In the Transport Committee there are those who believe that
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charging should extend to all roads on the grounds that targeting only the TEN (Trans European Network) will bump HGV traffic onto minor roads.
Dutch MEP Corien Wortmann-Kool warned about making the directive too complicated, saying: "Its already been greatly expanded. We will get a compromise, but it's almost expected we will have a row with the Council of Ministers. I would prefer you to remain lean and mean rather than offer hostages to fortune. Leave it to the member states."
Other MEPs warned caution.
"Earmarking is crucial. If you get it right, fine, if you get it wrong, you achieve nothing," said one, "Let's start with the TEN roads and see if that works. If it does, we can go further. First we have to evaluate if there has been a reduction in noise and congestion. If not, you have just put an extra cost on the transport sector and achieved nothing."
German MEP Eva Lichtenberger believes that restricting charges to TEN roads will miss some of the worst spots. "In Munich, there are side roads that are all lorries. We need to tackle this gradually. But lorries are not just moving important things from A to B they also cause huge problems; nuisance; people's health; destruction of the environment. We must take precautions now The economy will benefit if it can plan ahead. We must not be put off by queries and lobbyists."
Wortmann-Kool disagreed, "Five-hundred-and-thirty amendments indicate there is a broad discontent about this. Given the crisis in the transport industry, we should postpone it indefinitely this is the aim of the 30 amendments I have submitted. If it does go through, all income from this tax should be used for road maintenance."
"The large number of amendments Mrs Wortmann-Kool refers to is not an indication of criticism, it shows interest," said UK Labour MEP Brian Simpson. ''The rapporteur is trying to find a way between the 'do nothing faction and the 'must go further' faction. To succeed, he will need the v,,isdom of Solomon combined with the negotiating skills of the Jnited Nations. I wish him luck!"
Rapporteur Said El Khadraoui is confident of success. He said: 'I believe we will get a majority behind the core ideas."