Time for operators to do their duty on duty
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Who will you be voting for? Ray Dickson reckons whoever gets into power, the industry should be preparing to flex its muscles over fuel duty.
Today will almost certainly determine what kind of future our industry faces over the next five years.As I write this,a week ahead of the general election, news is coming through that hauliers in Scotland and North Wales are threatening action against the WorkingTirne Directive and increasing diesel prices, By the time you read this matters might have escalated as they did successfully (whatever anyone else says) in 2000.
The main problem is the timing — with the government dissolved at present there's no-one there to respond immediately to the protesters' demands. My counsel would be to wait until after the election before taking any concerted action. Should Messrs Blair and Brown be returned to office, as seems likely, an immediate offensive to seek a reduction in the ludicrous amount of duty added to the basic price of diesel would not be unreasonable.
It's a raw deal
The vast majority of transport companies believe we are getting an unfair deal. Competition from abroad is, for some unknown reason, allowed to avoid many of the constraints placed upon UK hauliers as they come over with their tanks full of cheap fuel. Customers in general are unwilling to pay more for our services and we cannot continue to pay increasing diesel prices.
Something has to give and unfortunately it's often the transport company that crumbles.
To date I have received two manifestos addressed to our company: one from UKIP and the other from the Conservative party.The latter was interesting. Signed by shadow Transport Secretary Dr Liam Fox, it offers a number of pledges for the transport industry: • To consult the industry on Lorry Road User Charging • To help ease worries over illegal stowaways • To look at the industry's unfair fuel tax burden • To review the 40mph speed limit for trucks on suitable single carriageways.
Amazingly it seems that someone has actually been listening to the genuine grievances that people in our industry want addressing.
But whoever forms the next government, it is vital for our survival that they hear our voice. Diesel is only going to increase in price and the percentage taken as duty has to be reduced for the transport industry.As for the WTD, the longer it is in force the more credibility it accrues.
Do your duty
Today we can do our duty at the ballot box; but tomorrow we may have to give serious consideration to doing our duty, whatever shortterm pain may be necessary, to enable our industry to survive.
It all comes down to duty at the end of day! •