Answers to Queries.
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any Points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a direct reply is desired, a stamped and addressed envelope should be enclosed : if a request for privacy ts not specially made, any query and answer may be published. Some replies, owing to pressure on our space, are held several weeks.
Second-hand Rubber.
[1,603] 44 SYSTEMATIC writes I have a certain amount of old rubber, for which I should like to find a market. Where can 1 sell it:"
Aleswmt.—A. W. Leslie, of 119, Stoke Newington Road, NE,, is one of the besteknown secondhand rubber dealers in London.
The "Tel" Recording Speedometer.
[1,601] " Mauses " write :—" Would you kindly put its Iii touch with the makers or suppliers of the recording speedometer described in one of your issues of last. mouth:' The instrument is called the ' Tel.' Thanking you in anticipation."
ANSWER-The •' Tel " recording speedometer was described in our sister journal '• The Motor " recently, and not in THE COMMERCIAL MOTORMeSSI'S. Elliott Bros., of Leicester Square, W.C., are the agents. but we are unable to give you the name of the manufacturers.
The Hiring of Motor-brakes in London.
LI.605] ‘• LODGE" writes.—" I should esteem it a favour if you could advise me the most-likelyparties to convey ti party by motor-brakes for an outing ANSWER.—We do not think you will get any motorbrakes in London, but you can always lure ordinary motorbuses. You should apply to the Great Eastern London Motor 'Omnibus Co., Ltd., of 2. Bank Buildings. Walt ha mstow, atici the -London Genera I Om t ib is Co.. Ltd., of 9, Grosvenor Road, S.W., or to other of the London omnibus companies.
For the Conveyance of Wool.
11.606] DcwsBuRy " writes :—" I am contemplating buying a motor wagon for carrying sheets of wool; it must be capable of earrying from three up to ten sheets. and it will be used, mostly, for local traffic. It will have to cover about 100 miles per week. ve carrying weight will he from 3 cwt. up to 30 cwt. Do you know where I could obtain one, and what it will cost per mile to run? "
ANSWER.—You cannot do better, in your district, than apply to Clayton and Co., Ltd., of tiuddersfield. The cost should not exceed 6d. per mile run, all included, and it will fall as the mileage per week is increased.
Public-service Drivers at Tunbridge Wells.
LI.607] "PLYMOUTH " writes :—" Asa regular reader of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, I should be very pleased if you can give me any information on the following. I have written for a situation et Tunbridge Wells, Kent, to drive a Leyland char-ii-bancs. and I have received a letter from the manager to say that I must get a Motor Union Public Service Certificate before the local authorities will grant air licence. I have driven in London. Laneaslnire, Sussex, and Devon, and have never heard of ouch a thing before. I very much want to get up to that port. otherwice I stioull let it no. I hold a Scotland-Yard lieencf for Milnes-Dainder. Straker-Srinire. and Dennis vehicles. nnd should have thought seine would have been sufficient testimony that I could drive. I have been drivine nearly five years, and have some exeellent references."
ANSWER.--WO consider the alleged requirement of the Tunbridge Wells Council an extraordinary one, in view of the experience which is quoted. We are. however, informed by the Town Clerk that the Watch Committee is willing to grant motor-omnibus drivers' licenees to applicants holding the Scotland-Yard driving licence. A Swedish Enquiry.
1:1,60S7 " MOTOR AGENT " writes :—" I take the liberty of asking you to give me one or two addressee of some
motor firms selling light trucks about one ton. We hope to be able to do some good business with this type of car. As you are well aware, our roads are not very good here, and, therefore, we are anxious to get an extraordinarily-strongly-built and reliable van at a moderate price—ENO to £200."
AxswEre—You cannot net a one-ton truck for anything like the price you name. Cheap small trucks include those sold by Sturmey Motors, Ltd., of Widdrington Road, Coventry, and the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., of 1-5, Poland Street, London, W.
More MotAr Fire-engines.
L1.609] "lows SURVEYOR " writes.—" My council are about to consider the advisability of buying a fire-engine. I thought if a motor (petrol) could be had on a small scale. with sets of interchangeable wheels, to combine, if possible, a light roller and watering cart, it would be advantageous. Might T ask you to be good enough to let me have ve the names of firms in that line, to which I could address air queries."
ANSWER.—Tha trouble about the scheme you suggest resides in the fact that a fire-engine is required to travel at high speeds, whilst a roller is best used at low speeds. The discrepancy in the rate of travelling between a fireengine and a watering-cart is not, of course, so great. You will do well to address preliminary inquiries to the undernoted manufacturers:
Argylls, Ltd., Alexandria, N.B. Barford anti Perkins, Peterborough. The 13.17.13.T. Co., Ltd., 36, Causton Street, Vauxhall Bridge Road. S.W. Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lanes.
.1 din I. Thorny-croft and Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.
Purchase by Public Authorities: A Query as to Advertisement for Tenders.
L1.010] " MANcracttame " writes.—" I beg to enquire ii liether. tinder the Public Health Act, or any other Act. muttiripal and other public bodies are obliged to advertise their requirements when they are asking quotations for flue supply of goods or. say. a motor fire-engine, or whether the requirements of any suck Act are met by their merely inviting several known makers to tender? I have been told that there must he a public advertisement, by which I mean the point as to whether the advertisement ' should b.: in the triadic Press?"
ANswEa.--There is an obligation on certain public bodies to advertise their requirements, but such obligation is a limited one. It applies only to urban authorities, i.e.. urban district councils and to boroughs, and the value ur amount of the contract must amount to or exceed £100: in such cases, before any contract is entered into, 10 days' public notice at. the least must he given, expressing ihe nature and purpose thereof, and inviting tenders for the execution of the same. We do not think there is any obligation on the local authorities in question to advertise their requirements in the public Press. No particular manner of giving notice is prescribed, and, presumably. public notice means by advertisement. on placards posted at. the offices of the-local authorities or other public buildings or in the local papers.
Axles Breaking.
[1,611] " Non's " write:—"We are troubled with breaking axles l in. diameter, front wheels, on —
banes. Could you inform us what kind of steel to specify, and where to get it forged—near Sheffield, or in the North-Country district. We enclose an end-view sketch showing breakage. The gross front-axle load is 2:5 cwt. per wheel, and it is a two-ton chassis."
ANSWER. —We suggest that you get a good grade of nickel steel, and a very-suitable one for your purpose would be a three-per-cent. nickel steel made by William Jessop and Sons, Ltd., of Brightside Works, Sheffield. When you have a new axle-arm made, you should allow a very-liberal radius at the point marked " A " in your sketch, which we have returned. The sudden ehange of section undoubtedly contributes largely to the fraeture, and you may find it possible, by boring out the inner
ends of the hubs to suit, to increase the radius at the root of the axle-arm by a considerable amount.
Motoreabs on the Hire-purchase System.
[1,612] " writes—'' Could you inform me of a few meturcab firms which supply cabs on the hire-purchase system?" ANswEa.—Motorcabs are supplied on the hire-purchase system, or were at one time so supplied, by, amongst others, the undernoted makers: Argyll Motors, Ltd., Alexandria, N.B. Belsize Motors, Ltd., Clayton, Manchester. Humber, Ltd., Coventry. Mann and Overtons, Ltd., 15, Commercial Road, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. (Unies).
A deposit of £100 is usually required, and the balance spread over a period of anything between 15 and 20 months. Other makers may do this class of business.