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ENVIRONMENT Noise emissions The EU has adopted the Noise Emission In The Environment By Equipment For Use Outdoors Directive (2000/14/EC), which harmonises national laws of EU Member States governing noise emission limits.
The Directive must be applied from; January 2002. The government recommends that everyone affected should consider its implications. The Directive applies to 57 categories of outdoor equipment, induding second-hand equipment imported into the EU for the first time. But it does not apply to equipment that is second-hand or already in use.
EMPLOYMENT Minimum wage National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations z000 came into force on r October zoo°, increasing the minimum national minimum wage for adults from £3.60 to £3.70 an hour. The increased rate applies to pay reference periods beginning on or after r October zoo°.
SI 2000/1989 costs D.5o, from the Stationery Office.
Childcare provision
Following announcements made in the 2000 Budget, the Inland Revenue has confirmed that employer-provided childcare will remain exempt from Class IA National Insurance contributions. The relevant regulations are: • Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No 8) Regulations 2000 (Si 2000/2207); • Social Security (Contributions) (Amendment No 8) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2000 (Si 2000/2208).
Both will be available soon from the Stationery Office.
HEALTH & SAFETY HSE guidance The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced a guidance leaflet for smaller companies providing advice on how to set up a health and safety policy. The guidance is split into three areas:
• A statement of general policy, based on employers legal duties under Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974;
• Organisational responsibilities and arrangements for ensuring employees' health and safety.
• Explanatory notes on completing each section. Stating Your Business is available free from HS E Books. Contact: or787 881165.
Figures improve
Following targets set by the Revitalising Health and Safety Strategy Statement, the Health and Safety Commission has released figures showing a downward trend in reported injuries to workers between April 1999 and March 2000, compared with 1998/99. Major injuries fell from 29,053 to 28,939.
Copies of Safety Statistics Bulletin 1999/00, which contains further safety statistics, are available online from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Books web site at Hard copies of the bulletin can also be ordered free of charge from HSE Books. Contact or787 313995.
PENSIONS Pensions forecasting
A report published by the Pensions Forecasting Advisory Group sets out a blueprint for a forecasting service offering individuals a dear statement of their current and future pension rights. This will allow people to make decisions about the level of savings needed to enjoy retirement by combining state and private pensions. Bureaucratic and administrative burdens is expected to be cut to a minimum.
The group has recommended that to mininaise burdens on businesses the DS S should take legislative powers to permit employers to pass state pension information to individuals unless the individual chooses to opt out of the process. The group will examine what supporting services are needed for employers and pension providers using the forecast service.
Planning Your Future is available online at www.dss.govark, or from Steve Nawrat, DSS Occupational Sr Personal Pensions, The Adelphi, level 3, I-II John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT.
Stakeholder information
The Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority (OPRA) has launched a stakeholder pensions information site on the Internet at,uk/stakeholder/index.slitrnl.
The site gives a clear overview of these pensions, which will become available from 6 April zoo'. Topics include: • Definition of a stakeholder pension; • The registration process; • Considerations for stakeholder providers; • Employer access requirements.
Penalties warning OPRA has announced that the first civil penalties have been imposed for late payments of employee contributions and late production of audited accounts.
Fines of up to L5c) have been levied for the employee contribution offence, with fines of up to Ltoo on trustees failing to complete audited accounts on time.
COMPANIES Business debtfine The DTI has launched a telephone helpline offering counselling for smaller enterprises facing debt problems. The project is supported by seven major high street banks.
Contact: ogoo 197 6°26 weekdays from to:oo-t6:oohrs. A self-help pack is available at businesstopics/finance/anxtot00s4.asp.
E-signatures legal
Section 7 of Electronic Communications Act z000 came into force on 25 July 2000 making electronic signatures legally admissible as evidence in court. Under this section E-signatures and any certificate supporting them can be used as evidence in the same way as a handwritten signature.
The Act implements the EU Electronic Signatures Directive 1999.
The Act and explanatory notes are available from The Stationery Office or HMSO web site at