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Of dumps.
Of trippers and tippers.
Of the cylinder that lost its head.
Oi special bodies crossing the Ford.
(In Scotland) "All over—the Show!
Of Of a Hint for Hauliers—Pull together.
Of the paradox, "Hire Charges Down.'
• . 0 Of people writing about January swallows.
That. after a few more swallows, they might easily hear the cuckoo.
Of brands of petrol sucked for the burning.
Of concrete means of hardening the arteries.
Of caterpillar traction and capillary attraction.
—0 That stripping the gears doesn't help to cool the engine.
Of the hope that The Sketch -will prevent backsliding.
That the only rates that are not cut are those levied on us locally.
" Plug away ! " as the driver said when he removed the • faulty one.
That the Hopper Coach is not equipped with caterpillar traction.
Of a suggestion that, for one day, it shoUld, he a " Crown licence.
That the. Gorman National .Anthem seems to be " Fool Britannia."
That when you lift your bonnet, it isn't necessarily in token of respect.
It asked "_Why not call the return journey the Timbucteuggort route?"
" Of course von must. nut in your spoke! " as the feline said to the wheelwright.
That H. T. N. begs to remark that perspiration is more in Ills line than inspiration.
That nobody heralded the appearance of the new Beardmore chassis with a reference to beavers.
The driver of the 13-seater Crossley motor coach describedsuperstitious people as " the passengers' ma wot."
That the article, " How Cylinder Bores are Checked.' made one wish that the method was applic able to other kinds.
That Sussex should advertise as a dyspeptics' health resort on the strengtn of the liver-rousing properties of her corrugated road surfaces. That resilience is economy.
Of the return of five-shilling entrance fees..
Of orders from the Far East and the Antipodes. That the folding step is one in the right direction.
That " Spring leaves" should have a grease injec, tion.
That hire-purchase instalments are considerably in arrears.
That country bus services in Scotland are developing.
That. Mr. G. J. Shave is benefiting by his stay in the South of France.
That hooded and curtained coaches are serving as public-service vehicles where buses should be used.
The question: is it preferable to have a single giant or little twins?
-.That an Australian inventor has put more than one spoke in_ the pneumatic wheel.
Of a motto for the C.MX.A. and its "fighting fifth "—" Defence not Defiance."
" This," said Driver Bill, as he pulled up for lunch, CC is a move in the right direction. • That the new wheel !Alt with shoes on its pair of "pins" ought to have a walk-over.
Of a elubman who is anxious to have full information as to how " bores" are checked.
That the Lights op Vehicles Bill is to be revived next session, and that cyclists are not feeling at all happy.
That the Departmental Committee is not adopting the maviter in madq attitude towards the witnesses appearing before it.
Much confirmation of our arguments in favour of strong united action on the part of hauliers for the maintenance Of a fair scale of rates.
That, when a low rate is known to have been quoted, the haulier offering it should be visited and tactfully shown how and why cutting must mean ruination.
That, owing to absurd competition, a haulage job which brought in £18 showed exactly 5s. profit, and that this is not good enough.
That women passengers on the London buses have developed the. habit of emerging on to the platform long before a stop is reached, although generally unable to dismount until the bus has stopped.
That male pasaengers who could alight earlier are, in consequence, always being obst---iteed.