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Preliminary Notices of Some of the More Interesting Exhibits.
,r, HE DISPLAY of accessories and components suitable for employment on and attachment to commercial-motor chassis and vehicles, will, when the doom of Olympia open to the public on Friday, 15th instant, prove to be more extensive than has ever been possible in any previous exhibition with similar aims. The components embrace assembled parts from engines to „rear axles, and their details from the proverbial split pin to an axle easing, a heavy forging and a complicated casting. Radiators, magnetos, ignition sets, engine details, chassis, gearwheels, bearings, joints, lubrication devices, will interest designers and constructors as well as users. The latter will find much to interest them, as well, in_ those additions, such as lamps, speedometers, mileometers, tools, etc., which make for convenience, independence, and careful and reliable running. We give, necessarily in the briefest form, an indication of the display which will be made by the various concerns handling these classes of goods.
A. C. Sparking Plug Co., Ltd.
Sparking Hugs. Stand No. 206
A selection of A. C. Titan sparking plugs will be displayed. The.. company are showing sections of their plugs in order to demonstrate the quality of the insulator, and the strength and gas. tightness obtainable by their patented method of assembly. Another feature will be their carbon proof plug, which has a corrugated porcelain.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd.
Lighting. Stand No. 181
Most heavy vehicle users are aware of the Allen-Liversidge system of lighting, and Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., of .106, Victoria Strlset, S.W., will he demonstrating on their stand this system, for which they have'become justly renowned. AllenLiversidge generators and Allen-Liverridge cast-aluminium lamps will be shown. The lamps are cast in two pieces only, and are specially designed and constructed to stand rough usage and exces
sive vibration. Allen-Liversidge dissolved acetylene in cylinders, which is becoming increasingly popular with commercial vehicle owners, as it forms a reliable form of lighting, will also be exhibited.
Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 138
This company's exhibit will consist of equipment for the bulk storage and supply of petrol and lubricating offs, which represents the most up-to-date method of handling moTor fiael. The Pumps employed are said to be dust-proof, leakproof, and fire-proof, and accuracy of measure is guaranteed. The type of pump• with which the public will become most familiar is the five-gallon green roadside pump, whi6h is intended for kerbsiile use outside garages; where it would save a great deal of time to drivers in refilling their tanks.
Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Co. Motor Spirit. Stand No. 192 Pa,ckskr-es and specimens illustrating the well-known brands of Mex motor spirit and Empire vaporizing oil for tractors and other portable and stationary oil engines will be shown on the stand occupied by this company.
Apollo Plug M'f'g. Co., Ltd. Sparking Plugs. Stand No. 137
Apollo plugs of four types will be shown by this company. These comprise the No. 1 super mica plug, the L.C.B. / in. plug for the Ford engine, the L.C.13. ALA. M. in. thread or metric size plug
made in solid brass, and the Buick model made for nab on American vehicles having engines with A.L:A.M. thread with 1 in. reach Apollo electric horns will also be shown. This horn was first introduced to the British public in 1908, and, being a serviceable instrument, has become very popular. Both the path and the volume of sound emitted from this horn may be adjusted in a few seconds to suit individual requirements. To effect this
end, the number of vibrations can be varied, and all that is necessary is to turn the screw which carries one of the contact points either to the left or to the right. A large numbe± of vibrations per second produces a high tone, and a smaller number a correspondingly low tone. The main adjustment for volume and souud consists in bringing the mecha... nism either closer or further away from the diaphragm.
, S. F. Bowser and Co.
Petrol Storage. Stand No. 136 The Bowser system of netrol storage is well known to most commereial vehicle users, and on this stand tanks for underground mid above-ground storage will be exhibited. Several types of self-measuring pumps will also be on view, as well as petrol portable steel tanks suitable for use in garages, and lubricating oil tanks which provide a convenient, clean and economical method of storing oil: Bramco, Ltd.
Components. _ ' Stand-No. 201 As there are well over 20 individual exhibits on this stand,. it is impossible for us to refer to any of them in detail. We will, therefore, confine ourselves to a tabulation. The following, among others, will be shown :—" Olson" one ton units for converting Ford chassis into one ton lorries; " Olson " chassis extensions -for increasing Ford chassis length by 30 -ins.; " COtta " four-speed gearboxes; " Ross " steering gears; " Bramcolite " aluminium alloy pistons; See. via" recorders "Wisconsin" engines; " Cameron " four-cylinder vertical air-cooled engines; "Wizard" mechanically operated air pumps; "Blooming" " camps; the "Humistat " ; `` Aerolia " disc wood -wheels; "Syracuse" pressure gauges for tyre pimps; roller bearing spring inserts; " Wiiard " screen cleaners; "Nays" cotter pin pullers; " Diamond " chains; " Zigzag ' radiators, etc.
B.L.I. Co.
Magnetos. Stand No. 208
Since the use of German Magnetos Las become taboo, 13..L.I.C. magnetos, amongst others of English make, have become-very popular amongst commercial vehicle WWI's, and the service and reliability which they give are certainly not inferior to that obtained from those of foreign origin. A -number of B.L.I.C. magnetos suitable for commercial vehicle engineS of all types and sizes will be -shown, aS. well as • a large selection of magneto spare parts and components. Working models of the most popular -types of B.L.I.C. magnetos . are bound to attract much attention.
British Petroleum. Co.., Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 150 Methods illustrative of the transport and storage of motor spirit will attract visitors to this stand, where also will be found an array of the familiar blue tins in which E.P. No. 1 and No. Z fuels are marketed.
B.T.H. Co., Ltd. • Magnetos. Stand No, 142 The exhibit of the British Thomson. Houston Co. includes models of lorry engine magnetos standardized by the company. The different types are to be shown mounted on pedestals and driven by electric motors, so that the sparking characteristics" at low and high speeds may be observed. The ,types to be shown are 0-3, G4, and 06 for three, four, and six-cylinder engines respera
tively, and the E.W.4 and E.W.6 types for four and six-cylinder engines. The B.T.11. impulse starter for use with type G magnetos is also to be shown. This device is Of simple construction, and enables the engine to be started with minimum of effort. Fahroil silent timing gears and Mazda electitie lamp bulbs complete the exhibit.
British .Thnken, Ltd.
Bearings. Stand No. 196
A comprehensive range of Timken tapered roller bearings suitable for all classes of application from Ford front wheels up to the heaviest type of tractor wheels and transmission gear will be exhibited by this Birmingham concern. One of the interesting features 'will be the Ford conversion roller bearing, which is specially designed for the front wheels of the Ford chassis. A selection of the finished components from which Timken roller bearings are constructed will also be exhibited. Two further exhibits of interest to commercial-vehicle owners will be shown, viz., a demonstration hub embodying a detachable wheel, and a gearbox showing the operation of Timken hearings.
The company will also exhibit a set of Timken Detroit commercial vehicle axles (a front axle and a worm-driven rear axle) both equipped throughout with Timken roller bearings.
British Trans. Co. Ltd
Components. Stand No. 200
This company of component specialists will stage three models of B.T.C. gearboxes made under Dux patents suitable for light vans, vans up to 2 ton capacity and heavier vehicles, B.T.C. back axles, bevel-driven for taxicab use and wormdriven for vehicles of between 30 cwt. and 4 ton capacity, B.T.C. front axles in four models, and B.T.C. steering gear of heavy and medium types. Various models of universal joints will also he on view, as well as an example of a. 40 h.p single sleeve-valve engine made under Burt-McCollum patents.
Breit, Ltd.
Electric Equipment. Stand No. 125
Additional to dynamos an starters, Messrs. BroIt will exhibit several types of switchboards, brass and cut-outs, and a series of component parts. The Brolt equipment is widely known, and all dynamos of this make have a system of forced ventilation. Three, standard sizes are manufactured.
Brown, Bayley's Steel Works.
Steel. Stand No. 211
This company's exhibit can be divided into two sections, those articles manufactured by them, and articles manufactured from their material by independent users. Under the first heading can be included laminated steel springs for heavy traction, back axles for steam wagons, engine valves, aero engine crankshafts, die blocks for drop stampings, whilst in the second section we include stampings, gears, ball bearings, ball races, clutch jaws, spindles for machine tools, etc.
Brown Bros., Ltd.
All Accessories. Stand No. 162
The riingeenf accessories to be shown by this Great Eastern Street concern is so comprehensive that we cannot refer In any particuiar exhibit in great detail. Suffice it to say that mechanical tyre pumps, horns, mileage recorders, accumulators, lubrica,tors (oil and grease tools and tool-kits, the Duco spring gaiters, and various types of electric and acetylene lamps made in aluminium and brass will he on show.
The Irvine Brook non-skid will also be exhibited: This accessory is"comPosed,of a chain of malleable iron shoes shaped to fit into the groove formed by twin tyr. The shoe are, joined by steal li.sess pivoted to allow each shoe to work independently. This presents an even tread to the road. With the winter before us, this accessory should merit attention. As might be expected, spare parts and accessories for Ford vans will be shown in great quantities.
Bulpitt and Sons, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. Ill Amongst. the accessories to be staged by this company will be the Aklis-Bulpitt headlamp and the Wilesinith rnuni grade fuel economiser and B.A.P.P carburetter. The advantages offered by the company's headlight are due to the shape of the reflector, the design. of the incandescent filament, and the provision for accurately correlating the two to each other so as to give a standard beam, as well as to the saientific method of mounting.
Car and General Insurance.
Insurance. Stand No. 195
Commercial vehicle insurance prospectuses and policies applicable to all classes of. motor vehicles used for commercial purposes, such as agrieultin al vehicles., passenger-hiring vehicles, trade and garage vehicles, municipal vehicles' etc., will be dealt with on tO19. stand., Members of the, company's staff will be in, attendance to elucidate insurance problems for users.
Challenge Oil Co., Ltd.
Oils. Stand No. 194
The following goods will be shown by the above company :—Lorry and tractor oils and greases, petroleum jelly, carbide of calcium, etc.
Robert W. Coan.
Castings. tand No. 189
The stand occupied by this alnminium expert will be found in the gallery. Messrs. COIM will display S specimen of their general work in aluminium castings, both sand and die, from the smallest-to the largest. The repair section will have exhibits of work in this department, whilst the number-plate section will have a foil display of the now well-known high-grade number-plates in all shapes supplied by this company. Specimen-s of lettering and trade mark designs recently introduced on the same principle of silver polished lettering on a black background, which forms a very legible result, will also be on view. Van owners will he interested in the step mats shown.
Conner Magneto Co..
Magnetos. Stand No. 152
Various models of this company's magnetos suitable for commercial vehicle use, including several interesting moving exhibits demonstrating the efficiency of these machines, will be displayed. The C.M.I. impulse starter will be shown in sections. C.M.I., Ltd., have .developed -a very efficient secondary hattery ignition system, and a running exhibit will be on view demonstrating the uniform spark produced. Lamps, secondary batteries, and other accessories made by the parent concern, the General Electric Co.. of ' Great Britain, Ltd., will also be exhibited.
Cooper-Stewart Eng. Co.
Speedometers. Stand No. 145
Stewart speedometers have given much satisfaction to many commercial vehicle users, and on this company's stand an entirely new design will be shown. Model M3, as it is called, is of sturdy design, the ca'sing being in one solid casting. The instrument works on the rotary principle, and the hood is solid, so that it is impossible to tamper with the interior. Stewart mechanical and. etectrie warning signals, Stewart sparking plugs made in sizes to fit all types of 'engines, the Standex lubricating system, which is automatic in its action and is for use an Ford vehicles, and. the Standex petrol gauge for Ford vehicles will also be shown.
Cooper, Webb-Jones and Co.
Body Fittings. Stand No. 146
This company's exhibit at the Show will consist of a complete range of body fittings for use on the interiorand exterior of lorries, chars-6,-banes, and taxicabs. Of special interest is Jackson's patent char-a-bancs hood fitting, of which the company are the sole manufacturers. As an indication of its usefulness, we e might mention that over 1,300 sets of this fitting have been supplied. This device consists of a male and female attachment of fingers to prevent, the hood sticks coming into contact with and wearing the 'hood material. It is made in solid brass, solid nickel, filed iron, and enamelled iron.
A specially designed' type of windscreen for char-a-banes bodies, built to withstand heavy vibration, will also be shown. It is exceptionally strong, being made in a 1 in. metal frame, the driver's half of it being split in two in order to swing open. An example of the screen without the opening will be shown suitable for use on lorries. For taxicab use, screens, head „fittings, 'seats, etc., will be on view.
Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.
Chains. Stand No.
The exhibit of this company is divided into five sections, these being: (a) motor loyry auxiliary drives by the Coventry inverted tooth noiseless 'chains, N.D. and N.L. 'types; (h) Models of camshaft and auxiliary drives; (c) models of change speed gearboxes; (d) a selection of Coventry roller chains; (e) photographs of interesting applications of chain gearing to motor vehicles.
Coventry Radiator Co.
Radiators. Stand No. 188 This concern is one of the foremost manufacturers of commercial vehicle radiators, and their long experience in the construction of this type of component is reflected in their present-day productions. Controlling, as they do, the production of their own materials, this corripa.ny are able to select the best for each particular type, and to this end they have established their' ownfoundry for the production of castings, viz., aluminium, brass, and iron, together with a. tube mill for drawing brass and copper tubes. Other parts. such a,s gills, etc., are produced on their own premises. In the production of the tube element or centre the usual method of assembly adopted is by means of jigs and templets to ensure accuracy, and each tube before fitting is subjected to an air pressure test in. water. After the completion of the radiator, it 1-9 immersed in water, and finally tested to an air pressure of 15 lb. per sq,uare inch. Various types of radiators made for particular commercial chassis will be shown on this stand.
. Degory No-Jet Carb. Co.
Carburetters. Stand No. 116 The most striking feature about the T i
egory carburetter s the absence of a jet, and, moreover, the carburetter has no springs or valves. Tt follows normal carburetter practice in two essentials only, .these being the float-chamber and the-throttle; beyond this the Degory is a complete departure from previousIy.
accepted methods of carburation. Its method of operation is. as follows :—The spirit is fed to the float chamber in the usual way and controlled by a needle and a brass float. From the float c38 chamber it passes through two channels, one main passage for normal running, :and the other being a smaller orifice for slow running.
W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd.
Engines.. Stand No. 161 A comprehensive display of engines will be staged on this engine maker's , stand. In all five different models will be shown, ranging from the 10 h.p. 4M.V. suitable for light cars, lighting sets, or small water craft, up to the h 40 .p. type 4J.0., of which two examples will be on view, one running on paraffin and the other on petrol. It is impossible for us to do justice to these engines in the space at our disposal, but in one of our Show issues we hope to refer to their construction at greater length.
Dowson and Mason Gas Co.
Pumps. Stand No. 110 This company's exhibit will consist of bulk storage appliances and self-measuring pumps for petrol and lubricating oils, and the like. These appliances offer a convenient means of handling liquids of any description.
Drummond Bros., Ltd.
Machine Tools. Stand No. 168
Drummond machine tools need no introduction, and A complete range of them will be shown, as well as special attachments for garage service and repair work, one example of each type being in actual operation. Various types of lathes will Occupy much space on the stand. Amongst these will be the new 1921 3L in. lathe. This will be shown arranged separately on the stand for a treadle drive and with self-contained electric motor drive with new indexing, milling, ar,d gesr-cutting attachment. This is the latest forM of the originsil Drummond 3i in,lathe first marketed in 1902. The drive is now by a flat belt. The treadle drive and self-contained electric motor drive arrangements of a sensitive radial (garage) drilling machine with a new type
standard will be in operation. Other machine tools will also he on view.
The exhibits will form an illustration of the present policy of the company, which is to build machine tools of the medium-size class to fine limits of accuracy, and by making an almost unlimited series of special Attachments, to render these machines adaptable for a comprehensive range of work.
Eural Patents, Ltd.
Horn Operator Stand No. 199
The horn operator which will be staged by this company dispenses with the need for a horn with a rubber bulb, and en this account, is claimed to be more effective in operation. This device has a flat ring situated within the steering wheel, which, depressed at any point, Causes the mechanism to issue, a warning signal.
Englebert and CO.
Lubricants. Stand No. 149
17arious greases and lubricants will he shown by this 6ompany, amongst them being cylinder and valve oil, cylinderand enguie oil for all makes of steam wagons, and heavy and medium engine , oil and gear oil ; lubricating greases will also be well displayed.
Ferodo, Ltd.
Friction Linings. — Stand No. 205_
Ferodo brake and clutch linings need " no introduction. The outstanding feature' of this company's exhibit will be the new non-wire brake and clutch material Ferebestos. This lining is of pure asbestos and contains no metal. By the company's patent method of die pleasing, each piece is subjected to an hydraulic pressure of 1,000 tons. Thus a great density is obtained, resulting in. increased gripping power arid durability. The material is homogeneous and non porous, and has a friction co-efficient of .3.
Other lines to Ve Shown by Ferodo, Ltd., include new methods of lining Ford traromission brake bands, and the
Company's well-known bonded asbestos reinforced wire, Ferodo .fibre, Ferodo Bonaest, and Ferodo step board canvas.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 155
The stand of this company is in the gallery, and on it they will 'show examples of Ca,rburine motor spirit, Glico motor spirit, Glico National benzoic, Glico white spirit, and other similar products for which they are well known.
Hall and Hall, Ltd.
Jointing. Stand No. 163
Hidlite motor jointing has a graphite surface and is impervious to petrol, oil and grease. As well as this material, flanged washers, rotary pump packing, and similar material will he on view.
George Hatch, Ltd.
Tools. Stand No. 143
The above company will show a wide selection of machine tools suitable for motor vehicle repair shops, and also a range of engineers' hand tools suitable either 'for workshop use or tool kits. Other accessories on view will be four jaw independent lathe chucks, milling :cutters, steel bolts and nuts, taper pins, steel keys, whilst a full range of Barrett lifting jacks for commercial vehicle. employment will also be on view.
Steam wagon users will be particularly interested in Hatchite jointing, M,anzel and Rochester lubricators, and a selection ..of indicators.
Hays, Standen and Co., Ltd.
Brake Linings. Stand No. 202
For brakes to he efficient in operation, it is very necessary to have a good brake lining, and the use of inferior material may result in an untoward happening. Those commercial vehicle users employing the brake and clutch linings made by this company should have no fear in this respect, for Don linings have been well tried by many commercial vehicle users and given satisfaction trader arduous working conditions. Various classes of brake and clutch linings will be shown,
together with aluminium rivets for use with them.
The company are sole representatives for Heavy Stampings, Ltd., ef Middlesbrough, and in this connection they will exhibit a variety of drop forgings particularly -manufactured for commercial vehicle use.
t H. M. Hobson, Ltd.
Carburetters. — Stand No. 131
-Various types of the well-known Claudel-Hobsna carburetter willbe. ex' hibited. These carburettera enjoy a 'great" popularity in the commercial vehicle world, and they are fitted". as atandand on several makes of lorries, including the Leyland, 'Dennis, 'Commer. Car, A.E.C., Caledou, etc.
Char-lt-banes proprietors will be most interested in the window regulator. This is a mechanical device for raising. or lowering windows. It should be particularly advantageous for de luxe char-abanes bodies, for it does away with the old-fashioned strap and button.
Samples of shook absorbers and sparking plugs will complete this company's exhibit.
Hoffman Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Bearings. Stand No. 212
Most visitors will be familiar with the above company's products, and on their stand will be shown a full range of Steel balls and rollers, and ball and roller bearings. Other exhibits will comprise a. short length of shafting .fitted with patent line shaft bearings, a donble-reduction back axle manufactured by Leyland Motors, Ltd., equipped with Hoffmann bearings, and special thrust bearings far the worm shafting of the Fordson tractor.
Of the various bearings shown the company's roller journal bearing will naturally be a prominent feature, as-if is particularly suitable for commercial vehicle use. The design af this hearing is such that both races should be secured longitudinally. This bearing is not, intended to be employed at any point where it if liable to he subjected to end thrusts. unless thrust bearings are used.
Hollingdrake and Son, Ltd.
. The Drakeson recorder is to be exhibited on the above stand. It. is a novel and simple device for recording the movements of a vehicle. It consists of a circular dial, actuated by eight:day clockwork, which rotates once in 24 hours. •A paper chart dividedinto 24 hours is secured to the dial by means of a thumbscrew to allow the .chart to be replaced by a new one when required. . Above the dial is a recording pencil of lead kept in contact with the chart by a weighted piston that automatically. feeds by gravity as the lead wears away. The instrument affords a reliable check upon all running time and the duration of every stop.
Hoyt Metal Co., Ltd.
Metals. Stand No. 153
Standard brands of babbitt (or antifriction)... metals, as well as a selectiOn of 'accurate die-east bearings will be shown
on this 'company's stand. .
The exhibitors recomniend their No. 11 alloy. and I.C.E. qualities for commercial arid other vehicles. No. II alloy is very largely employed ln lorries, banes, -and. chars-a-banes', and it is said that buses 'have run 45;000 miles without the need for "taking up ". the. bearings. Diecast bearings in Hoyt metals are true ti .001 in. and are ready to fit, machining being unnecessary', . As special dies" have to be made; these hearings are for repeti
tion work only. •
Specimen bearings and connecting rods are to be shown on the stand, illustrating the application of Hoyt metals. Castings in the form of bars, short tubes, and half-round hollow bars will also he on vie Nit.
Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 122
Amongst the motor-vehicle accessories to be shown by this company will be lamps, horns, tool kits, pumps; etc., together with Tangye jacks, which have given such satisfaction to commercial vehicleuseri. These jacks are of solid construction, and particularly serviceable for commercial lorry work.
Kirkstall Forge, Ltd.
Axles. Stand No. 166
The Butler-Davis patent back axle, which is manufactured solely by the Kirkstalt Forge,. Ltd., of Leeds will be shown. It consists of a solid sieel drop stamping,. the two weight-carrying arras being all in one piece with the lower portion of the differential case, the whole forming a very strong unit. Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., are specialists in rear axle construction, and the present patent axle is the result of exhaustive experimental work extending over many years.
J. Lucas, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 133
Headlamps, side lamps, tail lamps, in fact, lamps of all descriptions, will be staged by this Birmingham company, as well -as a dynamo lighting set complete, Maydyno lighting and ignition \ sets complete, Thomson-Bennett magnetos with and without impulse starters, selfcontained acetylene headlights, as well as such accessories as horns, jacks wrenches, oilers, Mirrors, etc.
Marks Steering Co., Ltd.
Steerig Gears. Stand No. 156
The' patent cam and rocker steering geara made by this company; which we have already described in our pages, will be the exhibit of this concern. A complete gear will be shown, as well as a skeleton model cut away as much as possible so as to show the working parts in operation. Four steering gears will be shown in all, whilst there will also be a selection of cam and rocker shafts as separate units.
Masta Steel Works, 'Ltd.
Steels. Stand No. 112
A feature of this company's display -will be a comprehensive exhibition of Mesta King of High. Speed steels. Five brands of this steel are made. Cases containing frastures of each 'Of these steels Will be on the stand. Crucible cast tool steel, alloy steels, case-hardening mild steel, ordinary mild steel, and carbon steels will be shown, together with forgings, stampings, worms, gears, crankshafts, and similar components to meet the various needs of engineers.
H. Miller and,Co, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 119
Lamps of all descriptions designed for use on commercial vehicles ,are to he staged. Among them will be the Miller , electric set, the dynamo and lamp 'holders being constructed to withstand the rough usage of commercial-vehicle service. The company's acetylene equipment is made with the headlamps and generators combined, the lamps being of steel, and the generators of brass.
National Benzole Co., Ltd.
Benzole. Stand No. 204
National benzole and a special lubricating oil, which the company have just marketed for use with benzole or motor „spirits containing a percentage of ben zoic. As this is a new feature it is bound to 'create a deal of interest. An instructive booklet dealing with the company's products will be obtainable from the stand.
R. D. Nichol and Co.
Oils. Stand No. 123
Dragon Fly oils, .W1, W2, and W3, will be shown. The first named is a heavy-bodied oil, the second a mediumbodied oil, and the third grade a lightbodied oil, which is specially suitable for the lubrication of Ford engines. Dragon Fly gear oil and Dragon Fly motor grease will also be shown on this stand.
North and Sons, Ltd.
Magnetos, etc. Stand No. 164
Standard models of Watford magnetos, and also a new model magneto in which movable extensions to the pole shoes are connected with the spark advance lever, will be among the accessories on view. A new mileage indicator specially constructed for use on commercial vehicles, the Watford speedometer, and the Watford dashboard clock will complete this company's range of exhibits.
J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 144
The leading feature on this company's stand will be the Dependence Model de Luxe side lamp. This lamp will be given the position"of honour on the stand, because • the company believe that on account of its design it will appeal. to all owners and users of commercial vehicles. A lamp burning paraffin test has proved
the remarkable light-giving qualities of this model, andvisitors will be 'able to iee the actual and certified result of a photometric test applied to this lamp. Many other models will be on view.
Pettett's Safety Filler Co.
Petrol Fillers. Stand No. 148
The use of Pettett's patent safety filler is said to make it iropogsible to overfia the tank, as the fuel is automatically cut off when it reaches the desired level. It dispenses lyith the need for a funnel and obviates waste. It is fitted with a filter which prevents water or foreign matter teaching the carburetter. Two sizes are made, one of which enables a two gallon can to be emptied and filtered in 30 seconds, and the other, a -larger size, in 20 seconds.
Pettett's patent combination " Fitall," three tools in one (sparking plug remover, petrol tin opener, and double screwdriver), whic,h is priced at 3s. 6d., will be on show, as well as the Express opener for all hermetically sea`ed tins.
Phosphor Bronze Co..
Metals. • Stand No. 191
A unique collection of engine parts loaned by some of the leading manufae-turers will be exhibited on the tand of the above company. Finished bushes, bearings, pump parts and magneto parts, and castings of every description in their well-known Cogwheel brand phesphorbronze, and gunmetal will also be on view. Visitors should not overlook the specimens of Vulcan brand white anti. friction metal and Ibis brand copperhardened bearing metal, in solid and hollow bars and half hearings chill cast.
Prices' Ltd.
Oil. Stand No. 154
This company's comprehensive display of various oils and greases on view will include the following : 3,foterine B, a heavy compound lubricant for use on engines of the Tyler and Dorman type; Oleogene D, which is similar to the firstnamed in regard -to body, but is a pule mineral lubricant, and is somewhat, lower in price; heavy gas-engine oil, which is also a compound lubricant considerably lighter in body than the previous grades, and is supplied for medium-speed engines; medium gas-engine oil similar to the heavy grade, but 25 per cent. lighter in -body, and recommended for Ford engines; Amber gear oil in two grades, medium and heavy; Battersea light and heavy gear oils ; Belmeline, A, B, and C, solidified oils which are made in medium, -stiff, and soft grades ; Belgraphines, A, B, and C, which are sriroilas to the Belmolines, but pure graphite has been incorporated ; and Olympia motor 0i18, 0, L, Y, and M.
Certain other commodities for work&hop and general use will also be staged. ,
R. and M. Bearing Co., Ltd.
Bearings. StandNo. 210 Bearings of various descriptions, including Ransome and Merles ball journal bearings, roller journal bearings, ball thrust bearings; magneto bearings, will be shown on -this stand, together with roller bearing plummer blocksfor line shafting, ball bearing internal grinding spindles, steel balls, and roller bushes.This latter bearing consists of a number of rows of toilers die-cast inawhitemetal cage, each row consisting of a number of short rollers, -which surmounts the difficulty of manufacturing a perfect long parallel roller. A short roller can be made parallel with more accuracy than a long one.
Amongst other uses, this bearing can be -applied to the spigot end of the main driving shafts of gearboxes and lorry an traction engine road wheels.
Hans Renold, Ltd.
Chains. Stand No. 132
The rear portion of a 4 ton Hall. ford chassis, consisting of a rear axle and wheels, together with countershaft with Renold chain drive to each road wheel totally enclosed in chain cases, will be the centre of attraction on this stand, and the exhibit will be run at a slow speed in order to demonstrate the efficient lubrication of the chains.
Renold roller chains for rear drives of commercial vehicles should not be overlooked. Ripaults, Ltd.
Sparking Plugs. . Stand No. 209 Thirteen different exhibits of sparking plugs and accessories Will be shown on this company's stand in the gallery. They comprise a Po. 7 mica detachable plug, No. 7 porcelain plug, No. 7 longreactiaplug, No. ha porcelain plug, Na. 1119 porgelain plug, No. ilF A.L.A.M. plug, No. 11E in. taper plug, Oleo waterproof plug terminal and spigot, Ripault plug tester, Ripault spark taster, sight-feed lubricator, leverless compression tap, and high-tension cables. Almost everything relating to sparking plugs will be shown on this stand. _
Rotax Motor Co., Ltd.
Accessories, Stand No. 127 Dynamos, switchboards, and switches, together with various types of lamps suitable for commercial vehicle use, will be staged by • this company. The dynamos are specially suitable for public service vehicles and heavy lorries, whilst the lamps, both for front and rear use, are built to withstand the rough usage of commercial vehicle service.
Sheppee Motor Co.
Non-skids. Stand No. 157
Tho stand of the Sheppee Motor Co, will make aspecial appeal to users of heavy • vehicles whose lorries have to carry their loads over bad roads and loose or soft ground. Not only is the
i Sheppee non-skid chain efficient n pre— voiding skidding on greasy and frostbound roads, but it is claimed that these chains enable a twin aolid-tyred wheel to " grip " whea-e other devices would fail.
Complete sets of non-skids on wheels and collections of parts showing how they are built up will be on show; whilst demmistration showing the ease of fixing and removing non-Odds will be in progress during Show time.
Shell Marketing Co., Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 159 Splendid replicas of presentation models in sterling silver of the annaplanes which flew from Aineriaa, to -Britain and from Britain to Australia on Shell Aviation motor spirit, and also of the aeroplane on which Mr. H. G. Hawker made such gallant attempt to cross the Atlantic are amongst the attractive features of the Shell stand. There is also a map detailing the weed's five 'greatest flights, all accomplished on Shell spirit.
In addition to the usual display of Shell motor spirit in cans and barrels, this stand carries several other models of interest, including a sectian of road made with the company's Grade 1 of bitumen.. All vessels of the Shell fleet, are named after some particular shell, and a showcase displays the shells from which the names are derived for the tankers. Thie will be a very attractive exhibit.
Simms Motor Units, Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 197 Simms high-tension magnetos suitable for all four and six cylinder engines up to 60 h.p. will form the chief exhibit on this company's stand. The S.R.-4 type is one of tlie most popular types made by this company. It has been made specially for four-cylinder engines up to 50 h.p., and was incorporated on many thousands of the British motor vehicles used during the war. Like all Simms magnetos, this model is fitted with the company's patent extended pole shoes. The S.R.-6 type resembles the S.R.-4 type in its general construction, and is gopplied for aix-cylinder engines,up to b0 h.p.
Other accessories will include the company's magnetic petrol gauges, non-soot sparking plugs, electric horns, mgchani-cal hand horns, universal vulcanizers, tyre pumps, magneto spare parts suitable for Simms and practically all makes of magnetos, impulse starter couplings, magneto conversion seta for Fordson lorries and tractors, and the company's patent vernier flexible couplings suitable for magneto and dynamo drives.
Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd.
Ball Bearings. Stand No. 160 In addition to the well-known SKF double-row self-aligning, single-row annular, and single and double thrust ball bearings, the new clotiblagow, self aligning roller bearing be exhibited. The latter is quite an interesting development in anti-friction engineering. The makers have adhered to the same principle that governed the construction of the SKF ball bearing, and after much experiment, they have produced a roller bearing with a radial capacity of 100 per cent. greater than that of the corresponding ball bearing, and the capability of taking an axial load in either direction of 30 per cent. of the radial capacity. Several examples are to be shown of the application of SKI? bearings, including the rear axle and gearbox of a Fordaon tractor. • ' Another new SKY product to be shown is the specially designed ball bearing for magnetos. Visitors will also find much to interest them in the double SKI? transmission accessories. SKY split belt .pulleys will be a feature Of the exhibit. A number of ball bearing hubs designeel for use in artillery wheels, and eminently suitable for use in trailers, will also be on view.
Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd.
Wheels, Stand No. 198
Established in 1836, this company have built up 'a splendid reputation for their various types of wheels, and at the. Shogr they will be exhibiting an assortment of wooden wheels their patent artillery pattern steel wheels, axles, forgings, machine work, and examples of welding.
S. Smith and Sons. (M.A), LtcL
Accessories. — Stand NO. 134
One of the largest stands in the accessory section of the Show will be that, occupied by the above company, where a complete range of their, products will be on view. These will comprise speedoMeters and mileage recorders, revolution indicatork, pressure gauges, radiator thermometers, fivejet and single-jet carburetters, electric lighting and starting systems, W.L. magnetos,. K.L.G. plugs, acetylene lighting equipments, oil pumps horns, pumps, jacks, and a veritable
pumps, of accessories of all descrip tions. .
Snowden, Sons and Co., Ltd.
Oils and Grease. Stand No. 193 Snowdrift lubricant* made by the above company at their works at Millwall will be displayed. T-he motor oil is made in five grades, No. 1 being for water-cooled engines requiring oil of light body ; No. 2 for most types of watercooled engines; No. 3 for water or aircooled engines requiring a heavier oil than No. 2; No. 4 a heavy-bodied oil for water Or air cooled engines of high temperature.; whilst the last grade is a dark colour, heavy-bodied' oil of .high flash point and viscoaity. Specimens of clutch oil, gear oil, Gearme, stkam-wagon cylinder oil (a Pure hy.dro-carbon with high flash point.), steam-wagon cylinder oil A, steam-wagon engine oil (heavy), and steam-wagon engine oil (medium); and grease and Snowdrift graphite grease will aka° be seen on the stand. The oils ire put op in barrels. and 5 or 10 gallon drums. The company's lubricant chart should be of value to commercial vehicle and farm-tractor users.
Spiral Tube and Comp. Co.
Radiators, Stand No.124 Examples of complete radiators made by this company for commercial vehicles • bearing the names -of Leyland, Dennis, Bristol Tramways, Albion, and others . amongst British makers, and radiators suitable for various American machines,
including the Peerless, Selden; Garford, Seabrook, Otertime, and Ford, will be displayed. Tube blocks and centres for various types of radiators and samples of spiral tube and ordinary round and square gilled tube will also be shown. The company's polished cast-aluminium radiator, suitable for Ford vans or lorries, is a new 'departure, and is the. only one of this types at.present on the market. It is a sound engineering product, and should receive ,attentionon this account. The company make a speciality of copper spiral tubes for radiators, of which they claim to be file sole manufacturers in this country. With a few exeeptionsy their raAliitors are, all of polished cast-aluminium.
Steel Barrel Co., Ltd.
Fuel Storage. Stand No. 141
In the gallery, this Uxbridge company • will be showing a. storage. and Measuring installation for petrol consisting of an underground storage tank, from which the spirit is pumped into an overhead measuring task; a patent kerb distributing and measuring apparatus, which consists of a 5 gallon tank with a graduated scale showing pints, qua*,
and gallons. This apparatus can be coupled to one of the company'ri standard storage and measuring Installations placed inside a garage or can be installed with a storage tank and pump only insido_a, garage. The possibility of fire risk with this apparatus has been entirely eliminated. We publish an ilhistration of this kerbside plant on the next page. The company will also show welded steel barrels, welded steel waterjacketed exhaust exhaust pipes, light welded drums. All barrels, drums, tanks and reservoirs made by this company for motor spirit storage are galvanized.
R. Stephens and Sons.
Sundries. • Stand No. 109
The stand occupied by this company will contain examples of their patent adjustable brake shoes, specially made for Ford ears. and Ford one ton lorries. A special feature of these shoes is the means provided for adjustment.
A screwed bush for the Ford chassis axle housing, and examples of the company's. adjustable and portable turnover engine stand made in two sizes, for small and medium size engines, will also, be on view.
Sterling Metals, Ltd.
castings. Stand No. 121
Iron castings, aluminium castings, and phosphor-bronze sticks and tubes will be found . on the stand occupied by this Coventry concern. Extruded metals, aluminium, brass and high-tensiun bronzes in all sections will also be displayed.
J. Tylor and Sons, Ltd.
Engines. Stand No. 207
A number of British commercial vehicle manufacturers incorporate Tyler engines in their chas,sis, The general construction of this power unit, bearing in mind the chassis descriptions we have recently published, is now well known to our readers.
The exhibit will comprise a RicardoTyler four-cylinder petrol engine, with a bore and stroke of 4,1 ins. and 6 ins. respectively, its normal speed being 800
Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.
Oils. Stand No. 147 The well-known brands of Gargoyle. motor oils and greases will be seen on this company's stand. Amongst other• exhibits will be the chart of recommendation showing the grade of lubricant specified by the company for eaeh make of lorry and commercial vehicle produced from 1916 to 1920. This chart is right up to date, and should be of considerable assistance to users who may not know much about viscosity. Vacuum guidance in this matter will be helpful. Vandervell and Co., Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 1.30 C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., of Warple Way, Acton, will be making -a special display of their combined lighting, starting, and ignition system specially designed for commercial vehicles, a unit embracing high-tension coil and the distributor, which latter, combined with the generator, serves to displace the magneto. Employing a 12 volt battery, the faults that are likely to occur with batteries of lower voltage are practically eliminated, as even when a 12 volt 'battery has been run down so low that it will not give a lighting current, there is still ample current in it, to ,energize the eoil, and thus ensure ignition of the cylinder charges.
Particular attention should he paid to the new form of commercial vehicle headlamp. A strong aluminium ring has. its lugs. bored to accommodate the fork of the lamp bracket, and to this rim is detachably screwed the steel body carrying a silver-plated reflector and lamp fitting. C.A.V. lamps give a good appearance to avehicle, and in wear they are very strong.
Vickers Ltd.
Tools, etc. Stand No. 135 A large selection of varicnis forgings, Rtampings, chassis frame pressings, and springs for heavy motor vehicles,' will be exhibited, together 'with specimen fractures of various tool and other steels. A representative range of engineer's small tools, including high-power drills, etc., patent adjustable reamers, broaches, will also be on view, • whilst the Toeo Rubber and Waterproof Co., of Glasgow (a subsidiary company of Vickers Ltd.), will be represented by samples of Motor
hood fabrics, etc. •
Wakefield and Co., Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No, 158
This company's exhibit will consist of a range of their Castrol lubricants suitable for commercial vehicles. A specimen of a patent self-locking tap for use either with drums or barrels, will also be on view, together, with the Wakefield can carrier.
ATheastrol barrels and drums are now fitted with a hermetically sealed aperture in which to insert this patent locking tap. The provision of a loose key prevents the oil being tampered with by unauthorized persons. It is small enough to be carried in the waistcoat pocket or attached to the ordinary key ring.
W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.
Supplies. Stand No. 165
The usual engineers' supplies and sundries which W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd., have shown at all the important exhibitions during the past few years will again he displayed on this occasion. Greases and oils for rise on petrol lorries, steam wagons, and electric vehicles will be displayed, as well as jointing, pumps, lubricators, and similar -accessories.
Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd.
Carnuretters. Stand No. 190
Various sizes and types of carburetters made by this reputable concern will be on view. There are really only two distinct shapes made, i.e., the vertical model and the horizontal model. The vertical model is suitable for any type of engine, and the horizontal is adaptable for fitting to monobloc engines.
It is unnecessary for us to go into lengthy detail regarding the construction of this carburetter, for it is embodied in a considerable number of commercial vehicle engines and has given the utmost satisfaction to users. The fact that this make of accessory is fitted as standacd by many heavy vehicle makers is suffi dent to acclaim its merits.
Certain other exhibitors are also showing in the accessories and components section, but at the time of closing for press details of what they were exhibiting were lacking. In all cases, it is to be expected that standard tines will be on view. We hope to have an opportunity of dealing with these exhibitors in one of our subsequent Show issues.