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The Purchase Department.

6th August 1914, Page 21
6th August 1914
Page 21
Page 21, 6th August 1914 — The Purchase Department.
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Where to Buy your Supplies.

You Can Get It At " Makers."—The " Perfect" speedometer for i which you inquire s marketed by S. Smith and Son, Ltd., Speedometer House, 179-185, Great Portland Street, London, W.

" M.S." (Oxford).---The particular type or wheels which you require are constructed by Smith Parfrey and Co., Ltd., Pimlico Wheel and Motor Works, Bannock Street, Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, London, W. • Chinge of Address.

We are informed that the International Time Recording Co., Ltd., has recently, owing to increased business, found it advisable to give up its premises in City Road, and has taken more commodious premises at 30-22, Farringdon Road, London, E.C., where it will be pleased to show inquirers its automatic recorders for time-keeping and job-costing purposes.

Catalogue Received.

A copy of the latest catalogue issued by S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., 115, Southwark Street, London, S.E., is to hand. it is well printed, and contains a number of line and half-tone illustrations which, with the text included, serve well to indicate the numerous good points of the "Soles" carburetter. A copy will be forwarded to interested persons on application to the company.

A Properly Adjustable Lamp Bracket.

Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C., has recently put on the market a patent adjustabk, lamp bracket, which will allow any size lamp to be fitted and correctly focussed on the road. With the " Autoclip,se" lamp bracket, as it is named, any adjustment can be made, so that if the lamp has been adjusted to obtain the correct position of the vertical beam, the lateral adjustment can be made without interfering with the other in any way. The bracket, as will be seen from our illustration, is of neat and strong appearance, and is made entirely of steel stampings. The parts which fit to the chassis are finished in black enamel, whilst the arms can be

had in nickel-plated or brass finish. The bracket is particularly suitable for commercial vehicles, as it is constructed to withstand the arduous conditions under which many machines have to work.

Pettett's Safety Filler, An interesting device which should prevent the tin necessary waste of petrol often experienced in filling up is the patent petrol pourer marketed by W. Pettett and Co., Ltd., Brighton. The device consists of a curved spout about 6 ins, long, and a suitable air tube, fitted with a screw collar for attaching it to the fuel can ; there is a filter gauze at the outlet end of the spout.

An adjustable clip band encircles the spout, and this has a projecting piece which is intended to rest upon the edge of the filler hole. of the tank when filling up. With the Pettett device the petrol is automatically cut off when the tank is full.

K.T. Tires.

The illustration which we reproduce herewith is of a pair of exceptionally-large-diameter tires of the well-known K.T. air-cushion type, manufactured by the Commercial Tyre Co., Ltd., 22 and 23. Albert Embankment, London, S.E. The tires are of special design, and are for use on a Dennis vehicle in the wilds of Africa, where the swampy nature of the country and the general conditions are such that the vehicle could not run if endless tires were used.