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TIR service network by BLMC

5th May 1972, Page 20
5th May 1972
Page 20
Page 20, 5th May 1972 — TIR service network by BLMC
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• British Leyland has set up a Europea truck service organization designed to serv British and European haulage operator using the major trans-European true) routes.

The network consists of over 300 servic points strategically placed at or near mah freighting centres and close to pan European lorry routes and autobahnen.

Many of the spares and service agent have served one or more British Leylani truck marques in the past but will now fore the company's first integrated network ti serve all marques.

Service agents will carry a stock of "fas moving parts" for British Leyland vehicle on TIR work. They will also be served by: 24-hour "vehicle off the road" parts servic operating from truck and bus division' central parts depots in the UK. This servic will deliver to the service point within 2, hours of order in the event of a TIR vehicli having a service problem.

A comprehensive gazetteer of the nei work is available to haulage operator and gives full details of all service points.