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oil up for the Yeates show

5th September 1975
Page 26
Page 26, 5th September 1975 — oil up for the Yeates show
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1E YEATES coach show at rughborough will be held s year from October 9 to 18, eluding the Sunday.

Duple, Plaxton, Willowbrook d Marshail will all be show; their fun range of bodies. !'w chassis unveiled for •the St time will be the Bedford AT and YLQ with the new Ilford 500 engine and the w Marshall midi with Leyid engine option.

Other chassis on view will include Leyland Leopard Urn and 12m, Volvo, AEC with both ZF and semi-automatic gearboxes, Ford and the full Bedford range.

Mr Charles Yeates, chairman of the Yeates group, told CM this week that while invitations would be sent out as in the past, any operators wishing to attend were very welcome to do so, so long as they indicated their intentions in advance.