NEWS of the WEEK
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DIG steps towards agreement on h .Unational scale of rates for the haulage of sugar beet were taken on June 26, when representatives of the National Farmers' Union, L.M.S.R., G.W.R. and A.R.O. met in London to discuss this important topic.
Mr. Radcliffe, chairman of the
N.F.U. Sugar Beet Committee, presided, and was supported by Mr. Sabatini, also of the N.F.U. Mr. Sewill represented A.R.O., Mr. Robinson the G.W.R., and Mr. Carter the L.M.S.R. Mr. H. Scott Hall (S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert) was present in an advisory capacity.
The original call for the meeting came from Shropshire, in connection with the rates for hauling to the factories at Allscott and Kidderminster. This meeting was reported in last week's issue. A schedule of rates, compiled by S.T.R., was submitted by Mr. Sewill.
At the request of Mr. Sabatini, S.T.R. justified these rates, on the basis of preseat-day costs, by submitting a detailed schedule of the vehicle operating costs on which the rates were founded. Some of the items of costs were disputed, and, ultimately, it was decided that A.R.O. and the railways should hold further meetings and formally submit a schedule of rates which, it was hoped, would prove acceptable.
Plans for Road and Bridge Destruction IN a Parliamentary reply to Captain illammersley, last week, assurance was given by Sir E. Grigg that the necessary steps had been taken, in consultation with the Ministry of Transport, whose oCicers were in touch with the local authorities, to ensure the destruction of roads and bridges when required.
Licence Concession for Salvage Vehicles
A TTENTION is called by the PI Ministry of Supply to the fact that licence duty on trailer vehicles used by local authorities in connection with their salvage work will not be charged for the duration of the war.
Requirements of Special Types Order Relaxed
THE Minister of Transport has made " The Motor Vehicles (Authoriza tion of Special Types) Order (No. 1) 1937 (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 1940," which provides for a relaxation of the two days' notice required to be given in connection with the transport of abnormal loads, The Order provides that: in the case of a vehicle exceeding 12 tons laden weight used (a)• on a particular journey •in accordance with direct instructions by the military authorities in connection with the defence of Great Britain against possible enemy attack, or (b) in an emergency in connection with the movement of plant or equipment necessary to
Al2 secure the due functioning of any public utility undertaking in the event of hostile attack, notice of the journey must be given so soon as possible, and the notice and indemnity required by the Special Types Order of 1937 must be given, in any event, within 24 hours after the journey has commenced.
Metropolitan Haulage Rates
THE schedule of rates set out below is suggested by the Haulage Sectional .Board of the Metropolitan Area A.R.O. as a basis on which time and mileage rates can be calculated. It is further suggested that this schedule. with -slight modifications according to local conditions, can readily be adapted for application throughout the country. It is understood that area secretaries have had copies of the schedule, and that discussion is proceeding to discover whether the principle involved is acceptable in all areas.
In cases where a vehicle is retained overnight away from its base, thus saving time and mileage, driver's travelling time shall be allowed at Is. 9d. per hour, plus actual fares. In cases where journeys involve a night away from the base, lodging, garage, etc., shall be allowed at 10s. per night. All time and mileage reckoned from garage to garage, or stopping place. Material light in weight, but needing a large lorry for space, shall pay the higher rate.
These rates are criticised by S.T.R., our costs expert, on page 477.
STOPPING ENGINES OF PRODUCER-GAS VEHICLES I T is provided by " The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use)' Regulations, .1937," that the driver of a motor vehicle must, When the vehicle is stationary otherwise than through enforced stoppage owing to the neces' sities of traffic, stop the engine. In the case of gas-producer vehicles, a stoppage of the engine usually result's in it being necessary to use petrol for the purposes of restarting.
• Accordingly, the C.M.U.A. made representations to the Ministry of Transport urging that the provisions of the regulations be amended to exempt from the requirements vehicles consuming gas from a producer unit. As a result, the Minister has now made " The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 2) Provisional Regulations, 1940," under which the original regulations do not apply " in the case of a motor vehicle which is propelled by gas produced in a plant carried on the vehicle or on a trailer drawn by the vehicle."
"Transport Notes for Those Who Run Bedfords "
--1-HR page which we publish each
1 month, in the form of -" Transport Notes for Those Who Run Bedfords," by arrangement with Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., will not appear during July, but the feature will be continued in an early issue in August. TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES FOR PETROL
FOLLOWING the announcement we made three weeks ago, that petrol would not be obtainable from service stations or depots except for cash, we learn that Mr. S. H. Jardine, secretary, Metropolitan Area A.R.O., and Mr. J. L. Kinder, assistant director ARO., have been endeavouring to arrange for some modification ot the Order, but, unfortunately, with little success up to now. They have, however, been able to arrange that drivers can purchase petrol with travellers' cheques instead of cash. These should be stamped with the name of the firm, and made out to the Petroleum Board. They could, in addition, be stamped" Petrol to be issued only to a vehicle belonging to this firm."
This procedure has the advantage that it eliminates the principal difficulty arising from the new Order, namely, the amount of cash which a driver would have to carry with him when on long-distance hauls.
Keep Oil Containers in Circulation
ALARGE quantity of steel and tinplate is used in the manufacture of containers and packages for the lubricating-oil trade. In view of the urgent need for conserving such materials for munition requirements, it is essential that these packages should be in constant circulation.
The Secretary for Petroleum asks that all barrels and drums used in the delivery of lubricating oil should be returned so soon as possible to the oil companies, in order to facilitate distribution. These containers most not be used for other purposes.
Managing Abnormal Port Traffic
rUNCTIONS of the Port of Liverpool
Emergency Transport Control (Road Transport), which is now accommodated in the offices of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association, are to facilitate and to control the attachment of volunteer vehicles to local operators, and the management of abnormal road trafix which may arrive in the port. Mr. W. J. Harper is chairman, Mr. Allan Walter hon. secretary, and Mr. Grenville Johnson secretary. The original committee, which comprised Messrs. C. Hans, F. W. Irving, J. F. Supplies and Jas. Walker, has been strengthened by the addition of Messrs. H. Allan, T. F. Hargreaves, G. J. Mullary and P. Stevenson.
Review of Supplementary Rations
A MORE frequent review of suppler"). mentary rations of petrol having been recommended by Mr. Silkin, Mr. G. Lloyd stated in " The House " last week that they were reviewed at intervals of two months, except in the case of large industrial users where the period was one month. On balance, he did not think a more frequent review would be advantageous.
Mr.Garr° Jones asked whether a long list of names was scanned by an official or whether those to whom supplementary rations were issued were communicated with and asked to establish their cases.
Mr. Lloyd said that, in some cases, if the position was clear, an allowance was made, but in others there was a more detailed investigation.
Tractors to Beat the Colorado Beetle THE Ministry of Agriculture wishes to use tractors in the event of there being insufficient horses to work the sprayers which would be used in the event of outbreaks of Colorado beetle. It would greatly assist the Ministry if farmers who have suitable tractors would agree to hire them at short notice to the company which will carry out the spraying on behalf of the Ministry.
Questions Facing Merseyside Meat Carriers THERE are now 56 lorries and vans
registered with the Merseyside Retail Meat Carriers' Section of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association. The latest member to jain is the Wallasey Meat Traders' Asociatien, Ltd., a transport company in which the main shareholders are retail butchers. Immediate tasks before the Section include the formation of rules and the determination of questions of rates and service.
Mr. W. A. Bridge is the chairman of the Section. SHEEP EVACUATED BY ROAD MOTORS
THE evacuation of sheep from the coastal areas has provided work for road-transport operators and, moreover, has demonstrated the value of road motors for urgent national service of this kind. From one area alone no fewer than 90,000 ewes and lambs were despatched by road, many of them to destinations more than 100 miles distant.
The organization of the work was entrusted to Traffic Movement, Ltd., which, once again, rose to the occasion in excellent style.
On one day no fewer than 150 consignments were despatched and carried to their destinations in double-deck livestock vehicles—ewes in the lower deck and lambs in the upper deck.
The Ministry of Transport had expressed the view that the traffic ought to go by rail. The Ministry of Agriculture pointed out that that was impracticable, because it was impossible to separate the ewes from the lambs. Moreover, it was equally impossible to despatch ewes and lambs together in the ordinary railway livestock van because, under those conditions, the lambs would most likely be suffocated in transit. By using double-deck road vehicles this difficulty was surmounted. IMPROVING VISIBILITY OF TRAFFIC-LIGHT SIGNALS
TIIE Minister of Transport has I informed highway authorities that, where masked traffic-light signals cannot easily be seen in daylight, they may show either the upper or lower half of the signal face, provided that the signal is fully masked again during the hours of darkness.
On the outbreak of war signals were masked except for a cross in the upper half of the signal face. In strong sunlight, some signals proved difficult to distinguish and investigations were made to find an improved system of lighting which would increase visibility in daylight and ensure that too much light was not shown at night. Owing, however, to differences in the age, condition of equipment and voltages of the 2000, installations, it has been found impossible to draw up a common specification of equipment to meet all cases. It is, therefore, left to Highway Authorities to decide in each case whether to show the whole or half of the signal face during daylight hours or retain the 3-in, cross all the time.
• Holidays With Pay: Announcement Expected
THE secretary of the Eastern Area of A.R.O., Mr. G. W. Irwin, has advised members that Mr. Bevin, Minister of Labour, will shortly be making an announcement regarding holidays. Pending that announcement, it would seem good policy to let drivers take their holidays now, if they can be spared without loss of efficiency to
• the operators concerned.
It is, of course, obvious that a man works better after a holiday, but there • are, unfortunately, many concerns already suffering from an acute shortage of drivers, and in these cases it is suggested that, by agreement with the men, holidays should be postponed pending clarification of the position.
Battery-electrics Aid National Effort
rAPENING a two-day exhibition of kJbattery-electric vehicles in Birmingham last week, Alderman Sir Percival Bower, chairman of Birmingham Electricity Committee, said that if work fell within the category of short distance with many stops, the electric vehicle was the finest proposition that could be obtained,
The exhibition, which was one of the series organized by the Electric Vehicle Association, was held at the Colmore Depot, John Bright Street, Birmingham, and attended by both trade representatives and members of the public.
Vehicles were shown by Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd., Midland Vehicles, Ltd., Partridge Wilson and Co., Ltd.. T. H. Lewis, Ltd., Cleco Electric Industries, Ltd., and Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd.
Sir Percival said that just after the commencement of the war there were, approximately, 5,000 electric vehicles on the roads of this country. The exhibition marked a big step forward, for since that time not only had 1,000 more electric vehicles been brought into service, but production plans were so well forward that, by the end of the year, a total of 8,600 vehicles would be operating on British roads. • " As each electric vehicle represents a saving of 700 gallons of petrol per year to the country," he continued, " it will be seen that by December elec. tries will be releasing for essential war purposes in Britain more than 6,000,000 gallons of petrol per year."
Livestock Transport Rates ME are asked to make it clear that W the schedule of rates for the transport of livestock, concerning which a paragraph 'appeared in our issue for last week, applies to only England and Wales.
New Registrations Make Sad Reading
DURING May last, the number of new goods vehicles registered was 1,527, compared with 5,256 in May, 1939. The two outstanding classes were the 12-cwt.-1-ton and the
ton, with 387 and 465 registrations respectively. In addition, 112 electric goods vehicles were licensed, contrasted* with 56 a year earlier. In the case of hackney vehicles, the totals for May of each year were 284 and 1,257 respectively.
Personal Pars MR. THOMAS I. BENNETT,,F.I.M.T., of Bramley, Leeds, chairman of the Yorkshire Division of the Motor Agents' Association, is representing the Division on the M.A.A.'s War Councir.
ALDERMAN RICHARD MAYNE, who has been chairman of the Newcastle Transport and Electricity Committee for over 20 years, has had conferred upon him the Freedom of the City of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
MR. CHARLES SMITH has resigned his appointment as general manager of Lancaster Corporation transport undertaking, and the city council has promoted MR. ALFRED KENT (depot superintendent) to be acting general manager for a period of 12 months, after which confirmation of his appointment will then be considered.
MR. G. M. WITHERS has been appointed general manager of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., following the resignation of Mr. G. W. Rowe. MR. H. .CLARK has been appointed general works manager. Mr. Withers, who was works manager with E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., when that concern was acquired in 1924 by Lord Nuffield, has been with the Morris Commercial concern since its inception. Mr. Clark was lately with the Castle Bromwich aeroplane factory. BIG RATES-CO-ORDINATION EFFORT IN YORKSHIRE
FOR the purpose of discussing road-. haulage rates, especially hourly rates for local and semi-local work, a conference, in Bradford, of representatives of operators' organizations in Yorkshire has been arranged. The meeting is being convened by the Heavy Woollen District Transport Association, and organizations which have been invited to send representatives include the Bradford Horse and Motor Owners' Association, the Halifax Transport Owners' Association, the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O., and the North-eastern Division of the C.M.U.A.
The Heavy Woollen District and Bradford Associations, as previously reported in our columns, not long ago held a joint meeting, at which some differences in their respective rates schedules were eliminated. The purpose of the Bradford conference is to extend this co-ordination of rates schedules as well as to promote rates stabilization generally in Yorkshire.
One matter which will receive attention is the variation as between one town and another in the rates which the railway companies pay in Yorkshire for the hire of hauliers' vehicles.
When Speedometer is Not Needed
THE effect of a new regulation made by the Minister of Transport, and known as " The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 2) Provisional Regulations, 1940," is that a speed indicator need not be fitted to a vehicle which is incapable, by reason of its construction, of exceeding a speed of 12 m.p.h. on the level under its own power.
Range of Pistons for Producer-gas Vehicles
CONSIDERABLE additions have been made to the range of pistons manufactured by Hepworth and, Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, Bradford, for vehicles converted to operate on producer gas. Provision has been made .for most types in current use, also for many machines produced as early as 1925. Full details will be found in Bulletin No. 15 which is obtainable on application to the company at the address given above.
Americans Form Ambulance Unit
AS a gesture in the present emergency, Americans in. Great Britain are to equip and maintain a large ambulance service in this country. Known as the American Ambulance, Great Britain, the service when complete will number at least 200 wellequipped ambulances and mobile firstaid units.
The drive to raise the funds for the service was launched some days ago at a meeting of a group of well-known members of the American colony here. Although incorporated under British law as recently as June 14. the organization has already equipped some 100 ambulances and mobile first-aid units.
With offices at 9, Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW. I, the American Ambulance, Great Britain, is headed, as Director General, by Mr. Wallace B. Phillips, well known, for many years, as an American resident in London. I.M.T. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH
DURING the year ended May 31 last, the Institute of the Motor Trade increased its membership by 193, bringing the total to 6,044. Few comparable organizations could show such a result in a year which included nine months of war, commented Mr. T. I. Bennett, F.I.M.T., chairman of the Leeds Section, at the latter's annual meeting, last week. During the same period, he said, the Leeds Section's membership had risen to 231, and that of the Yorkshire Division to 475.
I.T.A. Activities and Aims
DKSCRIBING the history, policy and future aims of the Industrial Transport Association, a booklet has just been issued from the Association's emergency address at 250, Halfway Street, Sidcup, Rent. A foreword by the president, Sir Herbert Matthews, stresses that the Association's activities under war conditions are more than ever a vital factor, " since national emergency conditions draw sharp and
immediate attention to the vital relation of efficient transport administration to the nation's well-being--indeed. to its very survival."
The Association is undertaking fresh branch development and membership expansion, and the advantages that it offers to those engaged in different branches of transport are indicated by the latest publication, a copy of which may be obtained from the national secretary, Mr. J. A. Dunnage, at the address we have given.
Payment for Requisitioned Fuel Pumps
ALTHOUGH some dissatisfaction has been voiced concerning the rates of payment by the Petroleum Board for the use of pumps and tanks requisitioned for storage purposes, it is understood that the Motor Agents' Association is not to ask for an increase in the rates, which are 23 for six months plus lid. per gallon throughput when the pumps are operated by pump owners' stalls.
OFFICIAL figures show that the value of new commercial vehicles exported from this country in May last amounted to 2469,083, whilst chassis constructed for commercial use were valued at 2146,859. In the same month tractors (not agricultural types) to the value of 212,830 were exported.
Elections to Inst. of T. Council
NO nominaiions to fill any of the vacancies on the council o the Institute of Transport, which will arise on September 30 next, having been received from corporate members by the prescribed date, the president has declared the 10 undemamed to have been duly elected as ordinary members of the council as from October 1:— Messrs. A. L. Castleman IL.M.B. Railwayl, G. F. Craven (general manager. Halifax PASseno,er Transport Department), B England (general manager, Nottingham City Transpoi.o. S. 11. Fisher (L.M.S. Railway), U. H. Jengin Jones (L.N.E. Railway). R. Leslie (Central Argentine Railway),_ R. AI T. Richards (Southern Railway). V. A. M. Robertson, M.C. (engineer-In-chief, London Passenger Transport Board), J. 11, P. Turner, 0.B.E. (haulage contractor), M. A. Cameron (L.N.E. Railway).