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12 You have recently answered queries regarding the requirement for

5th May 1972, Page 49
5th May 1972
Page 49
Page 49, 5th May 1972 — 12 You have recently answered queries regarding the requirement for
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

hgv driving licences and rear reflective markers 2R vehicles used with demountable body systems.

Could you advise me if such a vehicle veighing under 30cwt unladen without its 5ody and under 3.5 tons gross plated veight is liable for heavy goods vehicle Innual testing?Theactual vehicle concerned '$ a Ford Transit chassis which, together vith sub frame and demountable equipment, as a taxation weight of 26cwt. With the body included the total unladen weight is in the region of 35/36cwt and the vehicle is plated for operation at 3.22 tons gvw.

Could you also tell me if this vehicle needs to be specified on an operator's licence? AThe, vehicle you have described is liable

to annual heavy goods vehicle testing because the requirement for the test applies to all goods carrying vehicles more than 30cwt unladen (with certain special exemptions which do not include normal goods carrying vehicles).

For the purpose of these regulations the unladen weight of the vehicle is the weight of the chassis and the body together, which in the case of the vehicle you mention is 35/36cwt (ie over the 30cwt limit). The fact that for taxation purposes a special concession allows excise duty to be assessed on the weight of the chassis only with this type of vehicle has no bearing whatever on the actual unladen weight of the vehicle which is a measure of demarcation for other regulations.

The vehicle can, however, be operated without an operator's licence because it comes within the scope of the definition of "small" vehicles which are exempt from the requirement as set out in the appropriate regulations. A small vehicle is one which, if it is unplated, has an unladen weight of not more than 30cwt or, if it is plated, has a plated gross weight of not more than 3.5 tons.

Your vehicle comes into the latter category with a plated weight of 3.22 tons gvw and is therefore exempt.