Westminster, S.W., -Le manufacture, jarport and deal in all kinds of speed indicating apparatus, parts thereof, and accessories thereto.•
J. M. Bremner, Ltd. (25000), with
• its registered office at 146, Union Street, Aberdeen, to take over a. motor and cycle-manufacturing and factoring business, now carried on by P. A. Dingiey-, at 35-37, Exchange Street, Aberdeen, as J. M. Bremner.
Mr. A. Codrington.
At a time when interest in agrimotors is becoming widespread, it affords us pleasure to publish a photograph of Mr. A. Codrington, the manager of the Ivel undertaking since its establishment—in 1902—by the late Mr. Dan Albone. Mr. Codrington has attended 'trials in all parts of Europe, and has also visited Egypt and Seuth America., in the interests of the Ivel agrimotor. Re is now forty years old, and makes his headquarters at .BiggIeswade. His company speci'alizes in the 24 h.p. Ivel and in the h.p. Ivel-Ha,rt agrirnotors. It is at the • wheel of one of the latter type that Mr. Codringtori is seen.
He is a man possessed of great personal energy and keen application to work. The Late Lieut. Gerald Samuel.•
The casualty lists recently included the name of Lieut. Gerald George Samuel, the younger son of Sir Marcus Samuel; Bart.., and Lady Samuel. We sympathize with Sir Marcus and his family in the loss which they have sustained, more particularly as we recall the deceased gentleman'S many amiable qualities and his very consider-. able werk in the East End of London on behalf of numerous char;. ties. He was twice wounded, befor,:-. meeting with his death in France on the 8th June.
, Albion Report.'
The directors of the Albion Motor Car Co.,Ltd., are amongst the relatively-few directors of motor manufacturing companies . from whom a full report has this year
been fortheOrning The net profit for the year ended The 31st Decembet last, after making provision for depreciation on building plant and stock, and dednetira managing directors' remuneration, and bonus to employees and after making provision for the 'estimated liability under the Munitions of War and Finance Acts, amounts to 257,174, to which has to be added the balance brought in from the previous year of £19,347. After transferring £25,000 to general reserve thus bringing it up to £60,0;0, there remains a disposable balance of £51,521:
The preference shares absorb £8,032, and an interim dividend of 5 per cent. on the ordinary stock accounts for 26455. A further dividend at the rate of 15 per cent. on the ordinary shares is now declared, amounting to £19,371, leaving a carry-forward of £17,663, Turning to the balance-sheet, we find that investments amount to £168,268, and cash in hand to £14,810. The total issued capital is £263,060.
The annual meeting is fixed for 2.15 p.m. to-day (Thursday), at the Accountants' Hall, 218, St. Vincent Street., Glasgow.
Creditors of the London Motor Fire Co., Ltd. (in voluntary liquidation), are requested to send particulars of their claims to Mr. II. Hackett, 448, Strand, W.C. 2, on or before the 23rd July.
A Removal.
R. Rutherford, the patentee of the self-contained air compressor and air reservoir which is carried within a disc wheel of a pneumatictired vehicle, always', providing air for inflation, has since publication of his patent, which appeared on page 324 of our issue of 7th June, removed to Glenleigh House, Birkheads Road, Reigate, Surrey.
The M.T., A.S.C.,
It afforded us pleasure, on a. recent date, to issue to each of the -principal honorary workers in con-. nection with TRE COMMERCTAL MOTOR Campaign Comforts Fund, which Fund we organized and conducted -throughout the past three winters, a letter of thanks, on
behalf Of the Committee, signed by H.R.H. The Duchess of Fife (Princess Arthur of Connaught), and Mrs. A. 11. Crofton Atkins, wife of the Director of Supplies and Transport.
Leather Shortage.
Now that leather is almost unobtainable many engineers will be interested to learn that Ferod.o fabric can be used with every confidence for coupling joints. A user has recently reported that " Ferocla. fibre has stood up in joint form, very much better than equal thick, nesses of best chrome leathei:n-,' Where little or no .flexion is required Ferodlo fibre will prove most satisfactory. The • maker,. the Herbert Frac:Id...Co., Ltd., Chapelen-le-Frith, will be most pleased to render assistancein solving the problems of any inquirers:
Damage to District Roads in the West. "
Considerable damage is' being done to wain and district roads in the West Country by heavy traction and the hauling of timber far various Government purposes. There was recently held in the City .of Exeter a conference of surveyors and .representatives of nrban and rural district councils, and it was decided to invite the support of the Devonshire County ' Council to a proposal to take up the case of the district roads-as wellas of the main roads, with a view to petitioning the Government for 'financial aid to cover the damage.
Aid for Civilian Motor Drivers in Prison at Ruhleben.
The R.A.O. Prisoners of War Fund, which was -started -in the month of March, 1g16, has for its object the provision of food and other necessaries for the civilian motor drivers who are interned at Ruhleben. The fund is now in urgent need of additional support. We understand that the monthly expenditure is in the vicinity of X.25, and we are able to as,sure our readers that every penny subOribed goes towards the actual cost of parcels. .,Address remittances to The Secretary. Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mali, S.W. 1.
Safety First.
The London "Safety First " Council has followed its poster and leaflet No. 1 entitled , Hints to Drivers," by No. 2, . "Don'ts for Drivers." These warnings are applicable to drivers of all classes of vehicle. The most important of the " Don'ts" are illustrated, and, as before, courteous consideration for other users of the road is suggested as being the principle of good driving. The secretaries of the London !Saiety First" Council would be pleased to supply any or all of these posters and leaflets, on application to 31. Westminster Broadway, S.W. 1.
Driver Acquitted of Manslaughter Charge.
A driver named Albert Thompson, in the employ of Messrs. Leney, brewers, Dover, was acquitted at the Kent Summer Assizes last week on a charge of manslaughter while driving a steam wagon. The driver was assisted in his defence by a contribution from the funds of the Drivers' Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association.
Helping the User to Get More Petrol.
MessrS?“Nrm. Millar and Sons, Italian warehousemen, provision dealers, Wine and spirit merchants, etc., of 75, High Street, Dundee, write to us as follows, concerning the advice which we gave in answer to query No. 4271 :—" We desire to express our best thanks for the information given by you. It has been instrumental in gaining for us a supplementary licence for 28 gallons of petrol per month, which will be a great help."
Exit the Petrol Control Committee.
It was officially announced last week, by the Board of Trade, that the duties which have hitherto been performed by the Petrol Control Committee, with regard to the distribution of petrol for civil and industrial needs, are now in the hands of the Petrol Control Department of the Board of Trade. Sir Albert Stanley has appointed Sir Evan Jones, Bart, .M.Inst.C.E., to be Controller of the new department, Mr. P. L. G. Webb to be Deputy-controller, and Mr. H. W. Cole to be Chief Clerk. Sir Evan Jones, who has been performing wonderful work as Commissioner for Dyes, will retain that position. The office for dealing with the work remains at 19, Berkeley Street, London, W. 1.
• Census of Steam Wagons.
The following particulars are to be furnished, as part of the return to the Ministry of Munitions, concerning which requirements of the Government we write editorially in this issue : --(a) Registered letters and numbers; • (b) owner's name and full address ; (c) maker of lorry ; (d) date on which it was built ; (e) working pressure of boiler lb. sq. in. ; (f) whether steam boiler is fired with coal, coke or oil fuel ; (g) name of insurance company for the boiler ; (h) net carrying capacity of lorry in tons ; (i) weight of lorry unloaded; (j) is the lorry a normal or of a special type; (k) general condition of the lorry and mechanism ; (1) work (if any) on which the lorry and (or) trailer is usually employed.
The particulars must be vouched by the signature of the owner, whose address must be added, and the date on which he supplies the information. Any owner who has a fleet of lorries and trailers must make the return in tabular form. No separate official sheet is being issued for the purpose of the return.
Edinburgh Taxi-fares.
--Higher taxi-fares are now in force in Edinburgh; the charge, for the first mile is Is. 6d., and for additional mileage at the rate of Is. per mile. Distance charges for horsecabs have at the same time been increased by 50 per cent. ; the hiring of horse-cabs by time is now 5s. for ' the first hour, and is. for every quarter of an hour thereafter.
S.M.M.T. Agricultural Section.
It has been decided that the Agricultural Section of the S.M.M.T. shall admit to membership . any individuals, firms, or companies with interests in the manufacture of either complete units or any parts of agricultural machinery. This decision effectively disposes of the suggestion that membership to the section should be confined to.manufacturers or concessionnaires lof complete agrirnotors.
Wrongful Use of Petrol.
The Heekmondwike Co-operative Society, Ltd., was convicted on the 23rd June, for three breaches of the Finance Act, 1916. The case was that the Society had exceeded its authorized supply under licence, and that it had used part of the petrol for purposes other than those for which it was supplied. The evidence showed that the company had twicm, bought' petrol from another licence-holder in the neighbourhood, who did not require the quantity of spirit which had beens authorized' for him by the Petrol Control Committee ; the third charge was that the company had used some of the spirit in an ordins ary motorcar.
It vras contendod for the defence
that only a technical offence had , been committed. The society had sought in DO deceitful way to obtain petrol, and not a pint more spirit than had been sanetiened for use by the Petrol Control Committee had been used. The motorcar in which some of the spirit had been used was admittedly an ordinary motorcar, but it wa-s only engaged on business work.
The magistrates imposed-a fine of 210 in each of the first two cases and .230 in the third case.
Lacre Motor-sweepers.
Further to the paragraph in our issue of the 7th June relating to tenders received by the ,Islington B:C., the following will be read with interest. In the House of Commons on 25th June Mr. Lough asked. the Minister of Muritions whether an application wri2S made by. the Xetropolitan Borough of Islington to the priority branch of the Ministry of Munitions for a certificate sanctioning -them to purchase a motor sweqper frOm the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., from whom a, tender had been received, and whether this application had been refused, and whether such applications had been granted: to other Metropolitan boroughs:. Dr. Addison in reply said :—" It is the case that during the past twelve months a few Motor sweepingmachines were from time to time supplied to borough councils, but the, necessity for the provision of spare parts for motor transport has required the curtailment of permits for motor sweeping machines. The particular application of the Islington Borough Council has been looked into again, and, in view of the fact that it can be completed out of parts already in stock, without much additional expenditure of labour, it has been decided to grant a permit for -its completion. . ."