News and Comment.
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This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the Empire.
'We publish this week (pages 387 and 388) the first letter from our newly-appointed correspondent in Calcutta.
Travelling showmen and circus proprietors make extensive use of steam tractors and traction engines in this Country: our Paris correspondent communicates (see pages 378 and 379) some information about corresponding enterprise on the Continent, where it appears that such applications of motive power are regarded more in the light of novelties.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with matters concerning motor removals, the protection of drivers, the C.M.U.A. traffic-obstruction campaign, the need for some method of indicating that a taxi-driver is on the way home to his yard, and the usefulness of a weekly allowance to some drivers in respect of the maintenance at or above a certain standard of cleanliness of the vehicles under their charge.
The Royal Show at Norwich was a great success : this week's " One Hears ' page again reflects certaM points which were noticed clown there. The joint exhibit of the W.A. Government and the Orient Line was particularly well arranged, and included scenic representations of fruit-growing, timber-cutting, harvesting, etc. The King visited the stand on Wednesday of last week, and was received there by the AgentGeneral for Western Australia, Sir Newton Moore, K.C.M.G. We congratulate Messrs. Anderson, Anderson and Co. upon their enterprise, and the effective manner in which they arranged, in conjunction with the Western Australian Government, this striking appeal to likely emigrants and capitalists. Mr. W. H. Dolley, the Government Exhibitions Director for Western Australia, was in regular attendance. A photograph of a portion of Stand No. 305, the one in question, will be.found on the next page of this issue. Apropos Royal Shows generally, it is evident that more commercialmotor people will support them hereafter, by exhibiting petroldriven vehicles. it is interesting to note that 62 years ago, when the Royal Show was held in Norwich for the first time, several of the exhibitors who have been showing this year were then represented.; we may instance Charles Burrell, Richard Garrett, Clayton and Shuttleworth, Edward Bentall and Richard Hornsby. As our report disclosed, old supporters of the Society are now giving closer attention to motor tractors and vehicles of all types. This month's meeting of the General Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association will be held to-morrow (Friday) at 89, Pall Mall, at three o'clock. The date was, last week, inadvertently given as the 12th inst.
Continental Tires.
The Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., gives notice that its new and morecommodious Manchester premises are situated at 248-252, Deansgate, where the abbreviated telegraphic address is "Tireling," and the telephone number 5853 Central. This branch is under the charge of Mr. Albert Harness.
New Registrations.
Economical Cars, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, and with its office at 3, Liverpool Street, E.C., to carry on the business of motorcar accessory and tire dealers, etc. First director: 0. A. Picot.
Holmes Engine Company, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £8,000 in Li shares, by Blyth, Dutton, Hartley and Blyth, 112, Gresham House, RC, to carry on the business of manufacturers of motorcars and engines for motorcars, etc., also to adopt an agreement with the Number One Engine Syndicate, Ltd., and J. Myers, the liquidator
thereof. First directors : A. W. Godwin, G. B. Holmes. and W. F. Crutch.
Pollard (Birmingham). Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, by Forsyth. Bettinson and Co., 36, Cannon Street, Birmingham, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motorcars, garage proprietors, etc.
Richard Ruben. Ltd.. with an authorized capital of 28,000 in 21 shares (2,000 preference). registered by Tooth and Bloxam. 36, Lincoln's Inn Fields. W.C.. to take over the business of a dealer in motor cars and accessories carried on in Johannesburg and London by R. Ruben. Permanent governing director R. Ruben.
Closed Circuit Air Transmission,
L td., with an authorized capital of .P90,000 in £1 shares, and with its office at 10, Jamaica Street, Glasgow, to acquire the business of the Closed Air Circuit Transmission Co., Ltd. (in liquidation), 10, J amaica Street. Glasgow, and to carry on business as manufacturers of automobiles, motorcars, etc. Eirst directors: J. B. Verel, W. A. Verel, j. Cowan, and W. Alexander. Registered in Edinburgh.
Spirit Storage.
The Public Control Cormnitter of the L.C.C. has reported against the granting of a licence to the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., in respect of the contemplated storage of 100,000 gallons of motor spirit at Angerstein Depot, East Greenwich. Certain risks arc alleged to remain, under the scheme submitted.
L.C.C. Active.
1 he Public Control Committee of the ',C.C. has made certain communications to the Local Government Board and the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, in regard to the emission of smoke, visible vapour and ashes, etc., from traction engines and steam motor wagons and tractors.
We do not think that any new points are raised, and it is evident that the committee in question has forgotten the significance of the words "temporary or accidental," so far as heavy motorcars are concerned. We do think, however, thet something might be done by certain owners to reduce the risk of the dropping of hot cinders.
Traction Engine Owners: • -
The summer meeting of the National Traction Engine Owners and Users Association invariably takes place, by the courtesy of the Council of the R.A.S.E., in the showyard of the Society, at showtime. This year, the meeting was held, under the presidency of Mr. W. H. Willcox, on Wednesday of show week—the day of the King's visit. Attention was drawn to the pohe of appointing local secretaries, in order to popularize the A ssm ia Lion's work in connection wii h owners of traction engines constructed under the Locomotives
Acts, as distinct from heavy motorcars. Mention was also made of the fact that the Joint Committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and the Commercial Motor Users Association
recently entrusted Mr. W. J oynson-Hicks, M.P., with the drafting of a Bill having for its object the settlement of questions affecting weak public or private bridges carrying highways. Mr Howard Humphreys, lkf . I. M ech. E. , consulting engineer to the Association, gave some particulars of cases which the Association had fought on behalf of registered owners.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the British Motor Haulage and Storage Co., Ltd., held at the registered offices of the company, 45, Granby Row, Manchester, a resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntarily. Mr. George Lowe, Cromwell Buildings, Blackfriars Street, Manchester, was appointed liquidator.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Canadian Agricultural Motors, Ltd., held at 32, Gt. St. Helen's, E.C., a resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntarily. Mr. Hubert Muskett King was appointed liquidator.