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5th October 1920, Page 44
5th October 1920
Page 44
Page 44, 5th October 1920 — THE EXHIBITS on the TYRE AND WHEEL: STANDS.
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W_ HEELS and tyres ac looming larger in the eyes of the eonnnercial vehicle user, and, if the double entendre be permissible, tyres especially. Much interest must centre in the giant pneumatic, because, whilst it helps to solve the prob lera of securing the conifortable running of 'motel': coaches, and the safe transPort.otdelicate and fragile goods on oornmercial 1/silicates, there is ground for nun:1h questioning on ther part of users concerning the possible-adcicd dif6aulaes, to all of which the maefs' ran givu fairly sonyinoing replies.

Avon Rubber Co.. Ltd,

Stand No. 128

A full range of Avon solid band' tyrea for all types and sizes of industrial 'vehicles from the handy runabout electric van to the heavy ,petrol lorry or steam wagon will be on view. A. special grooved nonskid solid designed for hae-enginea will be shown.

W. and A. Bates,. Ltd.

Stand No, 180

This company, which was established in 1863, will be ahoWin solid rubber band tyres for use on steam wagons, petrol lorries, arid electric ve2aittes.

Bergougnan Tyre Co.

Stand No. 177

The chief attraction on this stand will be the BGtyres fitted to 'big-gunwheels of the same type as the company supplied to the Allied Goverbrne.nts during the war. Solid tyres fey all types of industrial vehicles,. as well as. two solids which have been apecially" designed for

use on heavy buses, will also he shown. , •

De Nevers Tyre Co.

. stand No. 170 A complete rangeof rubber band tyres suitable for every type of com

mercial vehicle will be displayed. A special resilient solid band tyre of 710 mm. by 60 ,arini. dimensions for Ford chassis will be mr. view: This tyre can he pressed on to the existing pneumatic tyre rim.

Henley's Tyre Co., Ltd

Stand No. 174

Trenley'a solid band rubber tyres suit. able for employment on all types of British and American commercial vehicles will be on show.

Dunlop Rubber-Co., Ltd.

Stand No. 186

Possibly the centre of interest on the Dunlop stand will be the . giant pneuMatie tyres. These are built on Dunlop ply cord casing, and are produced at present in sizes 36 ins. by 6 ins. and 40 ins. by. 8 ins., in the straight side type only": Other sihibits on the stand will be various types of wheels and all sizes and shapes of solid and pneumatic tyres. Those interested in pigmy tyres for elee• tic platform trucks *ill find much to interest them.


Goodrich and Co., Ltd.

'Stand No. 179

Move are two styles of Goodrich solid band tyres, viz., the ordinary band type and the "P.B.". (protected base) type. The latter are supplied in inch

sizes. Progressive firms interested in industrial truck tyres will be attracted by those shown by the conipany.. They are made in sizes from 9 ins. by 21 ins.

to 28 ins. by 7 ins. 'Artillery wheels made of well-seakined timber in all sizes, and Goodrich giant pneumatic tyres of 7 in. and 8 in. size, will barnptete this company's exhibit.

Goodyear Tyre Co

Stand No. 172

Seeing tint the above company have done much to develop the giant pneumatic tyre, it is only to be expected that their exhibit will be fully:•representa. tive -in this respectThe following sizes will be shown : 35 ins. by 6 ins., 38 ins. by 7 ins., 40 ins, by 8 ins., 42 ins, , by 9 ins., 44 ins. by 10 ilia. A 38 in by 7 in. Goodyear pneumatic 5tte4 tea. detachable-demountable • rim on wood wheels, as well asan Ingeraoll=Rand mechanical pump for the inflation of large pneumatics, will also be psi view.

Macintosh and Co., Ltd.

Stand No. 129

The exhibit of the above company can be divided under four main heads: Steam tractor tyres up to 5 ft. diameter, 3 ton and 5 ton steam wagon tyres, samples of solid rubber 1.Yres suitable for every type of commercial vehicle, and Macintosh normal air-pressure tyres.

Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd.

Stand No -171 Pneumatic tyoes for heavy inaehines will constitute the chief feature of this stand. A striking point of this exhibit . tile fact that the wheel suitable for the tyre is supplied by the tyre manufacturer, which makes partictilarly easy .the conversion to pneumatic, tyres of . all lorries running or solids. Demonstrations of fitting and detaching will be given during Show week. New -levers and other ace&:sories for heavy vehiele tyre equipment will be abown, .

Midland Rubber Co., i Ltd.

• Stand No 173

A comprehensive selection of tyres suitable for vehicles ranging from light vans up to the heaviest 101'7 will be shown. The range of aections is from 75 mm. Lb 180 mm. Midland band tyresare also made to inch sizes, from 34 ins. . ky 3 ins. to 40 ins.. by 5 ins.

North British Rubber Co.,. Ltd:

• • Stand No. 169,

. .

As well as lineher solid band tyres, fitted on wheela and also shown separa ately, and tyres an traetioir engine tyres, this company • will show rubber and other accessories.

Pirelli, Ltd.

Stand No. 181

This eompany are showing their solid hand tyres and a heavy twin solid tyre of 325 mm. section, which has an 850 mm. rim fitting,and is suitable for the rear wheals of Fodran steam wagons.

Shrewsbtiry and Challiner Tyre .Co. . . ,

Stand No. 178'

Various 'sizes and seetions of solid tyres suitable for different types of commercial vehicles are to be staged. One of the features of this stand will be the company's 1920. patterncross-rib solid .tyre, which haa• been specially designed for fire-engine. ttie.

United States Rubber Coi

• Stand No. 1£13

Nobby Cord giant pneumatics will constitute the exhibit of this American coneern. This company claim to be the pioneers of the pneumatic tyre for lorries. As long ago as 1909 they started experiments in this direction, and--in 1911 Kodueed the first Nubby

Cord giant tyro. -.

Wood Milne; Ltd.

Stand No. 115

This -company'a e7hibit, will comprise Solid tyres for all uses., both separate and

fitted ta wheel* well as a number of Giant pneumatics for heavy vehicle duty.

"in gdditiOn to the ,tyre manufacturers dealt with. above,the. following will be showing, but -up to the time of going to press the infarm-ation as to their actual exhibits•was.not to hand. In alleases, however, solid and pneumatic tyres suitablefor a varietyof vans via lorries will be on view: tarl)ore Rubber Go., Ltd. ; St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd.; G. Spencer Moultonand Co., Ltd.; J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd.