News and Comment.
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring irk all its branches; it has the largest and best circulation throughout the United Kingdom, the Colonies, India, and foreign countries generally. No part of our exclusive and valuable circulation is due to the forcing of sales in useless quarters.
A descriptive account of a visit to Ludwig Loewe and Company's works at Berlin will be found on pages 587 and 588.
The creditors of the Motor Traction Company (19o), Ltd., are required to send particulars of their claims by 31st March to the liquidator, Mr. H. Gulliver, 14, Great Winchester Street, E.C.
R.A.C. Report, To-morrow, at four o'clock, at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Judges' report on the R.A.C. trials will be presented.
The same occasion will be used for the distribution of the medals and trophies, except the Army Council's diplomas : the two last-named awards have already reached the Maudslay and the Thornycroft companies which gained them.
The membership of the Commercial Motor Users' Association has already reached a higher proportion of the total owners in the United Kingdom, although the body is barely four years old, than the membership of the Royal Automobile Club discloses in relation to ear owners. Many fresh applications for membership have been received during the past two weeks.
Our Show Specials.
Readers are reminded of the issues for the Igth and 26th instant, and the 2nd proximo. The first of these will contain the first published report of the Agricultural Hall Show, and preliminary notices of the arrangements, exhibits, functions, new models, transmission novelties, and all valuable features for Olympia; the second, which will appear on the opening day of Olympia, will contain Part I of the Olympia Show Report, including .descriptions of exhibits, a commercial classification, an article by the Editor on " Hints for Intending 'Users," as well as two interviews and an article on " Comparisons," also by the Editor; the third, which will be on sale at Olympia for six .days, will contain the first complete report. Those of our readers who know him will agree that Mr. H. G. Burford, the Chairman of the Commercial Vehicle Committee of the S.M.M.T., is no gentle critic, and we are therefore happy to re-quMe his written opinion of Our 1907 Olympia report. It reads : " I should like to congratulate you on your splendid show number. It was quite unique, and a new departure from the ordinary journalism. One could not fail to be struck with the fact that the whole business and production had been produced by men who were thoroughly in touch with the commercial-motor business." We intend to deserve even higher encomiums this year, and we would now advise our readers to order their copies in good time. At the meeting of the Marylebone Borough Council, on 27th February, the General Purposes Committee re. ported that a deputation representing the Councils of Westminster, Kensington, Paddington and Maryiebone had waited upon the Commissioner of Police, and had fully discussed with him the subject of the alleged nuisance occasioned by heavy mOtor and other traffic and street cries and music, of which many complaints had been received. The report added that, whilst it appeared that the police are doing everything they possibly can within their somewhat restricted, powers in dealing with the traffic in question and the other matters dealt with by the deputation, it was hoped that the efforts of the latter would result in some further abatement of the great noises which sa often were a .nuisance. The Motor Supply Co., Ltd., which company is agent for Hercules wheels, has now added considerably to its Piccadilly premises and showrooms.
The Tilbury Motor Body Company, Limited, has been registered, with an authorised capital of Limo in shares, and with its registered office at West Lodge Works, Hammersmith, W.
The Accumulator and Motor Construction Co., Ltd., 262, Holloway Road, London, N., has gone into voluntary liquidation and Mr. Jesse Smith, 79, Queen Street, Cheapside, has been appointed liquidator.
Is it Peace?
A conference between representatives of the various interested associations, on the subject of future Manchester shows, is about to take place in that city. It should be held at the Midland Hotel, to-morrow or Saturday.
The Daily Press.
When responding to the toast of " The Press," on the occasion of the R.A.C.'s send-off dinner which preceded the trials of September and October last, the writer took the opportunity to urge the importance of commercial motoring upon representatives of the daily Press. More and more " dailies " now give at least a column a week to this section of the movement, the contributions to" The Daily Telegraph," "The Glasgow Herald,' " The Newcastle Chronicle," " The Manchester Guardian," and "The Scotsthan " being amongst the best.
Washing Motors in London.
A considerable discussion took place, at Friday's meeting of the Metropolitan Water Board, in regard to charges for water supplies. The Board's Assessment Committee recommended that the charge in respect of trade motors should be dependent upon. horse-power. Mr. John Karslake combated the view that motor vehicles required more water than horse-drawn vehicles, and painted out that it was necessary to conserve the use of water in order to avoid the risk of damage to the mechanical parts. Various other speakers thought that there should he 110 higher charge for commercial motors than for horse-drawn trade vehicles, and Lord Welbv moved an amendment which included a charge of 6s. per annum for trade vehicles when drawn by horses. He did not, however, vary the originai recommendation in respect of trade motor's, and, his amendment being carried, it is evident that the question a the charge for trade motors was left untouched, and -that the view of the Metropolitan Water Board is that charges should be dependent upon their power—an obviously erroneous basis, and one which calls for notice by the Fuel Supplies.
Ariel, Giant, Pratt's, and Shell, the established brands of petroleum spirit for use by commercial motors, are now in very general favour throughout the country.
At Southampton.
The Local Government Board has sanctioned the expenditure of .4.750, in respect of the purchase of a motor fireengine, by the Southampton Town Council, as part of a sum of £5,200 for fire-brigade purposes, including the erection of a central station.
Halley Tower Wagon.
An illustration of a 2oh.p., Halley, tramway-repairs, .tower wagon will be found on page 571. This has been doing excellent work for the Tramways Department of the Glasgow Corporation, and Halley 's Industrial Motors, Limited, of Yoker, Glasgow, will be happy to submit specifications and prices to any corporation or tramway company.
The Latest Lacres.
The illustration on page 585 is of the first Lacre vans which were purchased by Dickens arid Jones, Limited, the photograph being taken outside that company's premises in Regent Street, W. These machines have been running with great regularity for the past 18 months, and we shall not be surprised to hear of the placing of repeat orders at, or before, the forthcoming Olympia Exhibition.
A "Royal Windsor" Van.
We illustrate, on this page, a 3035cwt., " Royal Windsor " motorvan, built by the Industrial Motor Company, of 59, Thames Street, Windsor. This van has been fitted with a very roomy body, for the accommodation of furni, ture. The dimensions of this body are : to feet 6 inches long, with 9 feet 3 inches of clear space behind the driver's seat. The body work at the bottom is 5 feet 6 inches wide, and
5 feet to inches wide at the tilt. It is
6 feet 3 inches high. The chassis is of the new, standard i7h.p. 2-cylinder type, and is of very strong construction.
An Ivel Motor in Aberdeenshire.
Messrs. Barclay, Ross and Tough, of Aberdeen, recently supplied an Ivel agricultural motor to a well-known farmer in the Newton (Old Deer) district, and its working has attracted much attention locally.
Mr. G. P. Muir, A.M.I.C.E., has left the employ of . J. Tyior and Sons, Limited, of Belle Isle, King's Cross, where he was engaged as departmental manager of the petrol-engine section, and has taken up a new engagement with Gynnes, Limited, the well-known makers of large centrifugal pumps.
More Maudslays.
The War-Office authorities, on the 27th ultimo, took of their three-ton Maudslay lorry. This vehicle was ordered as a result of the R.A.C. trials, but the Maudslay Motor Company, Limited, was unable to give delivery of the machine which competed, owing to the extent of its engagements for demonstrations. The Midland Railway Company will shortly take delivery of a Maudslay two-ton chassis, which it is intended to use for the conveyance of 12 passengers and to cwt. of luggage. An example of this new-type chassis will in all probability he ready for Olympia.
Motors for Western Africa.
The Crown Agents for the Colonies are sending to Nigeria two "Sidcleley" cars built by the Woiselev Tool and Motor Car Co.., Ltd., of York Street,
Westminster. One is a four-seated phaeton, fitted with Cape cart hood, and it is intended for the personal use of the Governor, Sir Percy Girouard, RE., K.C.M.G., D.S.O. The left hand front seat is removable, so that the spacecan he occupied for sleeping, or may be titled with a stretcher for the purpose of carrying an invalid. The second car is to be used as a luggage cart, and for the native attendants. Both cars are equipped with 18h.p., four-cylinder, " Siddeley "engines, and
Elastes-filled tires. The vehicles are painted dark green, and the upholstery is khaki-coloured leather with removable canvas covers for protection.
A Fire Brigade's Request.
The Newport (Mon.) Fire Brigade, which is commanded by Captain Horace S. Lyric, wants the corporation of that borough to buy a motor fireengine, at an estimated cost of £r,000.
A Witness Necessary.
The Trade Information Department of the S.M.M.T. notifies, with reference to the published details of the Australian tariff (see our issue of the 3oth January, page 473 ante), that the signature to the .form of certificate of origin there given requires to be witnessed.
Easter Trips.
Readers of this journal, who may be able to get away for the Easter holidays, should bear in mind the special bookings which are offered by the South Eastern and Chatham Railway Company, for Paris and the .Riviera. Full particulars may be obtained on application to the Continental Department, General Manager's office, London Bridge, S.F.:.
A Week's Dispatches.
The works of Dennis Brothers, Limited, of Guildford, witnessed the dispatch, during the week ended the 29th ultimo, of : three ambulances to the Metropolitan Asylums Board; one 3-ton van to the Barnsley Co-operative Society ; one 2-ton chassis to the Bristol Wagon Company ; one 35h.p traveller's brougham to Messrs. J. Watts and Company (London); one •3-ton lorry to Messrs. Edward Ripley and Sons, of the Bradford Dyers' Association; and one 4-ton lorry to Lever Brothers, Limited, of Port Sunlight.
Alleged Road Damage.
A joint committee of the Ayrshire and Renfrewshire County Councils sat, on the t9th ultimo, in the Merchants' House, 7, West George Street, Glasgow, for the purpose of discussing the condition of the toad between Kilmarneck and Glasgow, and was met by some half dozen users of vans and lorries. No satisfactory arrangement was reached, and we are sorry to think that two progressive county councils should consider that they are doing their duty in allowing this road to fall into its present state. They might-well take lessons from Northumberland and Lancashire, or, to go nearer to their own locality, Eifeshire.
Enterprise at Exeter.
Gould Brothers, Ltd., of 4 and 5, Southern Hay, Exeter, is a company whose managing director, Mr. Ernest Gould, means to be in the forefront of all local developments commercially. Apart from this company's preparedness to handle good agencies, Mr. Gould has turned out a smart little van for light loads himself, by an admirable adaptation of a 12h.p. chassis. He is row giving trials to local tradesmen, in order to convince them of the advertisement, dispatch, and unequalled facilities for pleasing customers which the possession of such a vehicle confers, The Exeter firms whose chiefs fail to respond will indeed show themselves to be behind the Limes.
A Well-Deserved Punishment.
The driver of a tractor in Lancashire had an unusual experience a few weeks ago, and the result has been somewhat unpleasant for the police constable. The P.C. insisted On serving a summons for smoke emission, upon the driver's wife, two days after her confinement, and the MEM very properly summoned him for this most serious action. As a result, he was convicted, fined and dismissed the force after 18 years of service. Combustion.
Professor W. A. Bone, D.Sc., at his last Friday evening's discourse at the Royal Institution, conducted a number of interesting experiments in further demonstration of his campaign against the view that there is a preferential combustion of hydrogen when hydro. carbons are internally burnt in an explosion motor. Professor Hone has been able to strengthen the views which he advanced before the Institution ciAutomobile Engineers, in November, 1906 (see our issue of the r5th of that month, Vol. IV, No. 8, page 2o7), mid
we are glad to see this confirmatonevidence in support of the extended use of high-gravity Borneo spirit,
Testing a Motorcar.
The first general meeting of the Graduates Section of the Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers was held, on Tuesday, the 25th February, at 8 p.m., over 40 graduates and. friends being present. Dr. H. S. HeleShaw, F.R,S., took the chair, and a paper was read by Mr. L. H. Basker ville-Cosway on The methods of testing a motorcar."