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Cl The footnote to the article on the use

5th May 1967, Page 75
5th May 1967
Page 75
Page 75, 5th May 1967 — Cl The footnote to the article on the use
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of liquefied propane gas for road vehicle propulsion published in the March 24 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR is somewhat ambiguous in that the quoted statement of a spokesman of HM Customs and Excise does not clearly establish whether employing propane or butane to operate a road vehicle power unit is legal. Could you clarify the position?

AWhile it is legal to run a vehicle engine

on LPG it is understood that producers have agreed not to supply gas for this purpose. Although road vehicles are being operated experimentally on LPG it is doubtful whether any equipment maker would agree to convert a car or commercial vehicle power unit. If an operator wishes to run a vehicle on LPG to obtain performance data and could arrange for a conversion and supply of fuel, he would be well advised to notify HM Customs and Excise of his intention.