THE HEALTH CHECKS All ourtests give a good indication of
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risk factors. They aren't diagnostic tools, but show clearly whether you should seek further medical testing.
Spirometry: This involves blowing long and hard into a tube until the lungs are completely empty. The machine measures the volume of air in the lungs, and the force with which you can expel it throughout the whole of the exhalation. A printout shows how far your lung function is from what it should be for your age and build.
Glucose and cholesterol levels: These involve a single pinprick to the finger to obtain a blood droplet which is 'read' by a machine. High glucose or cholesterol levels suggest that a more accurate 'fasting' blood test might be necessary through your GP. Annabel Norrie said: "There were definitely a couple of guys who came through who had very high risk levels indeed. Overall, I referred about half the people I saw to their GP." Annabel also checked weight and waist measurements-the latter is one of the best indicators of disease risk.
LA Fitness checked blood pressure and ran postural tests with the drivers to advise them about back care and stretching. LAPT manager Elaine Vassie said: "The guys went to the front of the trailer to have their blood pressure taken and what really struck us was their need to talk. Many of them had concerns they had never discussed with anyone.
"Posturally the most important thing was their spinal support and mobility. Without strong abdominal muscles, the lumbar region of the spine gets no support and sitting all day will then cause problems."