Scott Top Scot
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AFTER a competition that lasted from 9.30 a.m until nearly 8.30 p.m., John Scott was last Saturday acclaimed champion of the Scots in the final of the first Commercial Vehicle Driver of the Year Competition to be held North of the Border. Participants came from qualifying rounds at Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.
' Unlike the English final, the contest at Linlithgow on Saturday included an examination on the Highway Code and an observed road section. About a fifth of the entry proved that they were not to be caught out on theoretical knowledge and scored their full 100 marks. Losses on the road section, which was observed by the police, were heavy. Out of 42 rigid-vehicle drivers, the best was A. Crichton (Morris van, J. and R. Tennent, Ltd.) who retained 80. A third of the drivers lost 80 per cent. and two forfeited all points.
Fine Morning The morning was fine and by 10.30 a.m. the first competitors entered upon the actual driving tests, plans of which are shown in the accompanying illustration. The principal cause of lost marks was touching pylons, barriers and kerbs, which cost 20 points each time. Other penalties included a mark lost for each second slower than the fastest time by any unpenalized competitors in the same class and test, or slower than the driver losing the least marks. The double-bend reverse of test I was a tight fit for Group A vehicles. Three failed completely, including S. Allan (Thames, Scottish Gas Board), the ultimate class winner. Best performance was by D. Gardner (Scaminell. three-wheeler, St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association).
With the markers suit
ably adjusted, the 15-19 ft. class found things somewhat easier and R. Kirk
wood (Austin, W. E. Cary, Ltd.) retained all marks. Quick and positive action on the reverses gained J. King (Bedford, South East Scotland Electricity Boardj the only full score in the 19-22 ft. class.
In the 22-25 ft. class, the best was A. Thomson (Guy, Scottish C.W.S., • Ltd.), a consistently good performer who scored 92 in this test. A. C. Parker (Albion, British Road Services) was not disgraced by his 34 and an unofficial check suggested that his was the hest fully laden effort of the day. He had 7 tons 17 cwt. on board which he bad picked up in Aberdeen and was carry ing to London, taking in the competition on the way. J. Lindsay (Leyland Octopus, B.R.S.) was in like case and made a sterling effort with what must have been a gross load approaching 24 tons.
W. Fergus (E.R.F. six-wheeler, North British Rubber Co., Ltd.), also laden, registered around 15 tons gross. These were men who were competing with their vehicles in what may reasonably be called their natural state and, if it is impossible to insist on all competitors carrying appropriate loads, there would seem to be a good case for a special award being allocated in these competitions for a " working class" entry.
The first test was a tricky, matter for the articulatedvehicles. One of the best was N. Brown (E.R.F., Scottish C.W.S., Ltd.). In the evolutions that followed in test 2, there was less need for finesse but a greater demand for swift judgment These remarks apply with more force to test 3. In these two tests Allan scored a double top in his class. Honours in the 15-19-ft. section were shared by A. C. Donald (Albion, Bruce Lindsay Bros., Ltd.) and Crichton. J. G. Boyne (Austin, Scottish Oils and Shc11-Mex, Ltd.) was best among Group C in the second test, having a single mark advantage over P. Thomson (Morris-Commercial, E. Chalmers and Co., Ltd.) and J. G. Flockhart (Thames, South East Scotland Electricity Board). Flockhart was best in Test 3, but had weakened his chances by a heavy loss on Test 1.
After being best in Group D on Test 2, C. Rodgers (Leyland Comet. Bruce Lindsay Bros., Ltd.) appeared over-confident; on the third test he moved quickly, but his observation was not sharp enough for his speed. Mitchell retained all points. Ou1stand4 ing in Group E were T. Mackenzie (Leyland Hippo, E. Chalmers and Co., Ltd.) and A. Ross (Albion, Robert Lawson and Son {Dyee}, Ltd.).
In view of some of the rather rough braking that was in evidence, it would have been extremely interesting to see what the participating drivers would have made of a loaded stop and restart test on a steep gradient.
Following the conclusion of the main trials, the first in each of the classes specified below met in the gathering dusk for the final tests. The first involved a run forward, halt, and reverse into a bay at a right angle. Scott, who made an excellent square turn followed by a precise approach to the " box," was by far the best here and gained 98 per cent. A. Harper (Bedford-Scammell, Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd.) did well, but stopped too far from the rear barrier. A "leave the kerb, pass the obstruction, park by the kerb" test followed, by which time headlights were necessary. Scott, Boyne and Mitchell were equal leaders here Marks for the final tests were: Scott 198, Boyne 180, Mitchell 176, Harper 138, Allan 118, Crichton 99.
RESULTS Class A: Up to 15 Vt.
I—S. Allan (Thames, Scottish Gas Board) 335 marks. 2—D. Gardner (Searumell three-wheeler, St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association, Lid.) 314 marks. 3-3. Adams (Morris. Glasgow 1-firing Co.. Ltd.) 306 marks, Class B: Over 15 II., to 19 ft.
1—A. Crichton (Morris. 1. and R. Tell:tient, Ltd.) 439 marks. 2—T. Brown (MorrisCommercial. George Younger and Son, Ltd.) 379 marks', 3—A. C. Donald (Albion, Bruce Lindsay Bros.. Ltd.) .169 marks.
Class CI OYU 19 ft., up to 22 ft.
1-3. G. Boyne (Austin, Scottish Oils and Shell-Met. Ltd.) 373 marks. 27-1. King (Bedford.
South East Scotland Electricity Board) 365 marks. 3-1. G. Elockhart (Thames, South fast Scotland Electricity Board) 350 marks.
Class LI: Over 22 h., up to ZS ft.
I—R, Mitchell (E.R.F., Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd.) 408 marks. 2—C. Rodgers (Leyland Comet. Bruce Lindsay Bros., Lid.) 396 marks. 3—T. Moran (Albion, Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd.) 374 marks.
Class El Over 25 Ft.
1—.). Scott (Mandslay, British Road Services) 386 marks. 2—A. Ross (Albion, Robert Lawson (Dyed, Ltd.) 341 marks. 3—T. Mackenzie .(Leyland Hippo, E. Chalmers and Co.. Ltd.) 328 marks.
Class F: Articulated
I—A. Harper (Bedford-Scammel I Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd.) 413 marks. 2—N. Brawn (E.R.F., Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd.) 383 marks. 3—F. Soulless (Albion. Briitish Road Services) 331 marks.
Champion Scottish Commercial Vehicle Driver of the Year—S. Beau (MauctSlay. 13.R.S.); also best driver holding a trade-union card.
Best C-Iteeuee Vehicle Driver—J. G. Btlynt (Austin, Scottish Oils and Shell-Met, Ltd.).
Best Co-operative Association Driver—R. Mitchell (E.R.F., Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd.).
Best Glasgow Area Driver—S. Allan (Thames van, Scottish Gas Board).
Best Turned-out Vehicle—A. Millar (Bedford, Newton, Robertson and .Co., Ltd.).
Best Team—Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., Leith: R. Mitchell, T. Moran and N. Brown.
Winners of "The Commercial Motor" Diploma—J. Scott. R. Mitchell. N. Brown. A. Crichton, C. Rodgers and A. Harper (awarded Is) drivers gaining 75, per cent, of marks and over?