Wheels of Industry—con.
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The Colour of Tins.
The factory manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. utters a warning as to its being unsafe to attempt to assess the value of a tire from the colour of the rubber of which it is made. Pure rubber, whee vulcanized, is grey, and any Aher colour is the result of the adiition of chemicals embodying: olouring matter, which are used, AS a rule, to toughen the tire durnig production.
Dunlop Repairs.
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., is now selling large numbers of its new vulcanizing outfit. This contains the requisite materials for " doctoring " covers and tubes, together with instructions which should be helpful to an unskilled worker. The contents of the compact ease include a roll of double-spread canvas, a roll of single-spread canvas, each roll being 7 ft. in length by 12 ins.
wide, lb. of vulcanizing compound, 4 lb. of vulcanizing solution, and a box of colouring powder. The price is 255. The outfit can be purchased through any motor repairer or garage.
The Coupe Co.
The report of the Coups Co. and Motor Cab Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., • for the year ended the 30th September, shows that careful management has considerably improved the company's position during the year ended the 30th September last. The company has repaid the loan from its bankers, and has written off a further 26000 as depreci.ation on rolling-stock. The private-hire department continuer to be profitable. The directors were able to take up £11,000 of the recent war loan, and we note that no directors' fees have been paid. The annual meeting took place on the 30th ult., at 14, Regent Street, S.W. Consulting Work.
Messrs. E. A. Greathed and Chas. E. Esse, lately practising as consulting engineers from an office in Pall Mall, intimate that they have moved to a new address-1, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, W. The telephone number is Regent 37.
The Rossfeigh Co.
One of the oldest molor businesses in Scotland, that of Ross'Mgt), Ltd., held its annual meeting —the eighteenth—on the 20th ult., under the chairmanship of the managing director, Mr. W. L. Sleigh. A dividend of 15 per cent. on the ordinary shares was declared, and Mr. Sleigh announced that the company intended to give increasing attention to the selling of reliable commercial motors.
Seeking Engagement We have before us, at the moment, the names of two gentlemen, both of whom are a few years above military age, who are possessed of considerable experience in connection with the organization and maintenance of motortransport services. Each of these gentlemen is a qualified engineer, and some of cur readers may possibly desire to have details from us. Inquiries should he addressed to the Editor, and endorsed on the envelope " Mechanical Engineers." The minimum salary required is 2300 per annum.
"The Electric Vehicle."
No. 5 of "The Electric Vehicle" reached us at the end of last month. This quarterly publication, for which the Electric Vehicle Committee is responsible, continues to maintain its interest for users of commercial vehicles, and to receive noteworthy support from members of the electrical industry generally. , Single copies may be obtained, price 40. each post free, from the Electrical Press, Ltd.,. 13-16, Fisher Street, Southampton Row W.C.
The latest statistics show that there are now 660 electric vehicles of all classes in use in Great Britain.
Joseph Lucas, Ltd.
The report and balance-sheet of Joseph . Lucas, • Ltd., one of.this country's leading motor-accessory companies, to the 31st August last, shows a net profit of £39,076, After making ampleprovisiOn for depreciationand reserve, and paying the usual dividend on the preference shares, the carry-forward to next year, subject to duty.on war profits, is 223,755. The report states that the company issued 1000 ordinary shares of 25 each, during the year, . under an agreement in connection with the purchase of ThomsonBennett Magnetos, Ltd. The amount of the premiums was added to the reserve.