We learn that Messrs. Andrew Barton Bros., of Beeston, have
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supplied a 20-seated Argyll char-abanes and a 20-seated Ryknield public-service vehicle to Mr. H. Burridge, jun., of Bedford. This town has no tramway system.
Exit the Eastern.
At an extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Great Eask..rn London Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., held at 9, Grosvenor Road, S.W., a resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntarily. Mr. J. B. Glenn, Moorgate Station Chambers, E. C. , was appointed liquidator. This procedure, of course, follows upon the acquirement of the business of the C.E.L.M.O. Co., Ltd., by the L.G.O. Co., Ltd.
Public-Service Developments in Malacca.
Our own correspondent in Singapore advises us that further public-service motor-vehicle developments are taking place in the Crown Colony of Malacca. A new line of passenger chars-a-banes has been installed on Penang Island. At present the best of several existing services, says our representative, is the Malacca Motor Service, Ltd., which is run by a company of China men in Malacca. We are informed that it is maintained at present without any European assistance whatever. This Chinese company owns eight machines—three Dennis, one Albion, one Daimler and three Belhavens. Two routes are served ; one from Malacca to Linggi River, a distance of 30 miles, and the other from Malacca to Jasin, a distance of 19 miles. The roads in Malacca, which are maintained at the expense of the Crown Colony, are very poor and compare unfavourably with those in the Federated Malay States, the government of which has plenty of money at its disposal. We are informed that the Malacca Motor Service, Ltd., during its first six months of working, paid a dividend of 12 per cent., but that, owing, it is believed, to the policy of replacing the older cars out of revenue, no dividend has since been forthcoming. Our correspondent informs us that the three Dennis vehicles belonging to this company are all new, and he is given to understand that the directors' intention is to make all their future purchases from the same factory. So much attention has been directed recently to the state of the roads in Malacca, that the Government has now made provision for the improvement of the highways. Speed Limits for Hammersmith.
The L.C.C. has lodged an application with the Local Government Board for an inquiry to be held into the matter of fixing speed limits in a large number of Hammersmith thoroughfares. Some of these are for five-mile limits, and others for 10-mile limits. The Commercial Motor Users Association, at its meeting to-morrow. (Friday), will probably consider what steps are to be taken in the interests of motorbus owners.
Bromley -Farnborough.
Our North Kent correspondent informs us that a new undertaking, to be known as the West Kent and Bromley Motorbus Co. ,is proposing to institute a service of single-deck motorbuses between the terminus of Tilling's Bromley route and Farnborough. The new machines would run in competition with the oldestablished horsed chars-a-bancwhich ply for hire between Bromley and Farnborough. The capital of the new concern is to he £5,000, and the secretary is Mr, T. J. Titford ; the registered offices are at 138, High Street, Bromley. The directors include several prominent tradesmen in Bromley.
No Table This Week.
We are unable to include our usual table of traffic returns this week, owing to the necessity, for certain reasons, of our going to press early with this issue.
Rotherham's Bill.
The Rotherham Corporation Bill, by which, amongst various other powers, it is sought to obtain permission to operate a service of motorbuses, was the cause of considerable discussion last week, xx-hen the Bill was before a Select Committee of the House of Commons. The Committee will recom mend that, powers be granted to the Rotherham Corporation for the running of motorbuses, subject to the consent of the Rotherham Rural pistriet Council being obtained. Considerable evidence was given before the Committee with regard to the reputed claims of the trackless-trolley system.
North Wales Services. "
We have received further particulars of the excellent series of servic?s which are run by the Llandudno Motor and Garage Co., Ltd., and by the Llandudno Automobile Touring Co., Ltd., both of which concerns operate in the district of North Wales around Llandudno. Both these companies issue handy little illustrated booklets with regard to the many extensive and interesting circular trips, on lvltich they run their public-service vehicles. The first-named company onerates five Dennis chars-a-banes ; whilst the Automobile Taming Co., Ltd., is at present employing four maehines of the same make.
Leeds' Trolley-bus Experiment.'
The. trackless-trolley extensions to the Leeds and Bradford Tram way systems have been now offi cially inaugurated. These sections represent. the first. examples of the
system to be put. into operation in this country, and it is largely on he recommendation of Mr. .T. B. Hamilton, the general manager of I he Leeds Tramway organization, that these experiments are being carried through. The present route in Leeds is about V* miles in length. The first machine to he put into service has a carrying capacityfor 28 passengers, and the passenger entrance and exit is at the front of the machine, so that, if necessary, the services of a conductor can be dispensed with, and the vehicle canbe conducted on the "pay-as-you-enter system."
Dennis Machines for Public Service.
Dennis, Bros., Ltd., has sent to us two photographs showing the exterior and interior of the latest 10seated passenger motorbus which it has recently supplied to the Metro politan Asylums Board. Dennis Bros., Ltd., has 13 more ambulances on order for the M.A.B., and when these are delivered the latter organization will possess a total fleet of 40 machines. We illustrate one of the latest Dennis chars--banes,