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Lectures on the Trials.

5th September 1907
Page 2
Page 2, 5th September 1907 — Lectures on the Trials.
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Letter from the President of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce to the Members.

Following our preliminary announcement of last week (page 613 ante), we have pleasure in reprinting a circular letter that has been issued by the President of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce. We are glad to be able to publish this proof of appreciation of the eflorts of the R.A.C., and we shall give particulars of other intended lectures in our

next issue. _

"The Bristol Incorporated Chamber of Commerce and Shipping. Guildhall,

Small Street, Bristol, September 2nd, 1907. Lecture on Commercial Motor Vehicles.

" Dear Sirs,

"You will probably be aware that the sixty commercial motor vehicles which are to be publicly tried by the Royal Automobile Club are due to arrive in Bristol on Thursday, the 12th instant, and that an exhibition is to be held at the old Avonside Engine Works, St. Philip's, on the following day.

" in view of the important part which these vehicles will unquestionably play in the immediate future in connection with commercial transport, it occurred to me that a lecture given by an expert on the subject would prove both interesting and instructive to the members of the Chamber.

"Accordingly, it is with much pleasure that I have to announce that arrangements have been made for such a lecture, entitled 'The Royal Automobile Club's Commercial MotorTrials,' to be delivered by Mr. E. Sbrapnell Smith, Editor of 'THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR' and Treasurer of the Commercial Motor Users' Association, in the Board Room of the Chamber,.. Guildhall, Small Street, on Thursday, September 12th, at 5 p.m.

"The following is a synopsis of the proposed address, which will not exceed half an hour, and I would express the hope that members of your firm will be able to be present at the address..

"I remain, Faithfully yours,

(Signed) SIDNEY IrtnivirmuEs,



"Introductory retrospect. The period of disaster. Beneficial effects of the Heavy Motorcar Order. Road experience turned to account.

"Competing vehicles and their classification. Petrol versa; steam engines. High first cost no bar to economy. Capacity of commercial motors for big load and journey performances. Working costs. Comparisons with horses and others means of transport. The driver question.

"Inherent and unique advantages possessed by road motors. Their disadvantages. Possible causes of failure in use. Supervision and maintenance. Openings for motor jobmasters. The hardest problem. Conclusion."