News and Comment.
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The comment and views of this journal are respected and carry weight, because members of its Editorial staff have practical experience and knowledge of the construction and use of commercial motors. Our circulation is genuine, and includes the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
Our thin-paper edition, for Colonial and Foreign circulation, is the latest development. See page 373.
C ayton-Shuttleworth Tractors for County Cork.
An Irish correspondent advises us that the Cork County Council has ordered six compound-engined tractors from Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., of Lincoln.
Motor Tar-carriers Wanted.
We published, under the above heading in our issue of the 18th November (page 222 ante), the first intimation that the Kent County Council had decided to purchase two petrol wagons. Reference to one of our sundry-advertisement pages will show that tenders are now being invited, and that they must he lodged not later than the ]9th inst.
Albion's London Depot.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., of Scotstoun. Glasgow, has issued a circular which sets forth its new arrangements for sales in England and Wales, and the essence. of these is embodied in the company's advertisement, which appears elsewhere in this issue. An article in reference to the growth and extension of the undertaking of the Albion Co. appears On pages 375 to 377. The London telephone number is 9795 Gerrard.
Makers and vendors of agricultural motors are reminded, of the trials which the Royal Agricultural Society of England intends to hold prior to the show at Liverpool in June next. A gold medal is offered for the best agricultural motor, and entries, accompanied by a deposit of 15 each, must be lodged with the Secretary, Mr. Thomas Mellow, at 16, Bedford Sqiiare, WC., on or before Monday, the 2nd May. Such deposit will be forfeited if the motor is not available for competition at the time appointed for the trials.
We published the full conditions in our issue of the 23rd September last.
Pneumatic (1910, Ltd.
We are in possession of information with regard to the " Pfieumatic " filling, about which we expressed a favourable opinion in our notice of the Olympia Show of March, 1908. A public company is to be launched. under substantial auspices, after the. General Election. In the meantime, it may interest our readers to know that the Dunlop people have certain rights for the United Kingdom, whilst Harland and Wolff, Ltd.-, of Belfast and Southampton, will undertake the manufacture. We have good reasons for stating that a big volume of trade is assured, both for tire-filling purposes and suah uses as the filling of mattresses, cushions, life-buoys, ships' fenders, stair treads, etc., etc. The material, which is essentially " tanned " gelatine, has been de
scribed in theme columns as con
gealed froth," It does not crystallize or Jose its original resiliency in use, though the latter quality may be varied during, manufacture according to intended employment.
G.P.O. Vans.
Three 30 cwt. vans have been ordered by the Stores Department of the G.P.O., and these will be under the immediate charge of Mr. Charles Wheeler, M.I.A.E. One each has been ordered from Halley's Industrial :Victors, Ltd. (of the chain-driven typo with Shrewsbury and Challiner tires), the Ryknield Motor Co., Ltd. (Clincher tires), and the Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd. (Clincher tires).
Headers of this journal, who are users of commercial-motor vehicles or tractors, and who do not belong to the Commercial Motor Users' Assnelation, are invited to consider the claims of this body for their support. The subscription is only one guinea per annum, and the advantages of membership are set forth on another page —together with a selection of representative owners who already belong to it. The January meeting of the Executive Committee took place yesterday (Wednesday), the 5th inst., at Caxton House. Westminster, S.W., when the officers commanding the three divisions of the London division of the Army Service Corps (Territorial Branch), Colonel D. J. Kearns, Colonel D. Albion, and Captain W. Hayward, were elected honorary members of the Committee. Progress was reported in respect of the Association's prize scheme for good driving, 3omit action with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders over docks and bridges, and the position of the Association's set of traffic rules and re rovo men da tion 5,
The Acre Rubber Co., Ltd., is about to open a new sales department and depot at 47, St. Enoch's Sq., Glasgow.
Mr. Frederick R. Simms has just returned from a business visit to the United States: he has established a large branch house at 1780-1782, Broadway, New York.
The Assistant PostmasterGeneral.
It was announced, on Monday evening last, that the newly-created office of Assistant Postmaster-General has been filled by the appointment of Sir Henry Norman, M.P., to whom we offer our hearty congratulations. Sir Henry is an enthusiastic motorist, and a great supporter of commercial motoring, whilst he earned his knighthood by reason of his services as Chairman of the Select Committee on Cabs and Omnibuses. When No. 1 of this journal was published, on the 16th March, 1905, Sir (then Mr.) Henry Norman wrote to the Editor in the following terms : "It has long been evident to all of us who follow the coinmercial development of the motor that this side of it will in the immediate future take on an importance hardly dreamed of as yet by the public. Therefore, there should be a first-rate field for your new paper, and your own Editorship of it is a guarantee that it will be conducted with all requisite knowledge and enterprize."
Pressure at Guildford.
We learn that the demand upon the works of Dennis Bros., Ltd., is very considerable at the present time, and that the company is booked up with orders for a considerable time ahead, notwithstanding the recent purchase of a number of new machines to cope with the heavy demands upon the machine shop. Both the grinding and milling departments are being enlarged, and two new heavy lathes for the larger work are being installed. The directors are satisfied that this spell of hard work is no "flash in the pan," as orders are coming in regularly, week after week. In the course of a long letter to us, they write : "We are now made thoroughly aware of the fact that it is no mere spurt, but is a decided turn for the better, and that a good steady demand has set in for our types of vehicles. We look upon this as being due to the steady advertizing done by your own valuable journal . . . . in placing the claims of the industrial vehicle well before possible purchasers."
Adverting to the illustration of four of the five vans for Lever Bros., Ltd., which we published a fortnight ago, everybody at the Dennis works seems extremely proud, and justly so, of the splendid way in which these vans have been turned nut—quite in keeping with the excellence of Lever's advertising methods. The attention of passers-by is at once arrested, and the advantage of not putting too much on the sides of the van is evident. Manchester Show Preparations.
The annual show of the Manchester and District Motor Trades Association, Ltd., which is to be held, from the 18th to 26th prox., in the City Exhibition Hall, will be an undoubted success. Support of the Manchester Show is no new departure with this journal, for our local knowledge has convinced us, from the earliest years of the movement, that Manchester is one of the best and most-promising centres for heavy motor traffic. A worthy display is assured, and we shall not be behind in endeavouring to secure the attendance of representative users and potential users from Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire. In this connection, we would invite a careful perusal of our second leading article of to-day.
Exhibitors will do well to bear in mind the arrangements which the directors have been able to complete for the supply of special tickets. On previous occasions, for reasons into which we need not enter, it has not been possible to arrange for any means of admission, except in the cases of exhibitors and the Press, other than at full prices. Now, however, in consonance with the experience of other recognized and important shows. supplies of admission tickets may be obtained, by shareholders and exhibitors, at 6d. each, which facilities are sure to be turned to account by many supporters of the show. In fact, individual exhibitors may make their own advertisement announcements on as many such tickets as they care to order in advance, and thereafter to distribute these according to their own judgment. The minimum payment must be for 250 tickets, after which payment will be according to the number used at the doors, and applications should be addressed to the Exhibition Manager, Manchester Motor Show, Palatine Hotel, Victoria Street, Manchester, on or before the 15th inst. Full details may be obtained from this official, who is now concentrating upon the final organization.
Fire-brigade Matters.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the Worthing Town Council has not yet announced its decision in regard to the ten tenders before it for the supply of a self-propelled first-aid and escape engine.
The Wood Green Urban District Council is about to consider the question of the purchase of a motor fire engine. The L.C.C. Finchley engine recently gave a demonstration to members of the Wood Green Council.
Brighton's Ingenious Fire Chief.
The Brighton Fire Brigade now possesses an interesting machine. The chassis is of the Star Engineering Co.'s manufacture, but its adaptation, for fire-brigade purposes, has been carried out entirely by members of the Brighton Brigade, to the designs of the Chief Officer, Supt. Lacroix. The machine is a combination of chemical engine, escape, hose-reel, ambulance wagon, etc. It is stated to be capable of attaining a speed of 40 m.p.h., and of taking any of the gradients in or near Brighton at a reasonable speed.
Nationalization of Hospitals and Fire Brigades.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, is of opinion that hospitals and fire brigades should be nationalized. This company also strongly supports the claims, which were first advanced in this journal 41u ring the months of July and August of 1908, that county and rural distriets require fire-brigade equipment. in their midst. The suggestion, that such county hospitals and fire stations might be in close propinquity one to another, deserves serious consideration, both in relation to needs of peace and times of war.
Lettering All Round.
The merits of fast motor delivery are evidently being tried by the Spanish newspaper, " El Correo," of Madrid. At present, this daily paper employs a 40 h.p. Benz vehicle adapted for its purposes. The rear is built up with a lofty erection to carry the papers, and the outside carries the publication's name in enormous letters; these are pasted on, after the manner of bills on a hoarding.
German Motor Trucks in Brazil.
A Consular report from Rio de Janeiro states that, during the first six months of 1909, 52 motors were imported from France, 20 from Italy, 14 each from the United States and Germany, six from Great Britain, and 12 from all other countries. There was a falling-off all round on the preceding year, but Germany had a relative gain—due to good agency work in the face of a depressed market,. Dealers say that German machines, which are largely for "trucking " purposes, are sold at prices that represent efforts to keep factories going in the face of unfavourable conditions, rather than profitable business.
" Harrier " Car Hoisting Gear.
Two of our illustrations on this page show machines built by Clayton and Co., Ltd., Hoddersfield, and in one of them it will he seen that the company's patent hoisting gear is in operation, raising a couple of sacks of flour. The gear may be fitted on one or both sides of the wagon, and it consists of an extension to the differential countershaft, to which it is connected in such a manner that, a hen the winding drum is in operation, the driving sprocket on that side of the vehicle is thrown out of gear with the shaft. The hoisting of goods may be controlled from the driver's seat by means of the change-speed lever and the foot brake. Suitable guide pulleys are provided, and these may be so mounted that the rope eau be led off in any required direction.
New Registrations.
The Weight Patent Automobile Brake, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £16,000 in 41 shares and with its office at 23. Bridge Street, Bristol, to acquire certain patents for inventions and improvements in respect of or relating to brakes of automobiles.
The Automatic Motor Road Sweeper, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £6,000 in ,C1 shares, by Hausten and Co., of 25 and 26, Lime Street, E.C., to carry on the business indicated in the title, and to enter into an agreement with F. Dougill and A. Dougill and E. Chapman.
.Nanearrows, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 25,000 in kJ shares, by Jordan and Sons, of 116 and 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to acquire and take over as a going concern and carry on the business of motor engineers with ear manufacturers and dealers, now carried on by Harry Nancarrow, at Boscawen Bridge, Truro.
Thomas Horsley and Sons, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in tl shares and with its office at 10, Coney Street, York, to acquire and take over as a going concern and carry on the business of motorcar, motorcycle, etc., dealers and repairers, etc., now carried on at the address given.
The Kharga and Dakhla Transport and Trading Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2,000 in LI shares, by W. Garsed, of 15, Gascoyne Road, South Hackney, N.E., to obtain from the Government of Egypt concessions, rights, powers, authorities, and privileges to institute and carry on exclusively or otherwise mechanical transport by means of automobiles between the Oases of Kharga and Dakhla in Upper Egypt.
The Motor Exchange, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in 21 shares, and with its office at 386 and 388, Euston Road, NW., to acquire and take over as a going concern and carry on the business of a dealer in new and secondhand motor vehicles and accessories thereof now carried on by J. It. Maellalion, under the style of The Motor Exchange, at 286, Boston Road, and 26 and 28, Southampton Street, Button _Road, N.W., The Hall Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £30,000 in £1 shares, by Kenneth Brown, Baker, Baker and Co., of Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C., to acquire, etc., the British Letters Patent No. 15,993 of 1908, and to carry on the business of manufacturers of, dealers in, etc., spare wheels, wheels of all descriptions, rims, pneumatic, rubber or other tires, taximeters, motor-garage proprietors, etc.