London's Taxicabs : Recommended Modifications of Conditions.
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THE Home Secretary, in July last, J.. appointed a committee, consisting of Captain Douglas Hacking,. 0.B., M.P.; Mr. H. C. Clark, ; Superintendent T. Clare, of the Metropolitan Police ; Ms. E. S. Perrin, of the Ministry of Trans-., port ; and ,Mr. G. W. Watson, M.I.Mech.E.. M.I.A.E., to review the condition of fitness laid down by the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis to which taxicabs must-. conform, to consider how far the present cost of rnotoreabs in London is affected by those conditions or other circumstances and to advise whether any alteration in the conditions is desirable.
The committee has held seventedn meetings and has examined a number of witnesses, including representatives of the taxicab industry, the drivers, the manufacturers, the police, etc., and it finds that there is a lack of competition amongst manufacturers of cabs which tendsto keep up the price of the individual vehicle. At the same time, the number of newcabs. licensed annually is small, the highest figure in recent years. being that of 192'0i when the number was073, but in 1926 the number of new cabs licensed was only 383. Allowing an average life of ten years per eels the maximum annual supply of new cabs would be about 800, and this supply is too small to justify manufacturers entering the mar
ket. •
It was contended before the 'committee that if certain of the present requirements, such as. the -10-in, clearance, the 25-ft. turning circle, the 14-ft. overall length and the position of the petrol tank, were abolished or considerably modified SO as' to permit the use of a standard type of chassis, a motor-cab suitable for London work could be produced complete at a cash selling price in the neighbanrhood of £335. Another manufacturer, however, gave the price at £600. The present.price for a Beardmore cab is £545; for a Citroen, £325; ea 5e; ifor6.a Hayes, £425; and for a i
The committee has gone very care
fully into the conditions and definitely recommend :,—(1) That. the required clearance be reduced from 10 7 ins., because the higher clearance serves no usefill purpose • (2) that the permitted turning circle be increased 'to 40 ft. in diameter ; and (a) that perMission be given for the use of a suit: ably screened dashboard tank for fuel.
The question of advertisements In cabs was raised before the committee, and,after inspection of a vehicle fitted with advertisetetents in the interibr, it was recomMended that permission be given for the display of some advertising matter on different specified positions inside the cab,-but not mitsitle.
Superintendent Claro agrees with the report, with the exception of the matter of alteration of the turning circle, and he still adheres to the 25-ft. turning circle as being desirable for London.
Mr. Perrin also agrees with the report except with regard to the same restriction. A copy of this .report can be obtained (price 9d.) from H.M. Stationery Office.