Jobs to go in LT cash crisis
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LONDON TRANSPORT has given an early warning of an mpending £10m deficit this year. And it has told staff that :uts in staff levels must be nade in order to keep the de'kit down.
In a message to LT's 60,000 ;taff, deputy chairman John ;tansby said costs must be cut )37 five per cent, and since ;alaries and wages account for :hree-quarters of total costs, a .eduction in staffing levels nust result. LT plans to make nost of its savings in the adninistrative departments hrough natural wastage.
LT says there will be only a ;mall effect on bus and under;round services. It is already irastically short of operating ;taff and another 2000 bus irivers and 1000 conductors ire needed to reach full manling levels for bus services.
Criticism The staff shortage, corniined with a lack of new buses, s causing problems for LT, vhich accepts recent Greater ,ondon Council criticism that t is not providing the required pality of service.
LT's problems increased last rionth with the news that ,eyland is to close the Titan 'us plant at Park Royal next 'ear. LT has 500 Titans on irder, but it now seems very inlikely that the buses will be elivered.
Last year London Transport ad a deficit of £1.9m and preicted that it could break even rith the help of £8m transferad from the reserves. But the itest estimate of a £10m decit allows for all of the £16m 3serves to be transferred to le operating account.
VORK HAS STARTED on ,ondon Transport's new bus ,arage in Uxbridge, Midd?sex. It is next to the Underround station. As well as the arage for 75 buses, it will inorporate parking for 500 cars n two levels and four floors of ffice space. Improvements re also to be made to the xisting bus garage in Bakers .oad, Uxbridge.