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5th July 1921, Page 11
5th July 1921
Page 11
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The Single Vehicle for Carrying Passengers and/or Goods. A Vehicle for Station Work and in the Service of Sanatoria.

THE COUNTRY carrier has, since the armistice, been rapidly changing over from horse to motor power. He is following the lead which, on those visits to the towns which serve to link the business and shopping centres with the straggling countryeide, he finds is being set to men of his class, and by following the lead himself he is setting one to those for whom he provides such useful

service. • We have oftimea called attention to the requirements of the country carrier, and at the Royal Show it was most interesting to observe how thoroughly he is being catered for in certainly one quarter. This attempt to meet his needs is not going to be successful without a great deal of thought and study on the part of the body designer ; without almost an intimate knowledge of the demands made upon the country carrier by his patrons and those who employ his services.

We have had the privilege of knowing what was in the minds of Henry Garner, Ltd., of Moseley Motor Works, Birmingham, and when we saw the outcome at the Derby Show (for which the first example was hurried through), we had to i.nifese that the vehicle was eminently sound and practicable, and that we could not suggest any improvement—except in those details to which the designers and triekers had already given attention, details which, in fact, arose out of the rush to get the vehicle ready for tfie Show. I he vehicle is erected on a Mode) 15 30-40 cwt. Garner. chassis, which has a four-cylindered engine, a three-speed gear box, and a double reduction rear axle with dual solid tyres. The body is designed as a front entrance passenger vehicle, a roomy doorway beside the driver giving ready access from the kerb. At the rear there is a crutch or tailboard which carries a folding step, so that an alternative entrance or exit is available for passengers, who normally,

'however; would use the front entrance. The space between the crateh and the roof is closed in by curtains having celluloid windows, and capable of being fastened by turn buttons and of being rolled upwards or diagonally and then fastened by straps. The cratch is arranged to be held in a horizontal position by chains, and if, as isintended, the step which is fitted upon it be sunk so as to offer a level service, the horizontal crateh will be available for supporting a portion of a bulky load.

The driver's seat is wide enough to accommodate a couple of passengers beside the driver, and the latter has a large window behind him, commanding a complete view of the interior. Inside there are five rows of folding seats, each of which will carry four persons with absolute comfort, for the interior width is only an inch or so less than 6 ft. The gangway is staggered, occupying the space of the second seat from the left in the case of the first two rows, whilst it occupies the space of the third seat from the left in the case of the last three

rows. This serves to distribute the weight more evenly when the load is not a full one.

Each seat is provided with a back rest, which is also made to fold, and, hinged on to the single seat—which results in each row from the provision of the gangway—is a bridge seat, which closes the gap in the row and thus accommodates the fourth passenger in the row. The seats are supported by strong, hinged cross-legs cast in metal, spike feet dropping into holes in iron plates screwed to the floor. The seats fold upwards (the back having first been folded down), and are strapped to the window frames. Thus, any possible combination of seating accommodation or open space can be provided up to 22 passengers or 30 cwt. of goods, or any proportion of both. When the seats are folded up and secured, the whole of the interior is available to the full width of the rear opening, as the seats lie well back and do not produce obstructive projections. .

The windows are interesting. The whole of the side above the waist rail is used for lighting, the frame pillars being narrow.. Four large lights are thus provided on either side, and each opening is equipped with a -flexible window of leather with celluloid panels, each window having a iiexible but firm edge. These windows are carried in channels, ang can be.slid up to any position from full open to completely dosed. Springs in the channels make the windows weather-tight, and the space left at the top curvature of the window provides for ventilation without entailing any draught. The windows cannut rattle, nor can the seats, when folded up and strapped in place (or, of eourse, when in use l). Thus, the nuisance of noises is avoided.

On the roof is a stout luggage rail closed with wire mesh, and in front of the driver's seat is a plate glass windscreen; the top right-Isand portion of which opens on gradients. A movable partition is provided to shut off passengers from goods when so desired.

The body space provided is 11 ft. by 6 ft., the overall length from the dashboard being 14 ft. 8 ins. The price of the vehicle complete is £855, whilst for the body alone it is £260.

Besides country carriers' work, we see a big future for such a vehicle for the station work of country estates (for a small extra cost the seats can be upholstered), for use at seaside resorts, for the service of sanatoria, which are invariably situated some dista.nee from a railwayl and for garage proprietors and transport owners who wish to cater for all classes of trade, and to do so on a small capital outay.