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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by ail difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs,"—Jahn Beattie Crozier.
Parliament and Road Wear.
The attitude of the House of Commons towards the cost of road maintenance was fairly well indicated in the course of a discussion which took place on Tuesday of •last week on the motion of Lieut.-Col. Udder, "that the revenue raised by the taxation of mechanically propelled vehicles should be increased to cover the additional cost of road maintenance attributable to motor traffic ; that the grants now paid to road authorities should be increased accordingly; and, since practically all rural roads are now used by motor vehicles, grants should now also be allotted in respect of these roads whether classified or unclassified."
The complaint was raised on behalf of agriculturists and the inhabitants of country districts on the ground that the rural road is a part of the essential machinery of the country, that motor vehicles are using all types of roads, and that even the grant of 60 per cent, to the cost of maintaining class I roads and bridges and 25 per cent, to the cost of maintaining class II roads and bridges was so far insufficient that highway authorities found it difficult to continue to carry on.
Members gave many instances of the effect of road wear and tear upon the local funds in various parts of the country, and it was shown that in some of the country districts the local rates had risen to a very high figure. Even the speakers against the proposal found a difficulty in meeting the arguments that were advanced, and Colonel Ashley, replying for the Ministry of Transport, said that he was in complete sympathy with the terms of the ressolution," but in allocating money he had to consider how beat to hold the balance between new construction and maintenance. He said that the Cabinet had appointed a subcommittee in order to find a way to assist class III roads without diminishing the grants for first and second-class roads, but he must warn the House that if extra taxation were ruled out, the only source from which money could be got was from the expanding revenue which had up to now been coming from the taxation of mechanically propelled vehicles. This revenue was considerably more this financial year than it was the year before.
On a. division the House voted 190 for the motion and 58 against it, giving a majority of 132.
Opening of the G.E.C. Research Laboratories.
An event of special importance, as exemplifying the inter-working of applied science and industry, was the occasion of the recent opening of the General Electric Co.'s research laboratories situated at Wembley. There was a very large gathering present, including many notabilities in the scientific world. As might be expected of so enterprising and vast an organization as the General Electric Co., the new laboratories are built on a very large scale, and no expense has been spared to provide the most up-to-date machinery and scientific apparatus for investigating., B20 highly complex electrical and physical problems. Many •interesting demonstrations were given of tests and research work on Osram lamps and "wireless" valves, and one could not fail to be impressed with the extreme complexity of the latest electrical discoveries and the manner in which these are being turned
to practical account in the service of man. • Only by seeing what is being carried out at such a place as the G.E.C. laboratories can one fully appreciate what an immense advance the new technical science is its compared with that of but ten years ago.
200 Buses Wanted.
According to an announcement in the Press, tenders are shortly to be invited for the construction of WO double-deck motorbuses fitted with the Beck patent collapsable hood. Those firms, it is stated, who are desirous of undertaking the work are required to indicate, prior to being asked to tender, their output capacity for delivery six months from the date of contract.
Control of Transport by Wireless.
Owing to great pressure upon our space this week we are compelled to hold over until next issue the article prepared for the series on the control of transport by wireless. It will show all the intermediate stages by which the traffic controller at his desk will be enabled rapidly to get into touch with the driver of the vehicle and to order its movements from that point.
A Striking Advertisement Inset.
A very interesting advertisement appears in this issue of The Commercial Motor. In a four-page supplement illustrated in three colours, the importance of the four-wheel drive is carefully and logically argued by the Four-wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., of 44-46, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. By transmitting the drive to four wheels additional traction, for which railway engineers souglt in vain in the early days of railway transport, is provided, and many advantages are gained, including a reduction of the driving strain (and incidentally, the braking strain) on the rear axle, reduction of wheel slip, and increased haulage ability.
The Sahara Recrossed.
Mr. Andre Citroen's party, reported in our last issue as having restarted from . Inifel on the morning of February 17th, reached In-Salah the next day after an excellent journey, devoid of incident. The distance covered in the three clayi was 800 kilometres, and it was over the camel route, not the old motor road to In-Salah. There they awaited the arrival of the Haardt Audouin-Duhreuil• Miss. sion returning from Timbuctoo, occupying the time with trips into the desert and the making of numerous idnema films. The party was charmed with the surroundings at In-Salah. The "mission" left Timbuctoo about February 9th and Burem on the 10th of the month. Having crossed for the second time the Tanesruft (or the Land of Thirst) and the iloggar Range, the " mission " had a great surprise,. finding M. Citroen waiting for them at the well of Tadjemont, 250 kilometres south of In-Salali, on the morning of February 24th. With him were Mme. Citroen and M. Kegresse. The members of the " mission " arrived in good health. The complete party then made for In-Salah, which was reached on February 26th, a luncheon being given in honour of the travellers to celebrate their unprecedented success.
Entertainment-tax on Coaches.
Following the Preston Guild Festival last September, it will be recalled, the Excise authorities served notice upon the owners of motor char-it-baucs and other vehicles used as stands that they would be required to pay entertainment tax upon the revenue they received thereby. This claim was resisted by the solicitors to the Preston Traders Association, who, a few days ago, received intimation from the Inland Revenue Commissioners that they propose to take a test case, the outcome of which, they ask, shall be accepted by all those concerned. The general view is that this will be a convenient way of arriving at the legal determination of the point at issue.
London Ambulance Service Extension.
The comprehensive ambulance service . of London is to be further extended and improved by the establishment, of three new stations at Highbury, Paddington Green, and Clapham Junction. The report of the Fire Brigade Committee of the London County Council, which was recently published, states that the calls on the ambulance service are now so heavy that, in some cases, a, considerable time elapses between the receipt of a call and the arrival of the ambulance. It is to remedy this state Of affairs that the new stations are being formed. The report mentions, that the average tirue taken to reach each case dealt with by the service during a period of eight months was 8.7 mins.
We are informed that Messrs. Alldays Motors, 78, Jermyn Street, London, S.W.1, have been appointed distributors for England and Wales for the new 3040-c w t. Spa chassis.
Henley's Report. .
The report of the directors of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., for the year 1922 shows a profit of £249,351. After the deduction of directors' fees, debenture interest-, and a sum written off for depreciation on buildings, machinery, etc., amounting to £43,012, and adding £260,244 brought forward from 1921, as well as £7,525, a profit on the realization of certain investments, this total is brought up to £474,108. Income-tax absorbs £18,620, a dividend on preference shares £9,000, an, interim dividend en ordinary shares £32,500, whilst £25.000 has been transferred to the reserve account, leaving an available balance of £388,988. The payment of a final dividend on the ordinary shares of 2s. per share, less income-tax (making 35. for the year), will absorb £65,000. leaving £323,988 to be carried forward.
Road Board Revenue.
Lieut.-Col. Wilfrid Ashley, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, states that the gross amount collected in 1922 in respect of duties on mechanically propelled vehicles, horsedrawn carriages, motor drivers' licences, etc., which are payable under the Roads Act, 1920, into the Road Fund was £11,496,869 17s. 9d. To obtain the net revenue available for grants, a sum of just under £1,000,000 has to be deducted on account of payments to the local taxation account, refunds, costa of collection, etc.
A Source of Inconvenience.
The new rule by which vehicles weighing over 4 ton 5 cwt. are not allowed to cross the Menai suspension bridge, connecting Bangor with Anglesey, is causing considerable inconvenience. The other day a motorvan advertising Canada was not permitted to cross because it weighed 4 tons 13 cwt.; 8 cwt, of literature had to be transferred to another vehicle. A pantechnicon was also stopped and was held up for nearly 24 hours until another van could be obtained into which part of the load could be transferred.
Taxes on Municipal Motors.
The Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee has considered the question of the taxation of motor vehicles under the second schedule of the Finance Act, 1920, and the refusal of the Ministry of Transport to register vehicles owned by local authorities for taxation on weight under paragraph five of the second schedule. The Joint Committee expresses the opinion that, although it may cause hardship in certain cases, local authorities should pay fax on their motor vehicles on horse-power. The committee considers, however, that roadsweeping machines should not be liable to tax.
Price of 30-cwt. Barrier Down.
Harrier Motors, Ltd., Huddersfield, inform us that the price of their130-cwt. chassis has just been reduced to £450, and that the model is now obtainable with a three or four-speed gearbox.
Water for Steamers.
Ripon City Council has revised its water charges so as to allow reduction in respect of steam wagons absent from the city pro rata to the period of such absence, providing the absence is for an unbroken period and the owners make a declaration with regard thereto in writing.
W. and G. Agents Wanted.
W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., Acton Vale. London, W.3, inform us that they are open to appoint agents for the W. and 0. commercial vehicle, several districts and counties in the British Isles still being unallocated. The company, it should be mentioned, manufacture two commercial chassis—a 2-termer and a 24tonner—which retail at £440 and £490 respectively.
Guy Repeats.
An excellent indication of the quality of a company's products is usually exemplified by repeat orders, and in this connection we would mention that Guy Motors, Ltd., have recently been
favoured by several users. These include orders for 25-cwt. vehicles from the Rotherham Corporation, Messrs. Stotherts, of Atherton. and Anderson, of Carlisle ;. for 30-cwt. vehicles from Messrs. Blyth and Berwick, of Bradford, and the Allen Motor Co.. of Colwyn Bay ; for 2-ton vehicles from J. Lyons and Co., Ltd. ; and for 2i-ton vehicles from the Edinburgh Corporation and Ronuk, Ltd. COMMERCIAL MOTOR. Municipal Haulage Costs.
Figures pertaming to the relative merits of motor v. horse4traction for general municipal purposes and refuse collection were given by Mr. W. H. Prosser to the Bridgend Council at its last meeting. lie-stated that, in the yea.ended December 31st,last the total working costs of a 3-ton lorry for general haulage.and refuse collection amounted to £751, aft against £568 for the employment of team (two-horse) labour. The cost per ton-mile was, however, vastly in favour of the motor lorry, and this bore out previous comparisons given to the council, The cost per working •week was: Motor lorry, £14 19s. 5d. ; two-horse team, £10 18s. 5d. ; the cost per ton-mile being Motor lorry, 2s. 6d. ; horse labour, 2s. 70.
Petrol Prices in Northern Ireland.
Commercial-vehicle users in the Nor th of Ireland are combining in an endeavour to impress upon the petrol-supplying companies the peaceful conditions preveiling in the area under the administration of the Government of Northern Ireland. It is stated that, at the present time, petrol costs 2d. more per gallon in Ireland than it does in England and Wales.
It. is pointed out that, while there may possibly be some justification for a higher charge in the Irish Free State, owing to the present disturbed conditions, there is no such excuse for the surcharge in the case of the six-county area A deputation from Belfast, headed by Mr. W. a Webb, D.L., president of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce, recently interviewed representatives of the petrol-supplying concerns in London, and it is believed that they will succeed in removing the misapprehensions regarding the state of the country. It is hoped that this may result in the reduction in the price of petrol lo the figure now ruling in Scotland, viz., Id. per gallon more than in England and Wales, this small additional charge being justified, it is pointed out, in view of the trans shipment and freight charges.
The Swedish Show.
In connection with the ,.ercentenary celebrations of the City of Gothenburg, Sweden, an.international automobile exhibition' is•to be held over a period of five weeks, commencing May 9th, and an excellent opportunity is presented to British manufacturers for bringing their -..roducts to the notice of Swedish users.
It is instructive to note that the im ports of British commercial vehicles into Sweden during 1921 were. 39, as against 1,604 from America, 163 from France, and 900 from Germany. whilst during the first six months of 1922 the 'figures for the respective countries were : Great Britain 176, U.S.A. 1,653, France 34, Germany 482, and from other countries 1,745.
Further particulars of the exhibition can be obtained from the Swedish Consulate General, at Bank Buildings, 329, igh Holborn, London, E.C.1.
A New Tyneside Service.
The Tynemouth and District Electric Traction Co., who, by means of both tram and motorbus services, provide regular and convenient passenger transport facilities between the seaside holiday towns of_ Monkseaton; Whitley Bay, Tynemouth and Cuffercoats, and join up the industrial centres in the neighbourhood, have recently inaugurated a new
and important road motor service. This new route will prove a decided acquisition to the ever-increasing system of motor omnibus services which is being built up by the various transport concerns in the vicinity of Tyneeide.
The new route is between Wallsend and North Shields, and an hourly service it22 in each direction is in operation. To cope with rushes of pleasure-seekers at weekends and holidays additional vehicles will be run. The company are offering return tickets at materially reduced costs.
Shell-Mex Oils Down.
We are advised by Shell-Mex, Ltd., that, as from March ist, the retail prices of all grades of Shell motor lubricating
oils and greases are reduced. New price lists can be obtained.frorn all dealers and garages upon application.
1.10 Pumps. .
In recommending the grant of permits for pavement petrol pumps; the Bedford Watch Committee suggests the payment of an annual fee of £10.
Tolls Not to be Reduced.
Preston Corporation has refused the request of the Lancashire branch of the Farmers' Union for the reduction of the market tolls on standing lorries frou 2s. 6d. to is, 3d.
A.E.C. Lecture.
A few days ago interesting papers were read before members of the staff of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., by Mr. George Watson (deputy-chairman)
and Mr. D. E. Batty (experimental engineer) of the Associated Equipment Co. The papers dealt with a visit which these two gentlemen paid to America in the autumn of last year, and interesting facts and figures were given concerning the various •large. automobile factories in Detroit, Dayton, and other large centres.
Timber Haulage in Wales.
The Llandyssul District Council is to apply to the Ministry of Transport for support of its contention that the haulage of timber by mechanical vehicles over the Henllanroads is extraordinary traffic, and that the users of the road for this purpose are liable to make good its deterioration.
In the event of the Ministry declining to assist in this way, an extra grant towards the maintenance of the road is sought. . •
The council is also troubled by timber haulage.over.the Pantyrholied road-, and it, was reported' that die width of this road is such that a motorcycle cannot pass a motorlorry. It. was observed that special powers Would be required by the council to deal with the matter, and, in consequence, it was decided to seek the aid of the police, who would be asked to treat the commercial vehicles using the road as Causing a nuisance and an obstruction.
High-class Castings.
• W. J. Bithell, Ltd., Whitehall House, 29-30, Charing Cross, London, S.W.1, inform us that they have been appointed sole agents for London and district for the Westland Foundry, Yeovil: This company specialize in the production of high-class castings, including iron castings for air and water-cooled cylinders,
cyliuder heads, pistons, and other machine-moulded repetition castings, and steel castings (made by the crucible process) for hubs, brake segments, axle castings. brackets, etc. The works of the Westland Foundry cover approximately seven acres, and the company supply castings to many of the leading makers.
Manchester Cab Fares.
After a conference between representatives of the Manchester Corporation and the Ministry of Health in connection with the proposal to reduce taxicab fares in Manchester from 2s. to is. 3d. per mile, an arrangement has been arrived at whereby the charges will be lowered for an experimental period of three months. The temporary charges are as follow :-3d. for one-fifth of a mile with London
minimum charge of 1s. 3d. (in mile, the minimum charge is ls.); waiting time after first five minutes, 4s. an hour ; 3d. for each passenger in excess of two; 3d. per package for outside luggage ;.9c1. for bicycles or prams.
An All-motor Road.
An interesting traffic experiment is to be carried out by an Italian company, who are engaged in the construction of a 50-mile road, which is to be used solely
by all classes of motor vehicles, from heavy commercial loreies to lightweight motorcycles. The road, which is to be 10 metres wide, will have a surface of tarred cement, and will extend from Milan to the Italian Lake District. As one object of the scheme is to speed up traffic, the road will not pass directly through any towns and villages, although many will be skirted and be well within ready access of the facilities which the new road wilE provide. Vehicles using the road will be asked to pay a toll on a graduated scale.
A Chance for British Steel Makers.
There is a heavy demand in the United States at the present time for various classes of iron and steel. Prices are advancing, and it is said that consumers are finding it difficult to obtain prompt deliveries from American makers, owing to shoetage of labour at the steel mills. En these circumstances it is quite possible that British material will find a ready market, and in this connection the Department of Overseas Trade points out
that a Chieago company are desirous of receiving immediate quotations for the supply of motorcar body sheets, 36 ins. by 120 ins., gauges Nos. 20 and 22. The name and address of the company. Can be seen at 35, Old Queen Street, S.W.L
Bus Depot for Widnes.
Widnes Town Council has prepared a scheme for a motorbus depot at a cost of £13,000.
Oil Fuel v. Coal.
Under the title, " Motor. Ships or Steamers ? A Problem for the Shipowner," a very interesting article appears in the March issue of our associated journal, The Motor Ship, which is now on sale, and in a further article some interesting comparisons are drawn between steam and motor passenger liners. Other special articles in the issue deal with " A New British Diesel Engine,"
" The Cost of Running Motor Ships," " Diesel Electric Propulsion : Its Advantages and Disadvantages," " A New 15,000-ton Meter Liner,'' etc.
No Obstructive Pumps.
West Riding County Councildeclines to sanction petrol pumps which will be an encroachment upon, or obstruction to, the free passage of the highway.
Services at Southend.
Having considered a suggestion for the provision of a motorbus service between the Kursaal and the railway station, the Southend Corporation Watch Committee is unable either to recommend the corporation to establish such a service or to arrange for its provision. The committee has arranged to consider an application from Mr. A. Chapman for a service of buses no Leigh Bill from the Leigh Railway Station.
COMMERCIAL MOTOR A Question of Speed.
Reporting on a renewed request by the Chiswick Urban District Council for a 10-mile speed limit for motor vehicles using the Hig,h Road, the Highways Committee of the Middlesex County Council states that it appears that, although there is a statutory speed limit of 20 miles per hour generally for vehicles in the Metropolitan Area, the police, with a view to relieving congestion, have decided not to enforce this, but to deal more stringently with cases of dangerous and reckless driving.
The committee, after giving the matter further consideration, has came to the conclusion that the application for a speed limit should not be supported by the county council, as the conditions prevailing along this road are practically identical with those along all the main roads in the county which are traversed by trams. It is, hgwever, considered that the district. council may obtain the effect desired if the statutory speed limit of 20 miles per hour be enforced by the police.
Bus Doings Down Devon Way.
The directors of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., recently entertained members of the staff at dinner at Deller's Cafe, Exeter. A representative gathering assembled, over which Mr. Ifaxold'T. Barnett, chairman of the directors, presided. In the course of his remarks the chairman said that the future of the company depended to a large extent on the manner in which
the staff treated their customers, and that it was upato the company to educate the public to the fact that they could not expect to get a low fare in case a bad service should result. He added that no doubt many improvements could be hi ought about in the bus service, but if they did not charge a reasonable fare they could not hope to scrap buses wheu they heeded scrapping. Mr. D. Campbell, general manager of the company, who also spoke, referred to the advantages of private enterprise over State control.
Hampton Court Bridge Restriction.
Signs of deterioration being noticeable in Hampton Court Bridge as a resultof heavy and fast motor traffic, the Middlesex County Council is seeking an order for restricting the traffic to vehicles not exceeding 4 tons axle weight. Traffic Towers.
Street towers are a favoured American method for traffic regulation. Seven permanent bronze traffic towers have recently been presented to New York City by the Fifth Avenue Association for erection in Fifth Avenue. Five of the new structures will replace the present temporary towers, and two additional locations will be added to the system in order to extend tower regulation throughout the congested portion of Fifth Avenue.
Each tower is mounted on a solid granite base 4 ft. square and 3 ft. high. The towers are 23 ft. in height. They are constructed almost entirely of bronze, after a design selected in open competition, under the rules of the American Institute of Architects, from 130 designs which were submitted by architects throughout the country. Each tower has two Clocks—one facing north and one facing south. Each ía equipped with a bronze bell weighing MO lb., which strikes at noon and midnight. The space at the top where the traffic policeman stands is enclosed with glass windows and heated by electric stoves.
The tower system of traffic regulation originated on Fifth Avenue. It has worked so well that the Board of Estimate appropriated 250,000 dollars for extending it in other congested streets throughout the city.
Adhesive Insulating Tape.
A good quality adhesive insulating tape, known as Apson, is sold by A. Page and Son, 68, Albion Street, Leeds. This tape is impregnated with a special preparation which has in its composition a high percentage of rubber. The tape is remarkably durable, and, despite the price of rubber, by the use of economicalmanufacturing facilities the company are enabled to market the tape at a competitive price. The insulating tape is packed in 2 oz. and 4 oz. rolls. in tins, and for workshop use 8-oz. rolls, unpacked, are available.
Preparing for Anticipated Traffic.
Elaborate arrangements are being made for handling anticipated traffic in connection with the Football Cup Final, which this year is to be held at--the British Empire Exhibition grounds, Wembley. Special bus services will be put into operation from all parts of London, and will run dired to the Stadium. The arrangements are snch that buses v,ilrbe able to converge on the Wembley Stadium at. the rate of one every 30 secs. In connection with this annual event B24
every motor coach of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has been booked up, and the companyr are now receiving a considerable number of inquiries for the hiring of private motorbuses.
In order to facilitate the working of the elaborate bus services, special arrange
ments are being made for parking the vehicles during the match, and a carefully planned system of traffic control is to be instituted in order to secure the easy mauceuvring of the vehicles before and after the match.
Prospects in Ecuador.
Owing to the absence of good roads in Ecuador, the demand for motor vehicles in the past has been negligible. As, however, great improvements are now being effected in both the capital, Quito, and the principal port, Guayaquil, the streets of which are being paved with asphalt, it is anticipated that in the near future there will be an increased demand for motor vehicles of all descriptions. British manufacturers shonld not, hold aloof from this market as the result of the reports on the bad condition of Ecuadorean roads, since, however bad the roads, the fact is that American, German, and other makes of vehicles are already being sold, and the demand is on the increase.
Improving Middlesex Roads.
The Ministry of Transport has authorized grants amounting to half the costs of the four road-improvement schemes which are to be carried out by the Ealing Town Council, and the Ministry of Health has given sanction for a loan to cover the other half. The scheme deals with the widening of the High Street, near the Grove, the improvement of the corner of Northfield Avenue and Seaford Road, the widening of the north-eastern section of Haven Green, and the widening of a section of Greenford Road. The cost of the scheme is estimated at £10,000.
Institute of Transport Meetings.
A meeting of the Metropolitan Graduates' and Students' Society of the Institute of Transport will be held at the Institution of Electrical Engineers on March 13th, when a paper, entitled "Some Preeent-clay Transport Problems," will be read by Mr. D. R. Lamb. On March 20th there will be a meeting for graduates andstudents at the same place, when Messrs. W. S. Richmond, C.M.G., and C. L. Pepler will deliver a lecture on "Town-planning and Ilemodelling in Relation to Traffic."
Eight Motors Do Work of Sixteen Horses.
A recommendation by the Warrington Sanitary Committee, that. 1-ton lord motors with special bodies should he used for sanitary work instead of horsedrawn vans in use at present, has been engaging the attention of the town council. The scheme had been unaiiimously approved by the Sanitary Committee, which said that the new systeria would do away with the noise which the existing vehicles made at night. Instead of 14 vans going round the town, it was said that, 8 motors, which would displace 16 horses, wOuld be employed. Councillor Broadhurst estimated that the cost would be £1,200, which would be spread over a period of three years in three sums of £400 each. The rates would not be increased a single farthing through the change. The matter of the purchase of the Fords was referred back for further consideration.
Trailer Fire Pumps. •
A sub-committee of the Southend Town Council reports that it has considered a reference from the Pier Committee that the chief ofiker should be asked to report as to the appliances which he has available at, the fire-station for dealing with any serious outbreak of fire on the pier or pier properties.
The chief officer has already given consideration both to this matter and to the question of the suitability of the present appliances for dealing with fires in the unmade roads in the borough. In his opinion it is requisite that an appliance known as a trailer pump should be acquired. This is a two-wheeled trailer with a petrol engine attached, sufficiently light in weight to be drawn along the deck of the pier and along unmade roads, and of sufficiently narrow gauge to be drawn along the back passages in the town. He estimates the cost of this appliance at 2450, and the sub-committee, being of opinion that. a trailer pump is an essential item in the equipment of the
brigade, has arranged for quotations for the supply of such an appliance to be obtained.
An Australian Experiment.
The Railway Department in Western Australia has conducted -successful experiments with a trailer fitted to a. petrol-driven motor coach running on the railway lines. The trailer has ordinary seating accommodation for 24 .persons. The motor coach has proved Pits ability to pull the additional load with ease, and it is likely that further trailers will be constructed.
Cushion Tyres for Heavies.
The Macintosh-N.A.P. -cushion tyre has for some time been known as an excellent tyre for light commercial vehicles. Further development has enabled the makers to apply the tyre to heavy vehicles of 3 and 4-ton carrying capacity.
It is interesting to learn that several large companies use the tyre with advantage. The Ribble Motor Services, of Preston, who are operating a service of between 50 and 60 over 130 miles of bus routes, are tyring the whole of their fleet with the Macintosh pressedon type of N.A.P. tyre, and a number of the vehicles owned by the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., whose large fleet of buses radiate from such centres as Stockport, Macclesfield, Button, etc., are also running on this type of tyre. There are now many 28, 30, and 38-seater chars.a-banes fitted with these tyres.
Thornycrofts for Toronto.
More than ordinary interest, attaches to the accompanying illustration of a Thornycroft J-type 4-ton lorry. The chassis was recently shipped to Canada, and on arrival was equipped with the body to the order of the T. Eaton Co., Ltd., of Toronto, one of the largest stores in the Dominion, who might be described as "The Harrods of Canada."
This was one of the first vehicles to be shipped to Canada subsequent to the decision by John I. Thornycroft and Co.,
Ltd., to establish adequate service facilities for supplies of spare parts, etc., in Toronto, as the company already have in operation in India, Australia, and other overseas countries.
It may be added that, as a result of the service obtained with this particular lorry, the T. Eaton Co., Ltd., have recently favouredMessrs. Thornycroft with repeat orders for four of their 30 h.p. B.T.-type chassis fitted with pneumatic tyres, which will shortly be put into service in Toronto.
The National Benzole Co., Ltd., have taken over large new premises, and their address is now Wellington House, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. .1.
In a paragraph in our issue for February 20th dealing with the agency which Mr. H. C. Lester, 97, Oakfield Road, Cannon Hill, Birmingham, holds for Dennis Brothers, Ltd., we omitted to state that, he represents the company in the counties of Worcester and Warwick and South Staffordshire, with the exception of a 10-mile radius from the centre of Birmingham.
Local Proceedings.
Dundee Town Council has decided to purchase a Leyland motor fire-engine.
The Hampton (Middlesex) U.D.C. is considering the provision of a motor ambulance.
The Tynemoulh Tramways Co. propose to run a motorbus service between North Shields and Wallsend.
Hull Corporation Tramways Committee has arranged to commence a bus service shortly on the Hedon road.
Sydney (N.S.W.) Municipal Council has decided to purchase two more Ford lorries for the electricity department.
The Hull Corporation Watch Committee has instructed the chief constable to obtain prices for a new motor ambulance.
Fresh tenders are to be issued by the Sydney (N.S.IN.) Municipal Council for the supply of gully-cleansing machines.
Wandsworth Council Highways Committee recommends the purchase of two Lacre street-sweeping machines at £598• each.
Essex County Council has arranged to have a steam tractor converted to an 8-ton road roller at an estimated cost, of £190.
Preston Corporation has authorized the tramways manager to obtain an estimate of the cost of an additional motor omnibus.
Preston Corporation Tramways Committee is considering the question of the provision of a garage for motor omnibuses.
Glasgow Education Committee is inviting tenders for the supply of six motorbuses required for the conveyance of invalid children.
Middlesbrough Corporation has asked a committee to consider the desirability of establishing motorbus services on the south side of the river.
Warrington Town Council is considering the advisability of introducing mechanical road vehicles in place of horsed vans now in use.
Bedford Town Council is recommended to purchase a petrol lawn-mower from Messrs. Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies a cost not exceeding £170.
Bedford Town Council has prepared a by-law to regulate large wheeled advertisement boards, which now cause obstruction in some of the streets.
Rochdale Corporation has received sanction to borrow £1,000 for the purchase of a motor fire-engine, the loan to be repaid within a period of 10 years.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation has asked a committee to go into the question of a mechanical road transport department for the provision of vehicles as required, to the various departments.
Rochdale Corporation Cleansing Corn. mittee has approved a report of the cleansing superintendent recommending that the horse vehicles should be superseded by two mechanical vehicles.
Southend Corporation Health Committee recommends acceptance of the tenders of Messrs. Morgan and Co. for the supply of two motor ambulances at a cost of £1,212 and of Fogdens, Ltd., for the supply of two zinc-lined motor bedding vans at an inclusive cost of £432.