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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Liverpool Hauliers Meet.
The Liverpool and District Motor Haulage Oontraetors' Association held its first animal meeting on Thursday night (June 30th), at the Common Hall, Hackies Hey, Mr. F. A. Cawson presiding.
The annual report stated that a complete conference of the Manchester and Liverpool transport associations had been brought about an-cl ageeemente have been entered into for he establishment. of standard rates to he adopted by all the associations in Liverpool and Manchester as soon as. they can be put into operation, which cannot arise until the associations have settled their relationship to the various clearing houses and association traffic schemes. In Manchester this problem has been solved, as the whole of the Manchester organizations identify themselves with the Lancashire Chamber of Transport (Manchester), Ltd. Continuous attempts have been made by the Joint Committee of the Liverpool Transport Association to produce a scheme in which the Liverpool Motor Haulage Clearing Rouse and the NorthWestern Consolidated Traies-porte Ltd., may be made to operate together under the supervision and in line with the interests of the haulage trade of Liverpool. As these negotiations have not terminated, it is not thought opportune to go into details, but members are assured that arrangements are well in hand under which the various organizations in Liverpool and Manchester wifi be able to secure that traffic schemes and clearing houses shall be run in conjunction with trade and not in competition with trade interests.
Reference was made to the reduction in the wages of motormen by 5s. per we, le and the chairman briefly outlined the endeavours; that were being put forward so that traffic should be passed through only bee clearing house in Liverpool.
Mr. Cawson spoke of the trying times through which the haulage trade had passed, and said that perhaps they could console • themselves by the fact that many other trades and businesses had been similarly affected. Before the haulage trade could do any good, it would have to be properly organized, and hauliers would have to rally round their associations: Mr. R. B. Stockdale was elected chairman, Mr. C. C. Morton vice-chairman, Mr. A. J. Barley hon, treasurer, and Mr. Mellish hon. secretary, pro tern., in addition to a strong council.
French Ploughing Tests.
The eutunin series of motor ploegbing tests in France, known as the Sernaine de Motoculture d'Autemne, will be held at Bourget from October 8th to 16th. All kinds of motor ploughing apparatus, including auxiliary outfits, will be allowed to take part. Entries will be received from July 4th to August 14th at the Crimmiesariat General, 30, Avenue de Messine, Paris.
Heavy Vehicles in Municipal Work.
With reference to the article contributed to our issue of June 14th by Mr. Arthur E. Collins, M.Inst.C.E., the City Engineer of Norwich, which deals inter alia with the comparative costs of horse and motor haulage, we have been in correspondence with the euthor.on 'he question of the cost per ten-mile as recorded by him for the haulage of
materials used the engineer's department. Mr. Collins has now been kind enough to give us the full details of the running costs, which show that the figures were correctly given in the article referred to. We hope in our next issue to be able to give the running costs in detail.
Sir Henry Maybury, C.B.
is the president of the Institute of Transport for the year 1921-22, and Mr. E. S.Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., is one of the six vice-presidents, whilst Sir Wm. Joynson-Hicks, Bart., M.P., is the honorary solicitor. The Rt. Hon. Lord Ashfield was elected hon. president some little time ago.
Petrol by Colours.
For many years the only means of indicating to users the grade or quality of petrol, apart from its performance in actual service, has been by the use of differently painted cans. So many distinctive colours of cans are now on the market that the position is somewhat bewildering, and with the advent of the roadside pump a ready means of indentification of the various grades of fuel is of great advantage.
A method of colouring the petrol itself has now been perfected, which, it is said, gives results which are most convincing. To knew that grade 1 is blue and grade 3 red or any combination of colours, and also to be assured that if water happens to be present in the petrol it wili not absorb any of the colour of the spirit, bui remain water-white, will remove many of the minor worries from the minds of users.
In the past difficulties have been experienced in colouring petrol, owing to the fact that complete solubility of dye has not been obtainable, and that the acid nature of the available dyes has caused the petrol to have a corrosive action on metals. As these difficulties have now been overcome, the idea appears to be worthy of exploitation.
The Institute of Metals Journal
A book which should be in the hand of every metallurgist and engineer is tie "Journal of the Institute of Metals," the 25th volumd of which has just made its appearance. The major portion of . the volume is devoted to a number o papers recently read before the institute and a verbatim report of the discussion which followed the reading of each of the papers.
The price of the voleme is 31s. ed. net, and it can be obtained from 36, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.
The Indian market is said to be still in the tight grip of American rnanufactur'ers. A number of Dodge chassis are to be put on the streets of Calcutta as taxicabs.
The Snorer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., have changed their address to 22, Augustus Street, Albany. Street, London, N.W., their new telephoue number being Museum 4824.
A committee of the 131ackpool Corporation has considered the question of estab. lishing a municipal garage and the purchase of motors, and adjourned the matter for a report by the Borough Treasurer.
The Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Agriculture and Fieheries have jointly appointed an inteiedepartmental committee to deal with, and report upon, questions arising in connection with the transport of fruit and vegetables be rail. We notice the name of Mn. W. b. Lobjoit, 0.B.E., J.P., repre• senting the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 'amongst the list of 18 members.
Traffic Developments.
At the Folkestone conference of the Royal Sanitary Institute Mr. H. T. Chapman, county surveyor of Kent, read a paper on roads in .relation to health and prosperity, and said that it was unwise to forecast what would eventuate within the near future, but they had sufficient indication that roads would become of much greater importance both for commercial and other services and that they must receive greater attention than in the past to render them adequate for even present necessities. Dealing with heavy traffic in relation to district roads, Mr. Arthur Lilley, SL1rveyar to the Cheriton District Council, :said that heavy traffic was daily becoming more localized in .character, and roads of the toWn CiT urban type, laid down probably long. before the introduction.or development of such traffic' were, in consequence, seriously affected by ex. oessive wear and tear. Traffic which today might be termed and proved to be " extraordinary "in character, would, he said, no doubt, in time become, by usage and local conditions, ordinary traffic of the district.
Heavy Haulage on Fen Roads.
Reference was made at a recent meetlag of the Spilsbary, 1dncs., Rural District Council to the injury to roads caused by the traction-engine haulage of potatoes. The road surveyor stated that the traffic•had now extended to the district roads with disastrous results, and +during the last two months a heavy traction engine hauling three wagons, and. estimated to carry from 23 to 25 tons of potatoes, had been employed between one of the farms and Eastville Station.
He pointed out that the Fen roads were not constructed to carry that traffic, and unless huge sums, quite beyond the ability of that authority to find, were forthcoming, it was impossible to make them strong enough to carry the weight that was placed upon them.
Laffley Agents.
We understand that the following concerns have been appointed agents for Laffley manufactures in England and the various parts of the world indicated by the place in brackets :—George Heath, Ltd., John Bright Street, Birmingham (Midland); R. H. Carlisle and Co., Ltd., Deariepte, Manchester (Lancashire and district); Capt. G. K. Gilchrist, Garth Lane, Grimsby (Lincolnshire and district); Fleming and Co., Robinson Street, Glasgow (Scotland and Ireland); Tozer, Kenesley, and Mill.' bourn, Ltd., 84, Fenchurch Street (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa); Takata and Co., Ltd., 57, Bishopsgate, E.C.2 (Japan); Sir John Wolfe Barry Lyster and Partners, 2, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster (India); P. T. Wessel and Co., 9, New Broad Street, E.C.2 (Brazil); G. and J. Elliott, 705, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C. (Buenos Ayres and Montevideo).
The Royal Show.
In our report of the Royal Show wo ' toted that the only internal-combustion ploughing windlasses were those by J. and H. lirIcLaren, Ltd., of Leeds. To this must be added another set of internal-combustion engine cable tackle, the Victoria oil-engines for cable ploughing and cultivating, made by Walsh and Clark,JAd., of Guiseley Works, Leeds, and which were staged oil Stand No. 91, with suitable implements. The only agrimotors at Derby working on the caterpillar principle were the Blackstone, on Stand No, 47, the Cletrac, and the Renault. The Blackstone is practically the same model as
the one that took part in the Lincoln trials last year.
The Paterbro a,grimotor was exhibited by Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., on the stand of the A.G.E., together with a separate tractor engine and gearbox as fitted in the Peterbro egrimotor. The Parrett, Sannderson and Case tractors, together with some others, have been reduced in price.
Lamp Agents.
G. Davenport and Co., Ltd., have been appointed sale agents for the United Kingdom and Colonies for the manufactures of W. Sanders and Co. (.1915), Ltd., of Birmingham. The goods include cast aluminium lamps of all descriptions—electric, head e side, tail, and roof lamps and acetylene lamps suitable for commercial vehicles. These laMps are of first-class polished finish and of very neat design; moreover, they have been particularly designed for the hard and laborions usage of commercial service.
As front Jniv 1st the prices of Stewart chassis have been reduced as follow :— Model 11, 15 cwt., from £435 to £395. Model 9, 30 cwt., from £595 to £550.
The beautiful grounds of Melksham House, headquarters of the Avon Sports Club, were the scene on June 25th of most interesting and enjoyable festivities. The occasion was the visit of the staff at the Bristol depot of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.„ to their colleagues at l'slelk,sharn..
In our issue of June 21st we published details of a toast rack coach body fitted on a Maudslay chassis, which had been supplied to Pilot Motors, Ltd., of Preston. We understand that this body was designed and manufactured by the British Commercial Lorry and Engineering Co. Ltd., of Mauchester. It is registered to carry 43 passengers, but in one particular inetanee, a few days ago, it carried, we understand, over 70. We hope to publish an illustration of the completed vehicle in an early issue.
The new Brotherhood steam wagon is. being tried out by a gentleman well qualified to give ass expert opinion of its running capabilities. This is Capt. J. R. Maidens, A.M.I.M.E., manager of the motor department of Schweppes, Ltd, Cant. Maidens is a man who believes in doing a job thoroughly, and the vehicles under his charge are always kept in exceptionally fine condition. lie was educated at Faraday House School, Grantham, and spent SiX years going through the shops of the Grantham Crank and Boiler CO., general engineers. Be followed this by five years as assistant to the works manager of Ruston Hornsby and Sons, of Grantham, where he was designing special machines and appliances for cheapening production. He then entered the service of International Corresponrunes Schools, Kiugswa.y, London, where he was employed in revising and Anglicising Amaricaa text books on machine shop practice, etc. Having completed this task, he was engaged by Sir Arthur Spurgeon, of Messrs. Cassell and Co., La Belle Sauvage, as technical editorial assistant. In 191.1 he joined his present company, was released by them for war service, and became a second lieutenant in the M.T. R.A.S.C., being placed in charge of all production and inspection of M.T. spare parts produced in the London area, i.e., from Lincoln to Cornwall. In this workhe rose eventually to the rank of captain.
Mr, George S. Jones informs us that he has severed his connection with the firm of Massey Bros., coachbuilciers, of Wigan, and has taken over the sales management. of the Northern Counties Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., of Wigan, where lie will deal with all inquires relating to commercial vehicle coachwork. It is his intention to market at an early date a convertible lona, and chara-hancs holy for the Ford chassis.
It is announced that Major Basil Cockrell has resigned his position as general manager of the automobile department of Gaston, Ltd., of Great Portland Street, London, W.
The Dunlop Conversion Set.
In our issue for June 21st we included a short reference to the Dunlop conversion set for Ford onedenners, and in this reference we referred to the fact that the wheels are designed to take the existing tyres, 30 ins. by 3i ins, beaded edge in
front and 32 ins, by ins. single olids at the rear. The latter should have bran straight-sided pneumatic tyres, and not single solids as stated. The Dunlop straight-sided tyre in this ease is of cord construction, and the wheel outfit is so arranged that the operation of removing an old tyre and replacing it by a new one can be done by one man in the course of two or three minutes.
Republic Trucks, Ltd., inform us that., owing to the increase of their business, they have been obliged considerably to extend their premises, and have secured the adjoining block at 196, Great Portland Street, to which address their offices and showrooms have been moved. The original premises, 79-82, Bolsover Street, will be devoted entirely to the purpose of a service station and spare parts store. . Republic Trucks, Ltd., guarantee that. all urgent orders for parts are despatched within one hour of receiving the order.
Austrian Daimler Profits.
The Austrian Daimler Motor Co.'s net profit for 1920 amounted to 3,652,864 kronen, against 1,605,035 for the previous year. The dividend is fixed at 6 per cent., compared with 5 per cent. for 1919.
The report states that during the past business year the conversion of the company's works to peace-time production has been completed. The relatively favourable result is ascribed to the opening up of new trading territories and the consequent development of business. The increase of capital decided upon at last year's general meeting from 40th 120 million kronen has been carried out to the extent of 75 million and the amalgamation of interests by exchange of shares with the Austrian Fiat Works, "Vienna, and the Puch Works at Gratz has also been effected.
American Road Construction.
A tabulated statement of the types of paving in use in 195 American cities at • the beginning of the year 1920 has recently been published. The total area laid is 364,901,611 super yards. Of this area, 28.97 per cent: is sheet asphalt, 16 per cent. is water-bound macadam, 13.96 per cent. brick, 10.23 per cent. is gravel, 10.18 per cent. is stone block, 7.25 per cent asphaltic concrete, 3.91 per cent. bituminous macadam, 2.95 per cent. Portland cement concrete, 2.83 per cent. wood block, 1.75 per cent, asphaltic block, 1.37 per cent. is other nonasphaltic types, and 0.63 per cent, is other asphaltic types.
Producer Gas Plant in Egypt.
The illustrations which we reproduce on this page depict the first lorry to be driven from Cairo to the Mena Hotel at the Pyramids on producer gas, and it gives an indication that commercial vehicle transport is not far behind the times in the land of the Pharaohs.
The lorry is a iit.andard five-ton Ley land, the producer and gas tooling and cleaning outfit being known as the Wells Colonial pattern. This outfit has been designed especially for use in the Dominions arid is suitable for use with inferior coke, cirarcoal or dry coal. It has ample grate area. and a self-clinkering device which, though not. automatic, is substantial and sure in action. It will be noted that. the gas making unit, together with the cooling and scrubbing gear, are. mounted immediately behind the driver. This disposition causes a loss of 2 ft. 6 ins, in platform length, but the roads in this part of the world will not stand up to five-ton loads at high speeds, and when big loads' have to be transported, Wells trailers of two to six-ton capacity are used, the lorry only being loaded with a matter of 1i to 2i tons In order to give road adhesion.
For lighter lorries and tractors a different type of producer is used and fixed alongside, fitted with pecial grates of large areas which can be easily cleaned when running. Simplicity and the ability to use low grade fuels are the main objects in the design. . We are indebted to Mr. J. Wells, consulting engineer, 36, Sharia Falaki, Cairo, for the photographs and brief particulars of the gas producer bearing his name.
Luminous Number Plates.
The Commercial Secretary of His Majesty's Legation at Buenos Aires (Mr. H. 0. Chalkley) has forwarded to the Department of Overseas Trade a translation of the conditions governing a competition for the provision of the most suitable type of luminous number plate for use on all motor vehicles in the city of Buenos Aires. Participants in the competition are required to submit by November 3rd their proposals in writing to the "Mesa. de Eritradas" of the municipality, accompanied by a fullsized model, plan, and description of its working.
After examining the models, plans, and descriptions, a technical committee will make a selection for the purposes of trial of the types considered most suitable.
Ousting the Bullock Cart.
According to a message from Bombay, the depression in the motor trade in India continues, and very few new machines are being imported. The Bombay Municipality proposes to fix special rates of taxation on vehicles without rubber tyres, and also to levy a tax on some vehicles according to their use and weight. This proposal is an attempt to discourage the use of bullock carts in Bombay. If the proposal is passed, more lorries will be required.
Tractor Trials in Turkey.
The Ministry of Agriculture in Turkey has issued a circular notifying a trial of tractors, to be held. over several days, beginning September 5th, in the neighbourhood of the Zeitoum Bournou munition factory.
The conditions of the trial run into 21 articles. Those desirous of taking part in the trial must address the Ministry, giving their naanes in full and addresses as well as the name of the firm each represents. To this application must be attached explanatory notes and informs, tion (in French or Turkish) of the Machine to be submitted to the trial. The approximate price in Turkish currency, delivered f.o.b. Constantinople,
must be filed before August 31st. .
The judges will' be composed of the director-general of agriculture (president), a delegate of the agricultural bank, two mechanical engineers, a delegate of the director-general of industries, two farmers, and the engineer-inchief of the Ministry of Agriculture. Medals will be awarded to the winners.
• Smart Lifeboat Launch by Tractor.
A short time ago one of the Lifeboat Institution's Clayton chain-track tractars for launching lifeboats was sent to the station at Hoylake, and a night practice has just been held, which has shown,, n a remarkable way the value of the motor as an adjunct to life-saving. The practice was carried out exactly under .service conditions. No notice was given to the crew, and a night was chosen when a strong on-shore wind was blowing and. there was a rough sea. The alarm rocket was fired at five minutes to eleven, and at. a quarter past eleven the boat was launched. The night was dark,' and the work was made very much easier by the acetylene headlight which the tractor carried. Not only was it found that the boat was more easily and more promptly launched than had ever been possible with 'horses, but that in the surf the tractor was able to push the boat carriage farther out than horses had been able to. take it. Such a prompt launch under such conditions is tbe best proof one could have both of the high standard of efficiency maintained among the Institii: tion's crews and of the value of the caterpillar-type tractor.
Civil AviatiOn.
In the three months from March 19113, when their London-Paris service started under the Government subsidy, to date, Handley Page Transport, ma., have completed 100 flights. It is especially noteworthy that these flights have been made without one single accident to passengers or pilots, or any damage to the machines or their freights. About 23,000 miles have been flown, and 812 passengers carried. The freight and luggage carried have been of the most mixed variety, goods including furniture, machinery, on several occasions motor spares which were urgently required,. special food delicacies, and live stock.
It appears to be certain that the usefulness and convenience of the air crossing has become clearly recognized by business and pleasure passengers, and firmly established as a means of crossChannel transport.
A Rail View of Cotton Transport.
At the Cotton Conference recently held in Manchester, Mr. Arthur Watson, general manager of the L. and N.W. Railway, made some curious admissions with regard to road transport. It chief characteristic, he said, was that traffic was handled, generally :speaking, less often than were rail-borne consignments. Then he went on to endeavour to prove that, so far as cotton goods were concerned, this rule, did not apply. In this he was unconvincing, and it was generally felt that a leading advocate of the old system of transport had driven home a strong argument. In favour of the new.
A Body for Country Carriers.
A well-designed and interesting type of body, which can be used either as a shooting brake or as a country carrier's vehicle, has recently been producedby Bayleys, Ltd., 42, Newington Caus-eway, London, S.E.1.
The particular example we examined was mounted on a 1 ton Fiat, chassis. The seats, which extend the whole length of the body at each side, are arranged with folding legs and thin upholstery, so that they can be folded up against the sides of the body and clipped into position: Each of the two rows is divided in the centre, so that half the vehicle can be used for carry. lug goods or luggage, whilst the passengers sit on the remaining seats. For use during inclement weather, ' side curtains fitted with celluloid win= dews can be clipped inte position, and at the back is a drop curtain and two full-width doors reaching half-way up. Entrance to the 'body is facilitated by a tip-up step at the rear. If required, the body can be provided with a roof luggage rail and a double windscreen with an adjustable hinged portion for the driver.
The Fiat chassis is mounted on de: tachable steel wheels fitted with single pneumatic tyres at the front and twin pneumatic tyres at therear, the whole thus making a most up-to-date and comfortable vehicle for country work, either in wintertor summer.
Spain's Anti-dumping Precautions.
The new Spanish anti-dumping regulations certainly act to the benefit of the British exporter. For instance, taxes at present rates of exchange on a motor vehicle sent into Spain from this country will be on a ratio of 100, compared with 126 on vehicles from France and 161 on those from Germany. In comparison, Italy will also suffer, but America will benefit to an even greater extent than will this country.
Good Roads.
The good roads movement of China was launched at a well-attended meeting held in Shanghai during May. Permanent officers were elected after the movement was assured of the support of officials, Chambers of Commerce and large business interests. The movement advocates a good road from Shanghai to Nanking and another from Shanghai to Hang chow. In addition, an exhibition of matters and materials connected with good roads is to be held in May, 1922.
Inst. RE.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storeys Gate, S.W.1, on Friday, July 15th, at 7.30 p.m., when all who are interested in matters appertaining to production are invited to attend.
At this meeting Mr. Max R. Lawrence, M.I.M.E., M.I.A.E., will deliver ii paper on "Production and the Engineer."
The proposed actiirities of the Institution during the coming winter session will be outlined.
Another Trade Film.
That the film will ultimately play a big part in trade propaganda has been appreciated for some time, and it would now appear that its effectiveness is beginning to be understood. It is not so long since we reported, in these columns, the exhibition of a film of this kind issued by Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., in connection with the Peterbro tractor. .
The latest development in this connection is a litstle more educative in its nature, but is nevertheless sufficiently interesting to be worthy of a place in the programme ofthe majority of rural cinemas. The particular one we have in mind has been drawn up andprepared on behalf of the Oliver Plough Co., andillustrates very clearly not only the processes necessary for the preparation of a really good seed bed, but also the reasons why that arrangement of the soil particles which has always been recognized as a good seed bed is really so effective. The film itself divides roughly into three parts. lu the first portion the comparative moisture absorbing and retaining properties of various classes of soil, more or less well cultivated, are depicted, this portion including a very fine series showing the growth of a plant.. from the seed. The second portion illustrates the mechanical method of obtaining the necessary seed bed by the use of the plough, disc harrow, roller and cultivator, while the third, taken at the Oliver works, shows how the famous Oliver ploughs are manufactured. Our opportunity to view this film was afforded by Mr. Alfred Dugdale, of 65, Conduit Street, W., who is the 'representative in this country for the Oliver Plough Co.
Vandervell's Activities. .
In consequence of the many alterations and extensions carried out by C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., at their Acton works during the past year and the in' dustrial crisis which followed, they have now decided to launch out into fresh fields of manufacture in addition to that of small hand tools, gauges, jigs, etc., which they have already announced. Evidently these new activities have been misunderstood in some quarters, for it has come to the knowledge of the firm that certain statements have been made that they intended to associate themselves with the manufacture of a car ! This they wish us to deny.
Automobile Standardization.
The automobile .ub-eommittees of the British Engineering Standards Association are already making a start at actual standardization work. Certain proposals for standardization in connection with small fittings which were put forward some little time ago by the Association of British Motor Manufacturers were, we learn, considered at A meeting of Sub-Committee 3 under the chairmanship of Mr. D. Williamson on the morning of June 30th, that date being chosen in order to take advantage of the presence in London of reprhsentatives of the motor industry who were attending the meeting of the A.11134.11. the same afternoon,
Parliament and Coach Accidents.
In the House of Commons one day recently Major Glyn asked the Minister of Transport .how many accidents to passengermarrying motor coaches or omnibuses had been reported to the Ministry of Transport in the last 12 months, and what proportion is that figure to the total number of such vehicles licensed in the United Kingdom ; whether there is any limit to the length, width, or weight of such vehicles ; and whether there is any special examination for drivers of such public carriages?
Replying, Sir Eric Geddes. said that accidents to motor coaches or omnibuses are not necessarily reported to the Ministry of Transport, and any action that may be taken by the. Department usually originates from the reports of such accidents which appear in the public Press. Heavy motorcars are limited to a maximum width of 7 ft. 6 ins. and a maximum weight (unladen, but otherwise St for the road) of 7-!,f tons, under the Heavy Motor Car Orders, 1904 and 1921. There is no maximum length imposed by Order. Where these vehicles are licensed to ply for hire the question of the examination of drivers is within the discretion of the licensing authority. The whole question of the regulation of road vehicles is at present under consideration by a Departmental-Committee.
Birmingham Electric Charges..
The Birmingham Electric Supply De. partment's rates for electric vehicle garaging and charging have been altered and as from July 1st the following charges will apply—
In the Department's Depots.—Subject to accommodation being available from time to time, garaging charges per vehicle will he as follow : (a) 4s per day, 20s. per week (six or seven days), 2s. per visit during day time for boosting purposes. (b) The rate for current will be 2-d. per unit metered into the consumers' batteries.
On Consumers' Premises.—For vehicles charged on consumers' premises, provided arrangements are made for separately metered' circuits., the rate of charge will be 10. per unit metered on the supply mains side of consumers' apparatus.
A Pantomimic Regulation.
The Isle of Man has a very peculiar and equally absurd regulation, . compelling motorists to take out a permit enabling them to use the roads on the Island on the Sunday prior to the T.T. Races. But when a regulation of this description is applied to commercial vehicles engaged in the transport of perishable commodities, such as milk, it assumes a pantomimic importance.
The Isle of Man Dairies, Ltd., supplies one-third of the milk consumed in Douglas, and on this sad Sunday one of their, motors was collecting milk when the driver was stopped by a police officer. A summons followed in due course, and likewise a fine of
Midland Drivers' Pay.
It was reported at the last meeting of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce that the question of drivers' wages had been under the consideration of the Motor Haulage Trade Section, and at the request of the committee ,a special meaing of the Joint Industrial Council had been held to consider the question of a reduction. The employers felt that the time had arrived when the men should submit to: a lowering of rates' to the extent of 4s. a week, the amount of the increase granted to them in January last.
At. the meeting referred to the employees' representatives admitted that there was a certain amount of justification for the employers' request, and a sub-committee was appointed to fully consider the matter.
Nottingham-London Nightly.
Operations in connection with the Motor ..Haulage Section of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce continue to be marked by substantial developments. Despite the sluinp in trade, great success has attended the regular nightly service to London, which has been organized by Mr. W. Donaldson Wright-, the transport. manager of the Chamber, and it is hoped that with more satisfactory general commercial conditions the regular service, may be extended in certain other directions..
New Mexican Oil Well
What is claimed to ho one of the largest wells. over drilled in Mexico and perhaps in the world has recently been brought in by the International Petroleum Co. at Tolteco. The first. flow was 75 per cent, gas, but vith that, it yielded 50,000 barrels of oil daily. It. was expected that, when the gas was exhausted, the flow would be 200,000 barrhls daily.
Enfield's Electrics.
Some interesting figures of the comparative costs of house refuse collection by electric and horse vehicles have been prepared by Mr. A, J. Munro, sanitary inspector to the Enfield District Council. For four men and one electric vehicle the net cost over a period of four weeks was £52 4s,, the refuse. collected amounting to 157 tons, at an average quantity of 6.5 tons of refuse per day. Eight horse vehicles and 16 men engaged on similar work over a like period collected 616 tons of refuse, 3.2 tons being collected on an average per vehicle per day. The net cost for the horse vehicles amounted to £324 13s. 2d.
The cost of collection per ton of refuse was in the case of the electric 10s. 54d., and 10s. 60. for the horse vehicles. Although the difference in tfie cost of collection is only qd. per ton, it must he remembered that double the amount of refuse was collected per day by the electric.
A Lamp Catalogue,
A catalogue is tu hand from J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd., of Birmingham, the makers of Dependence lamps. This catalogue is a genuine attempt on the part of the.manufacturers to combine, in what might otherwise 'have been just an ordinary piece of trade literature, more of the text book's characteristics, and to give much us.eful information on lamp
selection gerferally. The catalogue is well-printed and contains numerous illustrations of the various types of lamps which are referred to at some length in the textual matter.
• Durham's Roliers.
In a report to the Durham County Council the county surveyor says the council now owns LB steam rollers, and he considers that the minimum number which is needed for ordinary normal progress is 24, and it is desirable that this number should be owned by the council. The council at present hires 10 in addition to the 18, and as the number required over 24 fluctuates, it is desirable' that 24 should he the limit for council • owned engines, and that any required' over that number should be hired.
Hiring .at the present rate. costs £330 per annum per engine, excluding driver's wages, oil, and fuel, and if these engines can be purchased at anything about the cost of three yours hire it will be of financial advantage to the council, especially in view of the present exceedingly high price of new engines. He therefore recommends the purchase of six more steam rollers, and suggests that he should get into communication with the, owners of the hired engines with a view to purchase.
Ramsgate-Margate Road Widening.
The Ministry of Transport has approved • the important widening seme of the Ramsgate Corporation for the Rainsgate-Margate road, the estimated cost of which is £12,000, towards which the Ministry contributes 50 per cent. of the cost and the Kent County Council 25 per cent;.
Bristol Roads.
The Bristol Corporation is proposing Uri carry out eAensive road improvements at a cost of £.45,471, towards Which the Ministry of Transport will contribute 50 per cent, of the annual instalments of principal and interest for first-class roads and 25 per cent, on second-class roads, and it has decided to apply to the Ministry for a loan for the purpose.
It is stated that there is no -truth in the rumour that the Fiat works at Turin have been purchased by a German concern.
Trade depression, high running costs, and increased taxes have reduced the number of motor vehicles on the streets of Tokyo (Japan).
The tax on the export of motor vehicles and tractor ploughs from Czecho-Slovakia has been reduced from per cent. to per cent, of the invoice price.
COMMERCIAL MOTOR Local Proceedings.
Th3 Urban Council of -Abersychair (Mon.), has decided to purchase two electric vehicles.
The Malden and Coombe U.D.C. requires a loan of £1,925 for the purchase of a two ten electric lorry for refuse collection.
The Gainsborough Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Messrs. Islossay and Co. to supply an electric tipping 'wagon for £1,324 10s.
Bedwellty U.D.C. will shortly consider a resolution to include in the forthcoming estimates a sum for the purchase of a. motor lorry required for.tho fire brigade.
The Light Railways Committee of the Southend Corporation has adjourned for further consideration until September the proposal to institute a rail-less service of bu_sei.
The question of raising the money required to buy a n-undatir of motorbuses for running a service to Troedyrhiw and Pentysgallog is to be discussed at the next meeting of Merthyr Corporation.
The Town Council of Huddersfield have withdrawn their application to the Ministry of Transport for a regulation limiting the speed of niotor vehicles to 10 m.p.h. on certain roads within the borough, Bethnal Green Guardians, who decided at their last meeting to purchase a Crossley motor ambulance, have now been recommended, on tenders being considered, to defer this matter for .12 months.
Having witnessed a demonstration of the Karrier road sweeper and collector, the Works Committee of '"Wille,sdeir U.D.C. has iitStructed the engineer to report thereon at the next meeting of the committee.
Having considered reports regarding the establishment of a trackless trolley system in the district, Waltharastow Light Railways Committee has instructed the clerk to obtain information as to the procedure necessary for obtaining powers to run vehicles of this description.