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Clear view for p.s.v. drivers with heated screens

5th May 1967, Page 42
5th May 1967
Page 42
Page 42, 5th May 1967 — Clear view for p.s.v. drivers with heated screens
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A NEW safety option was introduced to p.s.v. manufacturers and operators at a recent demonstration in Birmingham—electricallyheated glasses for buses and coaches. They were also shown the latest developments in manufacture of large electrically-heated windscreens. The demonstration was held by Triplex Safety Glass Co. Ltd., and showed how heated screens could provide drivers with clear vision under all climatic conditions. Under test the windscreens proved effective in clearing ice formed in a temperature of minus 30°C.

It was shown that heated screens—in laminated glass—were a simple product to include in a vehicle's specification. Wide screens could now be made in sizes up to 84 in. wide by 48 in. deep, with power requirements of 50-55 watts per sq. ft.

Triplex are now able to produce very large toughened windscreens up to 120 in. by 60 in. in size for p.s.v. and can also produce long curved eaveslights up to 100 in. in length.