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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of the paper only and typewritten by preference. The right of abbreviation is reserved, and no responsibility for views expressed is accepted.
Projected Haulage Association.
[2115] Sir,—I have followed with much interest your articles in connection with the above, and, to further the project of the said association in the interests of all connected with road transport, may more power be added to your elbow.
Before proceeding further, I had better explain my position. I am an employee, and I do not yet see any criticism from this source. So I beg that you may hear my side of the question.
My employer only owns one. vehicle—a 4-tonner--and in all cases I am consulted before he makes any quotations or does any business. So that anything of interest, taking place on the haulage side is, of course, of interest to me.
I am heartily at one with the proposal. I do not in the least doubt that if the scheme be gone on with on the projected lines the haulage business would readily find its feet.
I cannot, help comparing the difficulties to be met with in this quarter (N.E. Aberdeenshire) with those in the south. Down south the one-vehicle owner or the small owner seems to be the chief defaulter. in this quarter it is the large owner or the owner of a number of vehicles whom we have to fight—firms who sport the M.T.A., A.A. and M.U.. and R.A.C. badges on their note-heading and advertisements. Boycotting for rate cutting, one of the " punishments," mould be one of the rules of the association.
To " mak. siecar " the boycott, the association would, of necessity, have to claim kinship with the M.T.A., S.M.M.T., C.M.U.A., etc., etc.
How is this boycott going to operate in the case of firms I have referred to, were they to refuse to come into the haulage association'?
It is a fine point, but still it is there!
T trust you will excuse the liberty I-am taking in writing you, and apologize for taking up so much of your time,. but, being a constant reader of " The Skotch's " articles, plead this as my excuse.
I hope you may be able to find some interest in this epistle from the north-east of Aberdeenshire, from which part. I have as yet seen no opinions or criti
cisms.—Yours faithfully, . JOAN CLARK.
[21161 Sir.—I am in hearty agreement with this proposal. I have had some painful experiences of clearing-house rates and methods, and particularly the difficulty they seem to be in in paying until three or four months after the work was done. I have every confidence that a, Haulage Trade Association, worked on the, right lines, is what is wanted, and shall be glad to give it every support.—Yours faithfully, Leyton, Essex. S. V. DUNN.
[2117] Sir,—I have read with' great interest your articles on the formation of a Haulage Trade Association, also the several letters published from" big" men of the haulage trade.
Would it interest you to know some of the views of the scapegoat of the trade, that terrible, price-cutting, load-snatching " little " man, who every correspondent, so far, seems to think is going to be a lot of trouble in the formation and conduct of an assoeiation It will probably surprise you to know that he will welcome, virtually with open arms, any means of stabilifying rates for a fair return of profit. I am a "little" man, and those I fear most pricecutting from are " big" men—firths who, during the slump in trade, cut their rates to practically running costs in order to keep their large fleets on the move and their drivers employed.
These people, who are doing all the•Fshouting now about low rates, brought it on themselves in their frantic endeavours to keep things going." When these same people do get a rush of work, these preachers of fair rates, they are the first to come to the -" one-lorry man," offering him loads at-ridiculous figures and making as much money out of the deal as he who does,the job (if he is fool enough to do it).
My own lorry is frequently held up for days on end, I solely because will not work for the sake of a turn
over. If half a dozen firms I could mention in London would only adopt the same principle, instead of grabbing any job to keep their drivers and lorries moving, then we should receive paying rates, and the man who can give smart lorries and good service will get his due.
I have discussed the matter of rates with every " little " man in this district, and I can assure you that you can look for loyal support from them in the formation of a H.T.A., if it is going to enforce fair paying rates for one and all.—Yours faithfully,
London, N. A. J. SMITH.
[We would like to hear further from the " small " haulage men on this important subject.—Ed. C.31.]
The Protection of Trailer Drawbars.
[2118] Sir,—In reference to the article in your issue of February 13th, re " Protecting Trailer Drawbars," and preventing boys from riding thereon, there is a simple and cheap method of protecting the drawbar, which is to wrap barbed wire round it.
Any boy attempting to sit on this would very quickly and deservedly rise in the world. The wire • need not be in the way of the driver attaching the drawbar to the lorry, if a space of a few inches be left at the coupling end of the bar.—Yours faithfully,
A Proposed Omnibus Owners' Association for South Wales.
[2119] Sir,— Much has been written of late respect. ing the proposed formation of a Haulage Trade Asso ciation, and I am in entire agreement with the sug gestions made in the article appearing in the issue of The Commercial Motor for February 6th, but what about the need for an omnibus proprietors' association for Wales.
I am in a position to offer views upon the general needs of the omnibus Proprietors, particularly in South Wales, where I have spent the past 16 years organizing motorbus services.' I can assure your readers that such an association is urgently needed, and the sooner it is put into existence the better. It will then be possible to deal with the numerous difficulties which at the present time exist and which, under present conditions, seem insurmountable.
I shall be glad if interested readers will communicate with me at 7a, Penarth Road, Cardiff, with a view to taking part in preliminary discussions which must be arranged.—Yours faithfully,
Cardiff. • D. BLIGHT.