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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Interesting exemptions from goodsvehicle licensing have been made by the Minister of Transport in the Road and Rail Traffic Act (Exemption) Provisional Regulations, 1934. The provisions of Section 1 of the Act will no longer apply to the use of any vehicle on a road utilized only in passing from one part of a works or private premises to another, or to works or premises in the immediate neighbourhood belonging to the same person, provided that the distance travelled on a road by any such vehicle does not exceed six miles in any week.
The other exemptions are trailers not constructed primarily for the carriage of goods, but used incidentally for that purpose in connection with the construction and maintenance of roads; vehicles with no permanent bodies and carrying loads solely for the purpose of tests, or loads consisting of articles and equipment which will form part of complete vehicles when the bodies are built ; vehicles, while hired, directly or through a contractor, by the Admiralty, War Office, Air Council, Territorial and Auxiliary Air Force Associations, for naval, military or Air Force purposes in connection with manceuvres or training, the hire period being deemed to include journeys to and from the areas in which the vehicles will used.
The New Minister of Transport—Mr. Leslie 1-lore-Belisha.
We are glad to know that a very able administrator will succeed Mr. Oliver Stanley as Minister of Transport. Mr. Leslie I-lore-Belisha, who succeeds to the post following the appointment of Mr. Stanley as Minister of Labour, is 39 years of age, was Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade from 1931 to 1932, afterwards filling the important post of Financial Secretary to the Treasury, and, therefore, acting as Parliamentary right-hand man to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
He knows all about the scales of duties and the policy underlying the disbursements from the Road Fund. The vast mass of technical detail with which his new duties are concerned will have no terrars for him, as he has remarkable powers of assimilation. Let us hope his sympathies with the roadtransport interests will be even warmer than those of his predecessors.
Mr. Hare-Belisha was educated at Oxford, became a barrister and a journalist, served in the War, entered Parliament as Liberal M.P. for Devonport in 1923, and was largely instrumental in forming the Liberal National Party, of which he held the position of first chairman.
B20 Morris-Commercial Price Reductions. Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham, announces important reductions, effective as from July 1, in the prices of a number of its models. The 15-cwt. chassis now sells at £155 and the standard van of this capacity at £183. The new prices of the 1-ton models are as follow : —Chassis, £159; standard van, £206; lorry, £186; end tipper, . £198.
In. the 30-cwt. class there are four normal-control chassisand four forward-control chassis. The four-cylinder chassis in the former is now listed at £184 10s., and the four-cylinder lorry of this type at £213, whilst the normalcontrol six-cylinder models sell at £192 10s. for the chassis and £221 for the lorry. The forward-control fourcylinder chassis is reduced to £201 and, with a lorry body, sells at £238, whilst the six-cylinder chassis in this group is marketed at £209 and, as a lorry, at £246.
War-Office Oil-Engine Trials.
The War Department trials of oilengined vehicles will be held in North Wales from July 25-27. The coarse includes the Horse Shoe passes and Bwkh-y-Groes. MINISTER SETS UP COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE STREET LIGHTING.
A Departmental Committee has been set up by the Minister of Transport with the following terms of reference :— " To examine and report what steps could be taken for securing more efficient and uniform street lighting, with particular reference to the convenience and safety of traffic and with due regard to the requirements of residential and shopping areas, and to make recommendations?' .
Its composition is as follows :
Mr. Ie. C. Cook, D.5.0., M.C., F.S.I. (Deputy Chief Engineer, Ministry of Transport), chairman; Mr. J. F. Colquhonn (Public Lighting Engineer, Sheffield); MI. C. A. Masterrnan, M.A., F.T.C. (Chief Technical Officer, Gas, Light and Coke Co.); Major W. H. Morgan, D.S.O. M.Inst.C.E. (County Engineer, Middlesex); :SD. C. C. Paterson, 0.B.E., M.Iust.C.E., M.Inst.E.E. (chairman of the Illumination Research Committee, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Director of Research Department, General Electric Co.): Mr. E. S. Perrin, B.Sc.,. A.M.Inst.C.E., (Ministry of Tran.sport); Major L. Rosevear°, 0.S.E., M.Inst.C_E. (Borough Engineer, Eastbourne); Mr. J. It. Taylor, M.A., M.Inst.C.E. (Ministry of Health); Dr. J. W. T. Walsh, A.M.Inst.C.E. (National Physical Laboratory). The secretary is Dr. 11 P. Gillte, B.Sc., A.I.C.
Railway Applications to the Northwestern Authority.
At a special sitting at Manchester, Mr. W. Chamberlain, the Licensing Authority for the North-western Area, recently heard the first applications for road-transport licences by the railway companies. For the Manchester base of the London. Midland and Scottish Railway Co. evidence was given of the need of 905 vehicles and 101 trailers, whilst the application of the London and North Eastern Railway Co. in respect of the same base was for 186 vehicles and 192 trailers. It was stated that the Great Western Railway Co. would not be applicants for licences from Manchester.
Evidence was given by Mr. G. Seddon, of the L,M.S., on the increased parcel traffic, to prove the need for an additional number of vehicles. In the year ended March, 1933, the number of rail-borne parcels handled in the Manchester area was 7,593,771, and in the following year 8,216,672.
The chairman reserved his decisions on the applications of the L.M.S., but granted those of the L.N.E.R.
Scottish Association's 20th Annual Meeting.
The 20th annual general meeting of the Scottish Federation of Transport Contractors was held, last week, in Edinburgh. , The reports and financial statement for the past year were approved. Mr. D. Y. Abbey (Edinburgh) was reelected president for the ensuing year, with Mr. Samuel Adam (Glasgow) as vice-president. Mr. Donald Mackay, solicitor (Glasgow), was appointed treasurer and secretary. OFFICIAL ORDERS IN MAY.
Orders for motor vehicles given out by Government departments during May last were confined to one for lorry chassis and for a number of oil engines placed by the Crown Agents for the Colonies with Albion Motors, Ltd., and one for 3-4-ton trailers given by the War Office to Tuke and Bell, Ltd.
The Latest in Streamlined Tankers.
We reproduce on this page an illus tration of a new motor tanker that has recently been supplied to Messrs. Carless, Capel and Leonard, the well-known motor-fuel distributing firm. The vehicle, an A.E.C. Mammoth Major, is an excellent example of the modern tendency in the design of this class of vehicle, which embodies streamlining effects that contribute to a smart and clean appearance.
The tanker has a total capacity of 2,500 gallons, divided into five separate compartments. The tank shell, for which, with other fittings, the Aluminium Plant and Vessel Co., Ltd., was responsible, has been constructed by autogenously welding aluminium sheets and the three partitions to form the five compartments. Each compartment is complete with a circular manhole, a 5-in, filling pipe and a 4-in, dip pipe. A foot valve with a trip device, which ensures that the valve closes should any possibility of leakage develop, is fitted, and all the outlet pipes are carried to the side of the chassis, being fitted with patented 2-in, spring-loaded cocks.
The tank itself rests on cast-aluminium bearers and is secured by dur alumin straps. These bearers are flexibly connected to the ' chassis in order to overcome vibration.
Applicant Suggests Limit on Licence.
The applicant had, it was stated, expressed his willingness lo be limited for the removal of furniture to six journeys a year, when Mr. E. Ward, fruit merchant and haulage contractor, of East Ardsley, applied to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at Leeds, on June 26, for a B licence to carry goods and furniture.
The representative of a Leeds firm of furniture removers, who objected to the application, said they were agreeable to the applicant carrying furniture
six times yearly, but was it possible for the Licensing Authority to impose such a condition? What check could be placed on the operator?
The restricted licence granted limited the carriage of furniture to 15 miles.
Road-accident Returns'
The Ministry of Transport returns of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended June 23, 1934, show that, in England, 86 persons were killed and 4,473 injured, whilst 28 died as a result of previous
accidents. The figures for Scotland were 13 killed and 450 injured, whilst in Wales 3 were killed and 214 injured.
A New 12-in. Direction Indicator,
A new commercial-type direction indicator, with a 12-in, arm, has been produced by A. H. Hunt (Safetisigns), Ltd., Tunstall Road, Croydon, and incorpcvates two-pole wiring, an elastic lock, which enables the arm to he pulled out without damage, and a single-screw fitting. It will work on 6, 12 or 24-volt circuits and is priced at 50.s., subject to discount for quantities. A wide variety of switches is available.
"Western Welsh" Increased Profit.
In the year ended March 31, 1934, the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £13,425, as against £8,290 a year earlier. Adding £3,381 brought into the accounts, there is a sum of £16,806 for disposal. The directors have written off £1,500 in the reduction of preliminary expenses, and a dividend of 6 per cent. (less tax) is proposed, which will account for £11,237 and leave £4,068 to be carried forward.
Leyland Opens Depot in Persia.
By reason of the development of its business in Persia, Leyland Motors, Ltd., has decided to open its own depot in Teheran, The control of this new depot will be in the hands of Mr. A. Binns, who for some 15 years has been resident in the East and is well known throughout Persia. The depot will carry a full stock of spares for the types of vehicle in operation in the country and will form the headquarters of the service organization for Persia.
Mr. Cockshutt, manager for Leyland Motors, Ltd., in South Africa, -recently arrived in this country for consultation with headquarters chiefs and leave.
Mr. F. H. Paul, who has been connected with Messrs. Garlick, Burr0 and Edwards, of Liverpool and Bootlk as engineer and assistant manager, has been appointed under the Road and Rail Traffic Act as certifying offices for the West Midland Area, with headquarters in Birmingham. He was instrumental in providing transport ser, vices for residents at the New Bootle housing estates in Orrell. He induced his company to inaugurate the now famous "green buses," which traded under the name of the Merseyside Touring Co.
Mr. Henry Spurrier, Senr., and Mr. P. E. Biggar, managing director and designer respectively of Leyland Motors, Ltd., have just returned from a short visit to Canada and the United States. The impression they gained of Canada was that, whilst business conditions are not so satisfactory as they are in this country, there is ever-growing confidence in Canada's future.
It is interesting to learn from them that Leylandproducts enjoy a high reputation, not only in Canada, but amongst American commercial-vehicle manufacturers. In this connection, the company's 8-litre oil engines in service in Canada have been subjected to close scrutiny by leading American designers.
Forth Road Bridge: Minister's Reply.
The Minister of Transport has replied to the deputation which interviewed him regarding the possibility of Government aid in the construction of a road bridge over the Forth at Queensferry. He states that consideration of the scheme must be delayed until the effect on road traffic is known of the frequent ferry services now provided at Queensferry, and of the Kincardine road bridge at present under construction.
It is understood that those who are pressing for a Forth road bridge are to carry the matter further. R.LA.-C.M.U.A. NEGOTIATIONS APPROVED.
The proposed merger of the Road Haulage Association and the Commercial Motor Users Association was discussed by members of the East Lancashire Section of the R.H.A. at a meeting held a few days ago in Manchester. Finally, a resolution was adopted expressing approval of the continuance of negotiations between the two Associations and recording the opinion that nothing should be settled until members, having the full scheme before them, were able to vote on the question.
Another topic discussed was the corn
plaints against farmers, who were said to be taking unfair advantage of the privileges afforded them by legislation, in carrying loads for neighbouring farmers. It was stated that these operations resulted in loads being lost to hauliers.
Bulb-contact Converters.
A simple adapter for enabling doublepole lamp bulbs to be used in singlepole sockets, and vice-versa, has been introduced by Andrew Page and Son, Ltd., 99, Albion Street, Leeds, 1. The device consists of a small fibre disc provided with two brass inserts, one of which forms a central contact on one side and a side contact on the other, whilst the second forms a side and earth contact.
It is used by placing it in the socket, behind the bulb, with the appropriate face outwards. The adapters are sold in sets of five with a simple tool for manipulation at is. per set.
Danish Farmers Buy British.
In connection with the visit of the secretary of the Danish Agricultural Association, known as the " Twelve Men's Union," to the Royal Agricultural Show, at Ipswich, it is announced that the Union has recently placed a contract for a year's supply of tractor oil, motor oil and grease, amounting to many thousand gallons, with C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., the order B22 having been placed through the British company's Copenhagen office. With 47 branches and 600 members, owning, in the aggregate, several hundred thousand acres of farming land, the Union is one of the most influential agricultural associations in Denmark.
New Trolleybus with Double Drive.
The M.A.N. Co., Augsburg, Germany, in conjunction with the SiemensSchuckert Works Co., Berlin, has introduced a six-wheeled trolleybus chassis, provided with two 55 kw. motors mounted outside the frame, one on each side. The shafts of the motors lie outside the frame and are provided with extensions which drive the rear wheels through worm gearing. The chassis is designed for 70-passenger bodywork.
New Dodge Dealer.
Coaches and Components, Ltd., 471a, Holloway Road, London, N.7, advises us that it has been appointed a main dealer for trade and retail sales of Dodge products in North London. In connection with this new branch of activity, the company will operate a sales and service station.
Comtners for Continental Tours.
Commer coaches are being used for a series of sightseeing tours from Gouda (on the outskirts of Rotterdam), visiting Belgium, France and Spain. The vehicles are proving very popular owing to their comfort and efficiency.
In recent years there has been a steady increase in the quantity of milk brought into Liverpool by road. Now the total daily gallonage is more than three times as great as that for railway deliveries, the figures being 27,152 gallons and 8,316 gallons respectively. Approximately 10,500 gallons of milk are produced from locally fed cows.
Ferry Charge Reductions Follow Revised Mersey Tunnel Rates.
Following the revisions in the scale of rates to be charged to vehicles using the Mersey Tunnel between Liverpool and Birkenhead, a reduction in the charges of the Liverpool-Seacombe vehicle ferry, operated by Wallasey Corporation, has been announced. Last year's operation of this service resulted in a loss of nearly £5,000, and it is feared that the Mersey Tunnel, which is to be opened by the King on July 17, will entail a further deficit.
The Mansfield Bedford Rally.
On Saturday last, Mansfields, Ltd., held its third annual 'Bedford and Chevrolet Rally and Sports at King's Drive, Eastbourne.
Some 50 vehicles attended. Congregating near the Redoubt, they pro
ceeded through the town to a site off King's Drive, where they were lined up for mechanical inspection by Mr. G. Barnes, of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., and his assistants. Meanwhile a sports programme was directed by Mr. Clifford Wright, with Mr. W. J. Stemp.
The presentation of prizes was carried out for the second year in succession by the Editor of The Commercial Motor.
The last official act to be performed by Mr. Oliver Stanley, M.P., in the capacity of Minister of Transport, was the formal opening of the final section of the North Circular Road, thus completing an important arterial road, 15 miles long. The section just opened is 1.3 mile long and has cost £180,000 to construct.
Alderman H. S. Button, chairman of Middlesex County Council, presided at the luncheon, held at the Empire Stadium, Wembley, and said that the importance of this great highway would be more appreciated by other generations than it was at the present time.
Mr. Oliver Stanley said he was glad to have had the opportunity of assisting in celebrating the completion of the last link in a road work of such importance.
The death has occurred of Mr. William Lind, senior partner of William Lind and Co., an Elderslie concern which has done a great deal of important haulage-contracting work in connection with roads in Renfrewshire and Ayrshire. Mr. Lind was about 67 years of age.
The death has occurred of Mr. Robert Dawson, aged 76, head of Dawsons, Ltd., the well-known Glasgow concern of contractors and furniture removers, Mr. Dawson was the founder of the company, which carries out an average of 10,000 removals yearly. Ile was one of the first in Scotland to make use of znechanical transport.
The death has taken place of Mr. Robert Collier, of Tonypandy, the principal of a well-known Rhondda and Cardiff haulage business, founded by his father nearly 50 years ago. He was 63 years of age. USE OF LORRY PROHIBITED: FIRST CASE OF ITS KIND.
What were said to he the first summonses of their kind issued under the Road and Rail Traffic Act were recently heard at Nottingham, when a lorry operator and his wife were fined a total of £10 on four counts concerning the use of a goods vehicle which, by reason of the condition of the brakes, had not been passed for use on the road.
Mr. L. W. A. White, who prosecuted on behalf of the Licensing Authority for the East Midland Area, pointed out that, under the new Act, a system of control was in force, and it was an essential part of the system that mechanical fitness of vehicles should be supervised.
Police evidence was given to the effect that the vehicle was stopped when carrying a load of pipes and that. at the time, a prohibition on its use was in force.
Mr, W. Wakelan, examiner to the Traffic Commissioners, said he prohibited the use of the vehicle because the hand brake, loot brake and trailer brake were, in his opinion, all unsafe. Mr. C. German, who defended, said the operator did everything possible to get the lorry tested and passed. There was no disputing that the vehicle had been used while the prohibition was operativg, but that, had it not been in service, the operator would have risked breaking his contract with his principals and several people would have sustained loss.
The wife of the operator. was involved solely because the business was in her name.