News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
I.A.E. in Scotland.
A branch of the Institution of Automobile Engineers has been formed for Scotland. Mr. T. C. Pullinger has been elected chairman of the section, with the following gentlemen as a provisional committee :—Messrs. J. F. Henderson, Laurence Bell, G. H. Cutbush, G. Deane Russel, H. Perrot, J. Carlaw, W. L. Spence, and W. J. Thomson. Mr. G. E. McCaw is the hon. sec., at 63, Kilbowie Road.
New Registration.
The Maryport Motor Berizole Co., Ltd., with an authorized capi
tal of £10,000 in shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to carry on the business of refiners and distillers of benzole, etc.: also to enter into an agreement with the St. Helens Colliery and Brickworks Co., Ltd., the Flimby and Broughton Moor Coal and Fire Brick Co., Ltd., the Oughterside Coal Co., Ltd., and W. M. Irwin.
Government Contracts.
The following tenders have been accepted during the past month by the Government Departments
named :—War Office : petrolelectric lorry, W. A. Stevens, Ltd., Maidstone, India Office (Store Department): motorcar, Wolseley Tool and Motorcar Co., Ltd., Birmingham ; road rollers, Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd., Lincoln, and Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Gainsborougb. Crown Agents for the Colonies: motor-mail van, J. and E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford, Kent ; steam motor wagon, Avehng and Porter, Ltd., Rochester. Post Office: Conveyance of Mails, J. W. Scott, Oldham, E. M. Vining, Croydon, and E. Smithies, Sheffield. Paper Before the I.A.E.
On Wednesday next, the 11th inst., Mr. F. W. Lanellester will read a paper on "Engine Balancing" before the Institution of Automobile Engineers, at eight o'clock.
By Niulliners, of Northampton.
We learn that Messrs. Mulliner, of Northampton, have taken up the agency for Dennis commercial motors for the counties of Northants, Hunts., Beds., Rutland and Bucks., together with caitain options for an extended area. Messrs. .Mulliner bold a Dennis two-ton demonstration van at the disposal of intending Customers.
Australian Tariff.
Apropos the removal of the duty of 20 per cent. ad valorem on steam wagons, which we reported six weeks ago, we observe that " The Motor in Australia " comments in its issue of January last upon the increasing output figures, for the years 1010-1))13 inclusive, which were supplied by the Editor of THE COVMERCIAL MOTOR, and which carried so much weight in convincing the Commonwealth authorities that they must effect the desired re-classification. Steam wagons now fall under Tariff Items 380 (D) and (E). The latter speci
fies that " chassis of motormra, lta-riea and wagons (but not including rubber tires)" shall enter free, if from the United Kingdom. Steam wagons were previously exeluded from its operation.
Dennis Testimony.
A Bristol owner, Samuel Shield, Ltd., of the Filton Laundry, recently gave a user's opinion to intending Plymouth purchasers, Messrs. Mumford of that city, in respect of Dennis motorva,ns. We quote from the letter that was sent to Messrs. Mumford :—" We have been thoroughly satisfied with the running of our Dennis motorvans. We had our first van from them seven years ago ; after running it continuously for over three years, we had it overhauled and thoroughly repaired, since when it has run another four years, and apparently is in very good order. We have had our second van four years, and that one is still running and giving every satisfaction. These vans are rarely ever idle, and each of them runs about 900 miles per month. We cannot give you better testimony than to say that we have this week signed a contract with Messrs. Dennis Bros. for two more similar vans."
Halleys in Canada.
Canadian Halley's Motors, Ltd., which is a company registered under the Dominion Government, is already in full operation, with its head offices and repair depot at 10, Colborne Street, Montreal. A complete range of special Halley models, particularly to suit Canadian requirements, is now in stock at this address, and/demand has been much encouraged by the recent Montreal Show, at which the Canadian Halley Co. exhibited. Users in Canada will have thesame facilities for obtaining repairs and spare 'parts as if they were in Great Britain. The staff of this Canadian company was trained in the Halley works at Yoker ; it is under the immediate control of Mr, Chas. Bell, who was recently the Halley representative in Denmark. Mr. Chas. Pimin, who was also for a, time in the Yoker works, is general manager of the company. Branch offices and sub-agents are being established, from east to west, and the first such appointment was given to Messrs. P. E. Harris and Co., of Vancouver. This firm has a demonstration Halley vehicle in its hands.
Devonport's Experience, The Devonport Corporation has reported as to the working of a Maim steam wagon for 18 months. It has been regularly in service for six days per week, with the exception of three days for a boiler Mspection. Gas coke was used, and the consumption has been proved to be 13 cwt. weekly, on short point-topoint haulage, unloading steamers and conveying the coal to the gas works. The saving over horse haulage has been considerable, and the Corporation has recently ordered two more Mann vehicles, this time for dust-collection and street-watering, making a total of five—of that make exclusively.
A Second-hand Business.
Vary considerable business in connection with the sale of the better examples of second-hand commercial models is carried on by Mr. W. Hinman, consulting engineer, of 19 and 21, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. This business has grown so much recently, that Mr. Rinman has now taken over extensive premises at Albert Embankment, where he, as a rule, has up to 20 modern second-hand commercial models available for inspection. One of the most successful transactions in respect of the absorption of second-hand machines in which Mr. Rinman has been interested has been the acquisition, by Stockvis and Zonen, Ltd., of Rotterdam, of what is described as the largest second-hand fleet of commercial models employed by any one firm in existence, A Petrol-Electric Visit.
The London graduates of the I.A.E. paid a. visit on Saturday, the 21st ultimo, to the works of W. A. Stevens, Ltd., at Maidstone, where the " petrol-electrics " come from, where they were received by Mr. W. A. Stevens, his assistant (Mr. Barnwell), and other members of the staff. The factory gave the visitors a capital impression of what a modern works can be like in respect of lighting, ventilation, and last, but not least, arrangement of machine-tools. In every department plenty of room has been left for expansion, and throughout the shops there is a. network of trolley lines, with numerous turn-tables, for the conveyance. of components and material. Among the many interesting features shown the engine
testing plant was particularly admired ; the engines, which, while on test, are run on town gas, are each coupled to a dynamo, and, besides giving accurate comparisons of b.h.p,, the latter generate elec tricity which helps to drive the whole factory plant ; this is suffi cient to render unnecessary the installation of additional plant by the town electricity-supply undertaking. It was unfortunate that certain changes of date militated against the attendances at the later C.M.1.7. A. lectures in London, hut we learn that Mr. G. W. Watson, who kindly gave those lectures, has consented to make definite arrangements to give other series, both in London and the Provinces, during the next winter season.