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IN BODY construction for commercial vehicle chassis there will, at Olympia, be abundant evidence of very great advance. In. the interchanging of superstructures (water tanks, tip bodies, refuse collectors), for municipal purposes, there are many derveIopments ; to the designing of tipping gears that are reliable and safe, give an ample lift and return without waste of time, considerable thought has been given, whilst on side tipping gear and on
=loaders of the roller blind order a great deal ot ingenuity has been expended.
Probably in motor omnibus and coach bodywork will be found some of the most attractive exhibits in.the Show. There is so much scope for clever design in order to give ample seating accommodation and in order to improve ac5cess to and ogress from motor coaches, that this particular pot-bun of the. exhibition will certainly hold the attention of visitors.
H. Bauly, Ltd.
Stand No. 64
The exhibits staged by this company will censtit of.vehicles and a selection of cast-steel wheels for all makes of steam wagons, trailers; etc.
The vehicles will comprise a Fode.n steam wagon with a special type body to suit the requirements of one of the London petrol companies, and two general plirpose trailers with rubber tyred steel wheels.
J. Beadle, Ltd.
Stand No. 39
. .
This company, who have large works at. Dartford and who are not only coachbuilders hut also motor agents and engineers, will be showing two vehicles, one a 30 cwt. Vulcan of the latest type, with single pneumatic tyres oh the front wheels and twin pneumatics on tho roar, fitted with a bulge type van body of Beadle manufacture, the second, a 4 ton latest model Milford Chas,sis, fitted with the Beadle type-hreWers' bodyWith letdown side cages as well ds tailboard.
Bonallack and Sons.
Stand No, 94
The exhibit shown by this well-known body-building concern will appeal particularly to owners of American chassis including the Ford 1 ton lorry. The particular example shown is a eoachbuilt 1 ton body on an Oldsmobile chassis. It has been designed specially to cater for tbe demand for a really durable body on sound lines to compete with the cheap, sheet-steel bodies. They are made in -English oak framework with framed and panelled doors.
Chelsea Motor Building Co.
Stand No. 93
Two fine examples of the.coachbuilders' art will laeā¢found exhibited by this company. One is the Chelsea torpedode luxe 30 seater char-a-banes,: built. far mounting on a Caledon chassis. This body is upholstered in Duratex, with rollover tops to match the colour. scheme. It is slate green with deep-bronze green mouldings. All the fittings. are in polished brass. A Chelsea 16 seater chara-banes= body built' for mounting on a 30 cwt. Fiat chassis and painted light gull grey With deep gull grey mouldings, upholstered in black Duratex with mahogany windscreen and Chelsea one-man hood, will also he shown.
On the goods-carrying side, there will be a van body suitable for light chassis.
Dodson, Ltd.
Stand No 62
Dodson_ bodies, particularly those .for passenger vehicles, are well known for their reliability and strength of construc
tion combined with lightness. A lino
example of the company's work will be shown in the form of a single-deck bus body of their C.D.19 type mounted on a Tilling-Stevens p.c. Chassis. The seating capacity of this body is 26 inside and 2 or 3 beside the driver, which accommodation can be increased to the extent of 7 further passengers by the addition of tip-op
gangway seats. Ample ventilation is arranged for by,the provision of a clerestory reef, as well as the.rosual side ventilators, and in addition six el the main body windows are divided so that the top halves can fold down.
Fry Bros., Ltd.
Stand No. 92
01 particular interest to users of heavy steam and petrol vehicles will be the exhibit staged by this company. It will consist of a rubber-tyred-trailer built to carry a 4 ton load. The body is constructed of the finest quality English oak framing, with an extra strong fixed front, and provided with detachable sides and tailboard, 18 ins. deep. Extra top side boards with adjustable hoops and sheet can be supplied and fitted if desired.
Hayes Auto Bodies, Ltd.
Stand No. 39
This company, whose works ate at 2-4, Iligh Road, Ilford, will show" several specimens of commercial motor vehicle bodybuilding, which should prove of . mush interest to users of these vehicles.
E. and H. bra, Ltd.
Stand No. 63
Three belches will Comprise the el hibit
of this bodyabnilding COI earn, whose ehiaf Works are in Peckham lload, London. There Will be a char-a-banes body on a 24 ton Guy chassie, and a single-deck bits body With front and rear entrance.
W. and T. Robson, Ltd.
Stand No. 69 Quite a variety of bodies will be shown by this company. They will consist of a 30 cwt. tilt van -body mounted on a Chassis, a . pantechnicon, fitted with patent spring drawbar with automatic attachment, and llistly, a light van body to suit a Ford chassis.
Other bodybuilders who will be exhibiting in this section are the following Liversidge and 'Sons, Ltd.; W. and F. Thorn, Ltd:. Ba,yleys, Lid.; Morgan and Co., Ltd: ; :W. Vincent; the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd.; Jas. Bartle and Co., Ltd.;: Carriage Co., Ltd. ; but up to the time of g'oing' to press we had not received specific details of their exhibits.