Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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Statement of Audited Accounts— October, 1914, to September, 191S. Many of Our Cases reached their Destinations on Xmas Day.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Long, Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. R. R.. Bagnall-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Blain, Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
£10 Monthly: Associated Equipment ; Car and General; Comrnercars ; Crossley ; Crown and Shell Spirits; Daimler ; Dennis; Dunlop ; Foden ; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore ; Hallford ; Hoyt Metal ; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley, .£5 Monthly : Ferodo ; Halley ; Lucas ; Macintosh ; Maudslay ; Hans Renold; St. Helens Cable and Rubber ; Scottish Commercial Cars ; Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Spencer Moulton; Wood-Mime; Wolf (Solex).
Lump Sums: Peerless Co., £120; President, Peerless Co., 2.120; Treasurer, Peerless Co., £100; Staff, Peerless Co., £85; Albion, £50; Belsize, £50; Heath Harrison, Esq., £50; J. Keele, Ltd., £50; Napier, £50. A.S.C. Central (Corps) Fund.—£400 (two grants).
We have now received the audited statement of accounts for the first period of the Fund, covering from the 22nd October, 1914, to the 30th September, 1915, from the honorary auditors, Messrs. E. Bishop and Co., chartered accountants, of 106, Jermyn Street, London, S.W., dated the 30th December, 1915.
The 18 Impersonal Divisions.
The figures in the adjoining column are interesting. They disclose the lead which purchases of selected driving-gloves had gained three months ago, and we may say that the intervening months have put that item still further ahead of any other. The grouping which was adopted for the intermediary audit of March last has been retained, for the sake of uniformity. We shall, for the 1915-1916 accounts, adopt an analysis in greater detail, seeing that more-numerous headings are already concerned with totals in excess of 2100 each. The "packing and despatching" expenditure has from the outset been very carefully controlled, and the major portion of this item is for the excellent cases, which are made on the premises, at 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C., out of materials which we purchase at the best prices. It will, possibly, surprise some readers to know that the Fund permanently employs a lady storekeeper, and two lady typists, exclusively, apart from the important voluntary help which the Editorial and Office Staffs provide free of charge. The clerical work and correspondence with the Overseas Columns and units is literally enormous.
Thanks to Hon. Auditors.
We want to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to Messrs. Bishop, on behalf of all who have supported or benefited by the Fund, for the considerable amount of work which they have gratuitously done in examining our books and accounts before issuing their certificate of audit. Professional cooperation of this kind is much valued, especially at a time when everybody is suffering from a shortage of staff.
Their Certificate is Annexed.
It only remains for us to mention that No. 2 account takes over the surplus from No. 1 account, amounting to £350 14s. 6d. When audited accounts for No. 2 account appear, after the current period of 12 months has terminated at the end of September next, this sum will appear as the first entry on the income side.
The statement of accounts certifies the receipts to have been 25428 9s. 10d. in donations, and 210 5s, 3d. in interest, making the total of receipts 25438 15s. id. Payments are certified to be the following amounts, disbursed for the purchase of comforts, and in respect of the other sundry expenses which are indicated. We publish the Income and Expenditure Account in the above form, showing the debtor and creditor sides one after the other, instead of side by side, for convenience of setting the type to fit our pages. The certificate at the foot of the original copy reads :— "We have examined the above statement with the cash book and vouchers of the Fund and certify the same to be correct. "(Signed) E. BISHOP AND CO., "Chartered Accountants."
Campaign Comforts Fund-con.
The last item of expenditure in the accounts, covering printing, and stationery, circulation of lists, general announeetnents and advertising, may appear to be somewhat large. Considerable outlay under these heads is inevitable. So far as printing and stationery go, the lowest possible charges have in every case been made against the Comforts Account. As to advertising, we have deemed it expedient, from the outset, to announce the names of donors in a number of leading newspapers, and in following this course we have been guided by the practice of national and other important funds. One direct result of this expenditure has been a marked augmentation of our receipts of woollen comforts from ladies in all parts of the United Kingdom. We hesitate to place a value upon the gifts in kind which have reached us in this way, but it certainly runs to a figure much in excess of £1000 (to the 30th September, 1915). These articles, of course, whilst representing so much cash valne, also account for a notinconsiderable proportion of our packing and despatching charges, as shown.
LIst of Gifts Received up to the 1st January, 1916.
The Honble. Mrs. Windsor Clive, Ludlow .(30 prs. of seeks).
Airs. Coulson, Teignmouth (6 ccarves, 2 helmets, 2 prs. of mittens).
Mrs. Strickland, Fairford (6 prs. of socks).
Mrs. Birkinshaw, Fairport, Bursledon (2 prs. of socks). Mrs. Mercer, Canterbury (6 shirts, 7 pre. of socks). Mrs. Hielier, Southport (2 scarv, 2 prs. of mittens). Mrs. Greenfield, Winchburgh, West Lothian (8 pre. of mittens, 3 scarves, 2 helmets, 6 prs. of socks).
Mn. F. Smith, Hove (2 scarves, 2 pre. of mittens).
Miss Mimess, Bromley, Kent (1 scarf). Mrs. Porton, Palmer's Green, N. (1 scarf, 5 pre. of mittens). The Offices of " John Bull," Long Acre, W.C. (copies of " John Boll ").
Miss Moffatt, Nailsworth, Glos. (1 pair of socks). Mrs. Sinclair, Kirkcaldy (1 scarf, 2 pairs of socks, 2 pair of mittens). Mrs. L. White, Wolverton Avenue, Kingston Hill (2 pairs of mittens, 2 pairs of socks). Miss Wray, Church Road, Bengoe, Herts. (3 helmets, 3 pairs of mittens). Mrs. Jardine, Loadhead, Midlothian (12 pairs of mittens, 2 pair; of socks, 12 cakes of soap).
The Most Recent Despatches (50 Cases).
Advice Dotes have been posted, concerning the despatch on the 28th of December, of 56 lb. cases of comforts, in this instance mostly consisting of gloves, to the 0.C.s of the following A.S.C., M.T. units:Cos. 61, 48, 133, 179, 267, 340, 379, 328, 336, 415, 3011, 390, 389, 384, 385, 407, 176, 134, 353, 269, 266, 78, 45' 56, 92, 399, 272, 417 491, 90, 316, 318, 356, 366, 3 Array Auxiliary M.T. 418, 419, 323, 326, 355, 568, 175, and 283. Several of these had two cases allotted.
Gratifying Messages for Subscribers.
'All seasonable wishes and the best thanks of my unit to yourselves and your subscribers."-0.0., 23rd Div. F.A. and W.U.
"The gloves were particularly acceptable, as the Government's issue is too clumsy for our work."The O.C. of a Field Ambulance.
"You can hardly realize the pleasure that your gifts have afforded us all. They bring the men great happiness, in that they feel they are not being forgotten by their friends at homc."-0. C. 562 M.T. Co., on active service.
"I really cannot thank you and the committee of your Fund sufficiently for your most acceptable gifts, which we were very fortunate in receiving on Christmas morning. I thank you on behalf of my men for all these most acceptable presents. I was able this time to give each man a pair of socks, a towel and a, handkerchief, whilst the other things they shared out amongst themselves. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season on behalf of the men of this unit and of myself."-O.C. 25th Div. F.A. and W.U.