News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
From Central Europe, on page 281.
Strike pictures and points are given on pages 283-285.
How Eastman's make their smartest deliveries is related on page 291-292.
The L.G.B. has sanctioned the application of Hoylake and West Kirby U.D.O. for a loan of 2700 to pay for a motor wagon and trailer.
Garrett's Latest Steamer.
A low fuel record and a high road performance with the latest Garrett steamer are formally recorded (with illustrations) on pages 293-296.
The Truth about the C.M.U.A. Parade.
Independent Press testimony to the success of last week's Parade may be read on page 299. Additional favourable comment upon !he creditable and useful effects of this well-run meet are in hand for possible use later on.
The Motor Museum.
A full report of the proceedings and speeches at the opening of The Motor Museum will he found in the current issue of " The Motor." Our further references are on pages 277 and 291. We may recall to our readers' recollection the fact that the full list of trustees is as follows: H.H. the Duke of Teck, K.C.V.O. (Chairman) ; Sir David " The Commercial Motor" is the
thority on motor transport, the only journal officially recognized by the Commercial Motor Users Association, carrying a larger number of advertisement pages than any professedly similar journal and having by far the largest genuine net sale weehly—i.c., the total number of copies bought by subscribers and the interested public.
In view of the foregoing facts, claims of eq icalitg ora ittriloritl made elsewhere can be disregarded.
L. Salomons, Bart. (Vice-Chairman); the Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P. ; Sir Boverton Redwood, Bart. ; Sir. J. H. A. Macdonald, li.C.B. ; Col. H. C. L. Holden, CB., F.R.S. ; Edmund Dangerfield, Esq.; Claude Johnson, Esq. ; W. Joynson-Hicks, Esq., M.P. : and Julian W. Orde, Esq.
The exhibition will remain open at 175-179, Oxford Street, W., throughout the London season.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week concern the following topical subjects: (1) " Motorvan traffic and tramrails ; " (2) " Settled running costs ; " (3) " Open-plate springs for motorvans " and (4) "Motor wagons break the London dock strike." Aveling and Porter Dividend.
The usual rate of six per cent. per annum, less income tax, is maintained by Aveling and Porter, Ltd., as the result of its 1911 trading. The reserve is brought up to £42,000, and 25476 is carried forward. This company's debentures appear to be in favour just now.
Under the Development Act.
Slievardagh R.D.C. (South Tipperary) may yet be the first authority to get a grant from the Development Commissioners for motor transport. About 21000 is to be raised locally, and 24000 will be the grant—subject to the report, this month, of two visiting commissioners.
More Motor Ambulances.
For Breniford's requirements, see advertisement on page vii. of Supplement.
Salford T.C. has accepted the tender of Messrs. Wilson and Stockall, of Bury, at £450, for the supply of a 16-20 h.p. ambulance.
The South Manchester Board of Guardians is purchasing a 20 h.p. motor ambulance, and the vehicle will be used to convey patients so far afield as to Abergele.
Petrol Supplies and Prices.
Sir Samuel Marcus, Bart., addressed a meeting at the R.A.C., on Monday afternoon last, by invitation, upon the out-of-date conditions which limit Metropolitan supplies and distribution. London wants 600,000 gallons a week of motor spirit, and no considerable storage is available nearer than at Thames Haven32 miles away. Sir Marcus made out a strong case for the berthing of ocean-going tanksteamers at Purfleet. He considered that the L.C.C. was pursuing an enlightened and impartial course, compared with the Port of London Authority. Sir Marcus stoutly denied the existence of any agreement with the Standard Oil interests. He claimed, rightly we know, that " Shell " spirit had made a valiant and suc cessful fight to the front. Prices were wholly dependent upon demand and supply. For the purpose of taking action about both sunplies and prices. it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. S. F. Edge, seconded by Mr. F. R. de Bertodano, to request the R.A.C. to nominate a committee representative of all interests which are affected by existing difficulties.
Petters, Ltd.
The annual report and account of Petters, Ltd., of Yeovil, for the 12 months ended the 31st March, are published. They show a. net profit of £10,805, and other satisfactory evidences of a healthy position of affairs.
Costa Rica and Duty.
Lateat advices from Costa Rica state that a decree of the President has been issued providing that automobile wagons for the transport. of goods shall pay customs duty at the rate of 6 centimos per kilo. gross weight (.62d. per lb.).
New Registrations.
Clarke Tyre Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 275,000 (74,000 ordinary shares of 21 each and 20,000 deferred shares of is. each), and with its registered office at 33, Walbrook, E.C.
Molders, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2000 in R1 shares, and with its office at 87, Station Street, Birmingham, to take over the business carried on at 290, Birmingham Road, Dudley, and 87 Station Street, Birmingham, and to carry on the business of proprietors of motorcabs, omnibuses, and other public and private conveyances. First directors: V. H. Mahler, H. W. Mahler, L. BagguIey, and Q. E. Vernon.
Transport Motor Construction Ltd.. with an authorized capital of 210,000 in £1 shares, and willi its office at 16, Serjeant's Inn, E.C., to carry on the business of motorcar, omnibus, van, lorry and CO b prop net ors.
Salmon Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £5000 in 21 shares, and with its office at 40, Lichfield Street, Burton-on-Trent, to carry on the business of manufacturers of motorcars, omnibuses, chars-a-ba.nes. vans, etc. First directors include P. Salmon and F. H. Wheeler.
Uganda's Needs.
Advices just received Iron] Uganda state that Customs Tariff Ordnance of 1910 has been amended so as to provide for the free importation of motor vehicles suitably constructed for and intended to be employed principally in the conveyance of goods, and of spare parts.
Concessions in San Paulo.
According to the report of Mr. D. R. O'Sullivan-Beare, British Consul at. San Paulo, a law has recently been passed by the State by which concessions willbe granted securing to the concessionnarres, during the period of seven years, the sole right of carrying goods and passengers by motors over the existing State roads, upon the condition that the concessionnaires rebuild the roads and maintain them in suitable condition durmg the term of the concession.
Carrying "The Evening Star" at Dunedin.
An 18 15-cwt. Lacre box van has been in the service of the pro prietors of The Evening Star,"
Dunedin, New Zealand, for some considerable time, and the owners have communicated an appreciative letter to the makers. From this, we extract : " We are extremely pleased with this van. It suits our requirements exactly, and has already saved us annoyance of missing trains with our country issue. The vehicle is much admired on the streets." We also reproduce a photograph which has been supplied to us.
About Worms.
A paper entitled " Bevel-driven v. Worm-driven Axles " was read by Mr. W. B. Ainsworth before the London graduates of the Institution of Automobile Engineers recently. The author summed up rather in favour of the worm and worm wheel. The cheapness of the bevel drive, and the high clearance s which it adoption renders possible, were mentioned. The efficiency of a good worm drive was put at 95 per cent, which is maintained practically unimpaired over long periods. The placing of the worm below or above the axle was considered to be immaterial from the point of view of efficiency.
Weldless Barrels and Tanks for Storage and Transport.
The Steel Barrel Co., of Uxbridge, the well-known maker of welded petrol-storage plants, advises us that it is experiencing a very brisk demand for its specialities, which is not altogether un• connected with recent transport labour troubles. A third plant is on order for Dickinsons, the paper makers, The Quick Cab Co. is shortly to take delivery of a 500gallon set for Chelsea ; Waterlows also have a similar set in hand for their Old Ford depot. ClementTalbot are having a new set of 1500 gallons capacity. Rolls-Royce, Macnamaras, J. and H. Robinson and Hartleys are other recent purchasers.