The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," is now of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar. the steam wagon and the ambulance.
Is a Compensation Court Wanted?
There is increasing evidence of unrest amongst owners who have been financially hurt by the consequences of impressment methods. The whole matter is now before the C.M.U.A. We deal with certain points on page 172. It is obviously an awkward subject.
Proposals and Purchases.
The Twickenham U.D.C. has bought a Dennis motor fire-engine, at £1125.
Brentford Board of Guardians is about to purchase a " general utility " motor vehicle.
Bootle Town Council wants tenders, addressed to the Chairman of the Health Committee, for the supply of two petrol motor ambulances, and two bedding vans to fit the chassis, before the 21st inst.
Edinburgh Town Council, on the 27th ult., discussed the recommendation of its Plans and Works Committee, to the effect that Merryweather fire-engines with plungertype pumps should be ordered ; a minority of two of the Committee was of the opinion that Dennis fireengines with turbine-type pumps siMuld be ordered. The difference in price in favour of Messrs. Dennis was £339 on two engines. When the recommendation came before the full Council, an amendment was moved by Mr. Crawford, seconded by Mr. Bruce Lindsay, in favour of buying both engines with turbine pumps. Judge Laing proposed one of each type, and this was seconded by Mr. Scott. The decision to divide the order was carried by 23 votes to 22.
e22 The directors of Napier Motors, Ltd., of Acton, W., and 14, New Burlington Street, W., have decided to market three commercial models for the year 1915. These are : 16-20 h.p. chassis, for 15-cwt. net loads; 20-24 h.p. chassis, for two-ton net loads ; 40 h.p, chassis, for four-ton net loads.
Paddington Borough Council has refused to apnrove proposals for the taxation of motorbuses.
The Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P., is now chairman of the joint committee of the British Red Cross Society and the St. John Ambulance Association.
Numerous reductions of London motorbus services have been rendered nocessary by the transference to France and Belgium of upwards of 1000 complete motorbuses.
We deal elsewhere in this issue with the satisfactory progress of our " Campaign Comforts " Fund. We appeal particularly for the establishment of weekly collections or appropriations at works and depots, and point out. that a yield of 3s. per week per local fund, during the next three months, from 100 centres, would provide an aggregate addition to the Fund of no less than .E195.
U.S.A. Getting Busy.
We reported the recent shipment of 400 9-ton chassis per single ship, from New York, in our issue of last week. We are now in a position to state that other large consignments of trucks have already gone direct to Russia, presumably from the western seaboard of the United States, and that the French Government has completed the purchase from various U.S.A. makers of 1400 trucks. The Pierce-Arrow works at Bid, falo are now giving delivery, for war purposes, of 10 standard twoton chassis daily. The risk of seizure as contraband of war domes not dismay American manufacturers, so long as their consignments are addressed to one of the entente Powers. British makers have,i,lost this trade through inability to inceEtise 'output quickly:
The North Riding County Council has decided that the new bridge at West Burton shall be known as the Flanders Bridge.
More Motorbuses Impressed.
Birmingham' Edinburgh and West Eridgford have to be added to the list of motorbus undertakings which have suffered through corn_mandeering.
Good Sunbeam Business.
The Sunbeam Motor Car Co., .1td., has issued its report to Slst August ; the' profit for the year, after paying all expenses of -management. and allowances for 'depreciation and income tax, was £70,064.
Albions for Carriers.
The first of a new type of Albion carrier's van has just been supplied to Mr. E. Harrison, carrier, of Ashford, Kent, It has a single-deck body and rear entrance, whilst the box seat accommodates the driver and two passengers. There is accommodation for considerable roof luggage.
Driving Chain Found.
The Pytchley Autocar Co., Ltd., of the Cross, Banbury, has in its possession a large driving chain which was found on the road between Banbury and Oxford. If this chain has been lost by any reader Of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR he will do well to write direct to the above-named company with full particulars of his loss as proof of ownership.
Retrogression in Essex.
A resolution by Mr. R. W. Puddicombe, suggesting that the Essex County Councils Association, oppose the alarming growth of steam and motor traffic on our main roads, and prevent them from travelling on the roada distance of three miles, except where there is no available railway or canal," it is needless to say was characterized by other speakers as "perfectly ridiculous ''and " futile."
"W. and G." Ambulances.
Capt. George du Oros, Lieut. W. du Cros, and Lieut. Lyne-Stephens are now in command of a motorambulance convoy consisting of 91 "W. and G." ambulances, with two travelling workshops, three stores lorries, three officers' cars (presentea by the above gentlemen), and 10 motorcycles. The personnel extends to five officers, eight non-commissioned officers, and 136 men. This new ambulance convoy now forms a permanent unit of the Army Service Corps, and is the first of its kind. Mr. Arthur du Cros, M.P., was one of the prime movers in raising the fund and equipment. This is a singula,rly well-found column, complete in every detail. Inst. A.E.
On Wednesday next, the 11th Inst., a paper entitled "Retail Transport ' will be read by Mr. A. Ludlow Clayden and Mr. Harold Burchall. The meeting will take place in the hall of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W.,at 8 p.m. Tickets of admission may be obtained on ,application from Mr. Basil -Fl. Joy, secretary of the Inst. A.E., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. ---.Kr4col-4Ohnston Activities.
We have referred recently to the full occupation of the Arrol-Johnston works at Dumfries and Paisley. Beardmore aero engines are being assembled in large numbers, in addition to the production of commercial vehicles, whilst orders for Arrol-Johnston cars are being placed afresh in promising numbers. Mr. T. C. Pullinger has been able ouiekly to re-arrange and maintain output.
We have received a notification. from the Shrewsbury and ChaHiner Tyre Co., Ltd., that a new office has been opened by that concern in Leeds for the convenience of Yorkshire users. The address is Crown Chambers, 9, Albion Street, Leeds (telephone, 5284 Central). Mr. J. E. lieirby, who has represented the company for many years, is in
charge. There is also a fitting depot, on the premises of Mr. Hutchinson, Wellington Bridge.
The following is the notice from the War Office to which we refer editorially on pages 171172 :— "I am commanded to inform you that it has been brought to the notice of the Army Council that in many instances it has become the practice to remove the identification marks from vehicles employed on military service.
"Moreover, the Council desire me to say that except in very special circumstances, where the exigencies of the service require that no delay occurs in car rying out important military services, all drivers of motor vehicles employed by the military authorities, whether soldiers or civilians, should conform to the regulations regarding speed, and should observe the rule of the road as regards other traffi c.
"The use of the letters ' 0:H.M.S.' and the removal of the ordinary identification marks have already caused considerable inconvenience and much unnecessary labour in cases where motor vehicles alleged to have been in military me at the time have been involved in accidents.
" I am therefore to request that you will be good enough to issue instructions to all concerned in your command that so far as military vehicles are concerned, the practice above referred to is to cease forthwith, and that all such motor vehicles are to carry proper identification marks, and that the use of the letters 0.H.M.S.' as an identification is not permitted.—(Signed B. B. CT:13171."
Gloves for Active Service.
In the course of the early stages of the organization of our Campaign Comforts Fund distribution, we have, of course, had to consider a large number of types of suitable gloves which we might include. It will be recalled that we have decided to concentrate very, largely upon supplies of tobacco and gloves, although matches, suitably packed, chocolate and woollen goods will also be included in considerable quantities. Amongst the samples of gloves which we have selected, and have already sent out to our representatives at the Front; with a view to an early choice as to their relative suitability for actual conditions on the spot, are two pairs supplied by A. H. Selwyn, Ltd., of a special kind. These two are taken
trom a remarkable range of samples which have reached us from this house. The American material in many of them is of what is known as Asbe.stol horsehide, and this, as a matter of fact, represents a process by which the gloves, whilst being made to withstand heat, steam, water and washing tests, still remain soft and pliable.
S.M.M.T. Exclusions.
After hearing representatives attending the meeting, and reading correspondence from other members affected, the following were excluded from membership :— Austrian Daimler Motor Co., Ltd. ; British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd. ; Bruhn's Taxameter, Ltd. ; Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. ; Fafnir Werke (Aaehener Stahlwaarenfabrik) Aktiengesellschaft; Fischer's Ball and Bearing Co. ; Janson Cars, Ltd. ; Krupp Fried, Aktiengesellschaft ; Mathis A.G. ; MilnesDaimler-Mercedes, Ltd. ; Peter Union Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. ; Reichstein Gebruder ; Stoewers (London), Ltd. ; Tonelyte Manufacturing Co. ; and Zeiss Carl (London), Ltd. We learn from a West Country correspondent that whilst recently travelling between Honiton and Chard he encountered a column of 12 chain-driven Peerless three-tanners, together with one or two overtype chassis of some other American make which he did not recognize. These were all in the hands of Canadians ; the whole column was en route for Salisbury