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Wise up to WTD changes now!

6th March 2003, Page 8
6th March 2003
Page 8
Page 8, 6th March 2003 — Wise up to WTD changes now!
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Operators should make changes to comply with the Working Time Directive (WTD) now, and not wait until the last minute.

The first application of the WTD in the transport sector— for non-mobile workers--comes into force on 1 August this year, giving the industry less than five months to make arrangements to deal with changes in vehicle operations, says the Freight Transport Association's consultancy arm.

And although larger national operators are generally taking a longer-term view of the WTD In order to minimise its Impact, many smaller firms are waiting until it comes into force before dealing with its effects.

FTA managing consultant David Mitchell, who is advising companies on the directive, reckons many operators are still burying their heads in the sand: "There are hauliers out there who say we know it's coming, but at the moment we are working 70 hours a week and that's what our customers want. We will worry about it when it comes in'."