)olice are questioning five men ifter 247kg of drugs with
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a Areet value of .£20m were mized in a truck at Dover as it trrived from Belgium.
Eala ;aunt On US Transport Data Iollection has had a white Ford transit van, reg W531 OFT, itolen complete with electrical Ind camera equipment worth E15,000. A reward is offered 'or information leading to full necovery.
:antact: Tadcaster police on 11904 669713.
IMASTA MINES kgricultural supply trade issociation UKASTA is on the nave. From Monday 17 June it sill be based at 21 Arlington St, .ondon, SW1A 1RN; phone, 020 r495 9100; fax, 020 7495 9150.
I. proposal that biofuels should m made exempt from excise luty within the European Union las been made by the EU lommittee of the Regions, Nhich represents sub-national tdministrations such as those or Scotland, Wales. Catalonia trid Bavaria. The committee rays the move would help the EU meet its goal of replacing I% of petrol and diesel ;onsumption with bit:duels.
ROADS MI Rany of the UK's roads are of :hird word standards and :heir condition is continuing to leteriorate, says the AA. The ;averment challenges this laim—the 2001 National Road Waintenance Condition Survey ndicates that there has been in overall improvement.
DISEASE SENTENCE [he farmer blamed for the 'oat and mouth outbreak has reen found guilty of failing to totify officials when his tnimals caught the disease. lobby Waugh from Neddon-onthe-Wall, Northumberland will te sentenced on 28 June.