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Closed Roads in Devon.
It will be remembered that some months ago the Devon County Council made an application to the Ministry of Transport for an order closing about 70 roads in the county to certain classes of traffic. The Ministry of Transport has now intimated that it is prepared to make an order in respect of 45 roads. The proposed order prohibits certain traffic on roads comprised in three schedules, and specifies the terms as follows (1) Five years. No locomotive, heavy motorcar or niotorear with seats for more than 14 persons, excluding driver ; 32 roads, including two streets at Crediton, two at Exmouth, three roads in Dawlish urban and three in Newton Abbot urban areas. The others are mainly rural roads., 17 of them being in Tavistock rural area (2) Three years. Same classes of vehicles as specified in Schedule 1. Four roads, all in Exmouth urban area, and including Chapel Street, which was particularly stressed at the inquiry. (3) Five years. No mechanically propelled vehicle having an unladen weight exceeding three tons, or seating more than 20 persons, driver excluded. Nine roads, including one in the Ashburton urban area. All the others rural.
The regulation will not affect agricultural vehicles or others engaged in the course of ordinary trade or those vehicles engaged on road repair work. There are also several special commercial exceptions in the Totnes aad Newton Abbot rural areas.
An Important Amalgamation.
The prospectus of Hodgson Road Contractors, Ltd., was published some days ago, when subscriptions were invited for an issue at par of 328,000 shares of 5s. each. The company, who have an authorized capital of £100,000, divided into 400,000 ordinary "shares of 5s. each, were formed to acquire the undertaking and assets of E. S. Hodgson, Ltd., quarry masters and contractors of Manchester, and the mechanical transport business of Messrs. Wort and Way, Government contractors of Salisbury. In addition to the supply and transport of road materials, the company intend to undertake work in connection with the construction and repair of roads. which, it is stated, can he conveniently combined with the other business of the, company. The combined profits of the companies for the past five years have averaged L15,657.
4 New The.Staiidard.Oil Co., of _Indiana,have signed... a . contract , with .the General Motors Chemical Ca., a subsidiary of the General Motors Corporation, for the.,distriliiition of -ethyl gas.-the new fuel de*04)0d b'. the General Motors Research Corporation; which,when mixed with oidirricry commeroial 'grades of petrol, is said to eliminate the " knock' from an internal-combustionengine. 4
The distribution service of the Standard Oil Co. will cover "Indiana, MichiB20 gan, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, North and Smith Dakota.
It is expected that the installation of this equipment for mixing ethyl gas with commercial petrol will be completed in all stations by next July. There are 968 towns where one or more service stations will be opened, and 'bulk distribution facilities will exist in over 4,000 towns.
Russia Buying French Buses.
The existing tramcar services in Moscow have been found entirely insufficient to meet the requirements of the everincreasing population, and motorbusea are to be introduced on to the streets at an early date. The vehicles to be used will be supplied by French mannf act urers.
Woolwich Ferry Improvements.
The L.C.C. is widening the carriageways, main bridges and fall bridges at the Woolwich Ferry, at a cost of £2,500, so as to permit of the passage of motor vehicles Measuring 7 ft. 6 ins. over the wheels. To avoid delays, the council has arranged, as an experiment, for vehicles to leave the ferry by both bridges, incoming vehicles waiting on shore until the bridges are clear and then entering the ferry by both bridges.
Complete Report of the Motor Show.
There is only one complete record of the comprehensive exhibition of motorcars and equipment which is now in progress at Olympia, and that is to be found in the third Show Number of our associate journal,,. Tire Motor, which is now on sale. This issue contains the only report of the ShoW in its entirety, published in. ope issue, and the -price of this greatly enlarged ;number, which is profiisely illustrated, is 4d.
Herefordshire county.lengineer reports that the narrowness,, weak Sides, and sinuous Character of the greater part Of the rural roads are yearly be-coming a greater danger to all road users, and if the traffic continues to increase it will be unsafe to travel on them,. except at Blow speeds.
Big Motor Shop Enterprise.
In a. recent issue of The Commercial Motor attention was drawn to the enterprise of a Liverpool firm, Treacle Supplies, Ltd., of Old Hall Street, who are employing a number of one-ton motor tankers for the distribution to householders of treacle and syrup. These motors daily make tours of districts in the Liverpool area, and execute orders for supplies on the spot at prices which are competitive with the local shops.
This is only the nucleus of a bigger venture, and now we are informed that instead of this motor-shop enterprise being confined to the Merseyside district it is to be extended to all the big centres of population in the country, including the Metropolis. At the time of writing three vehicles similar to the one illustrated in our recent issue are in service, but orders have been placed for additional units of a similar pattern to bring the fleet up to 32 vehicles.
New Edinburgh-Glasgow Arterial Road.
The Boroughs of Glasgow and Edinburgh have given approval to the comprehensive scheme for the construction of an arterial road between Edinburgh and Glasgow. It is stated that the work, .which will be commenced this winter, will provide continuous employment for several thousand men for a period of over two years, and that the complete scheme will cost about. £2,000,000, the proportion to the borne by the Government being 50 per cent. in respect of the new work necessary within the municipal boundaries of the two cities, and 75 per cent, in respect of the intervening Country areas. The road will he 100 ft. wide, and will undoubtedly prove an extremely valuable link to commercial motor users.
New Dodge Brothers Agents.
Further to the announcement which we made last week, to the effect that International Motors, Ltd., no longer hold the dealership for Dodge Brothers vehicles in the London area, comes the intimation from Dodge Brothers (13ritairt) Ltd., of Stevenage Wharf. Stevenage Road, London, S.W. 6, that the following concerns have been appointed to handle Dodge Brothers sales and service in the London area:— TIonallack and Sons, 268, Romford Road, Forest Gate, London, E. 7; Malcolm Campbell (London) , Ltd., 27, Albemarle Street, London, W.; The Leverett Kearton Co., Ltd., 79-85, Davies Street, Oxford Street, London, W.; Tomlinson (London), Ltd., 3, Finchley Road, London, N.W. 8.
America's September Production.
It is stated that, the total production of commercial motor vehicles and touring cars in America during September was 328,748, making a total for the nine months of the year of 3,021,896, a figure which compares with 1,884,289 for the corresponding period of last year.
The New Tay Bridge.
The new. bridge to be built across the Tay at Dundee for the accommodation of road traffic is estimated to cost close on -2,000,000, and will give employment for at least two years to about 6,000 men. It will shorten the distance from Edinburgh and the Lothians to Dundee, Forfar and the East Coast generally by fully 15 miles, and, assuming that the proposed bridge over the Forth at Alloa is. proceeded with, will obviate the necessity for passing through Stirling and Perth.
The new Tay Bridge, it is expected, will be laid with Lake Trinidad asphalt, and it will be one of the finest structures of its kind in •the whole country.
Coaching to the Motor Show.
Messrs. Jamee 'Smith and Co., motor coach owners of Wigan, organized two tours lay saloon motor coach in connection with the Motor Show in London, The first party left, Southport on October 31st and the second on November 5th. The first trip extended over a period of five days, and the second, which is now under way, will occupy the same period. The charge for each tour was fixed at .£5 17s. 6d., which included hotel accommodation with dinner each evening and also breakfast daily.
Watch Your Speed in Cheshire.
The chief constable of Cheshire has informed the Wirral Council that he has issued instructions to the police to ensure that the speed of motor traffic will be decreased in certain localities. With regard to the question of roads in the districts being unsuited for motor lorries and similar vehicles, the police, he said, had no power to divert such traffic, even if this opinion was endorsed by them. As chief constable of the county, he agreed that narrow roads, especially those where a. heavily laden farmer's cart and another vehicle can scarcely pass, should not be utilized by heavy motor traffic, as such involves danger to human life and property.
A New Cushion Tyre.
The United States Rubber Co., Ltd., of 47-8, Earringdon Street, London, E.C. 4, have just introduced a new eushien tyre, an outstanding feature of which is the hollow central cavity which, together with the sectional contour and tread design, give the tyre pronounced cushioning properties. The new U.S. cushion tyre is so constructed that, when deflated under load, the rubber bulges inwardly at the walls of the cavity, and thus prevents the sides above the base-band channels from becoming deformed. It is claimed that the total deflection is considerably. greater with this type of cushion tyre than is possible with a solid tyre under a corresponding load. Since the deformation of the U.S. cushion tyre when under load is similar to that of the pneumatic, the tread design is similar to the latter. The radial shoulder slots increase the cushioning effect of the -tread blocks and assist in the dissipation of heat. .. •
The tread of the tyre is made from a super-resilient compound, and it is said to possess excellent wearing qualities. The maximum load-carrying capacity which can satisfactorily be dealt with by tyres of this type is shown on each US
cushion tyre, the dual equipment being tat ed to carry double the load of the same nominal-size single-cushion tyre. The new D.S. cushion tyre is available in the following sizes :-32 ins, by 4 ins., 34 ins. by 4 ins., 34 ins. by 5 ins. 34 ins. by 6 ins., 36 ins; •by 6 ins., 36 ins. by 7 ice., and a full range of metric sizes will shortly be manufactured, Death of a "C.M." Contributor.
We much regret to announce the untimely decease, at the age of 33, of a valued contributor„ Mr. Marc Meston, wheSe articles on technical subjects frequently appeared in the columns of this Mr. Marc Meston, a regular contributor to our columns, whose death has just occurred.
journal. He served his apprenticeship with the Krieger Electric Carriage Syndicate, after which he ,was for four years second engineer on the C.S. "David," assisting in the construction of the Panama Canal. On his return to England he was employed as a charge hand by the Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Co., Ltd., and then as engineer-incharge of the large fleet of vehicles owned by Messfs. Waring and Gillow, whom he left to join the Palladium Autocer Co., of Putney, as foreman. His last position was as an engineer-foreman at the Fulham garage of Shell-Mex, Ltd., where he was greatly esteemed both as an organizer and engineer.
Bournemouth Bus Licences.
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation Licensing Committee a letter was read from Messrs. Elliott Bros. referring to the application made by the company in July, 1921, concerning the licensing of 12 additional motorbuses. "Mr. H. H. Elliott attended the meeting and renewed the application for the licences.
The town clerk replied that, • as the original application was made so long ago, the committee could only regard it as having lapsed, aud that, as other applications had since been received and granted, conditions would not now warrant the issue of this large nprnber of additional licences.
Another Municipality Buys an S,D. Freighter.
Following an inspection by the rnanager of the Ilford Council's Tramway Committee, an order has been placed with Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., for one )f the company's S.D. freighters with a hinged-sided lorry body and arranged for hydraulic tipping. The chassis will be made to accommodate a body 11. ft. long, as it is proposed to use it, inter alia, for the haulage of tramway points which are 12 ft. 6 ins, long, so that the overhang will only be 1 ft. 6 ins. The company give us to understand that, in all, 24 tenders were received by the tramways committee for the supply of a vehicle required for this particular work. The price of the machine with the driver's cab is £,503 10s.
The company have also in course of completion a tipping wagon for the works department of the Wallasey Corporation.
Electric Buses in France.
The first service of electric motorbuses to be used in France was formally inaugui•ated a few days ago between Mondane and Lan slebourg. These electric buses were actually put into service in August last, but the official opening of the route was postponed until a few days ago. The ceremony was under the presidency of M. Antoine Borrel, Deputy for the Savoy and formerly UnderSecretary of State for Hydraulic Power. A Question of Repairs.
The Swansea Parliamentary Committee has referred to a sub-committee for consideration a report showing the repairs and accessories bill in respect of the council's motor vehicles during the past two years. Thesamount. paid for repairs, etc., durinetthe year ended March,31st, 1922, wa.S' £1,001 18s. 8d., and in the following 12 months
910 18s. 6d. was paid by the council for similar service.
The question now being considered is whether it is advisable for the council to,establish its own garage and repairs department. The results obtained by other municipalities which have adopted such a plan are to be considered by the sub-committee.
At a meeting of the Rotherham Watch Committee further consideration -was given to an application from W. T. Underwood, Ltd., for licences in respect of certain omnibuses to run from Dinnington into Rotherham.
Mr. Underwood attended in support of the application,,and stated that the route of their buses on the rettirn'ireir'ley into Rotherham had .'"heen altered, so that they took the route previously. used on the return journey, via Bacleley Moor Lane, Clifton Lane and Doncaster Road. The application wastiot acceded to.
The town clerk -submitted a further application he had received from Alessi's. Hinton Bros.,"_of Barnsley, for omnibus licences to be.lgraiated in respect of an omnibus service between WentWorth and Rotherham, but this application was
-also 'rejected. . .
Engine • Oils Renamed. _For a period of 15„ years. Prices' Patent Candle Co., Ltd., • Battersea, London, S.W. 11, have supplied heavy and medium gas-engine oils for internal combustion engines of various types. At B22
the present time, although both grades of oil are used and recommended by some of the most prominent motor manufacturers and are widely adopted for many types of gas and oil-engines, the company feel that their popularity is handicapped by the fact that their names associate them with gas-engines, and they are accordingly renaming them Motorine D and Motorine E respectively. In their revised price list the company give both names of each lubricant.
M. of T. and a Welsh Bus Service.
The findings of the Ministry of Transport inspector who held an inquiry at Swansea in August last into the appeal of Mr. George W. Person, a bus proprietor of Gorseinon, against the refusal of the Swansea Town Council to grant, him permits to run two buses from Gorseinon to Swansea, has now been made known.
The inspector, Mrs Godsell, upholds the council's decision not to grant licences, on the ground that existing services are adequate.
-Mr. Person, who holds a licence issued by the rural 'district sonnet!, Will thus have to restrict hi a service to the borough boundary. ,
Several summonses. are to be herd by .the Swansea.Stipendiary against Mr. Person for running his buses subsequent to the watch committee's intimation of .a.-refusal to sanction the services. These cases were recently adjourned pending the receipt of the Ministry's report on the appeal.
Another Tramway Scheme Abandoned.
Under an Act of 1917, the Ashtonunder-Lyne Corporation obtained powers to acquire and double a single-hue tramway which .runs between the borough and Oldham, through the townships of Waterloo and Bardsley. Now the corporation Proposes to abandon the tramway scheme a.nd to apply to Parliament for powers to substitute a system of trackless trolley vehicles.
Coaches at Bournemouth.
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Corporation Licensing Committee the inspector gave evidence as to the complaint received from certain of thechara-banes proprietors using the stand in the Square. A letter was read from seven different coach owners, and a deputation from the signatories, consisting of Mr. C. Pounds and Mr. A. E. Ransoms', -attended in support of the protest made by the signatories of the memorial concerning the arrangements made by Messrs. Elliott Bros. with regard to the use of this stand by their coaches.
The effect of is recommendation of the committee will be that on one day Messrs. Elliott coaches will be placed en bloc in the first position, the coaches of the other proprietors lining up behind them, and that on the following day the procedure .will be reversed. .
British Presses in Chile.
We have often had occasion to draw attention to the merits of the various Classes of tyre and other presses made by Hollings and Guest, Ltd., of Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham, and that this reputation has not only been built up amongst British users, but also amongst those in countries overseas, ia indicated by an interesting letter which the company have recently received f rein Catania., Chile.
The following paragraph is extracted horn the •communication to which we refer:—
. . , The hydraulic press and pump of your manufacture in stalled by Mr. T. N. Chambers in
1914 has been working ever since continuously without needing the slightest
repair. It is -only now, after nine years' hard work, that the pump cylinders are getting worn, and this is greatly due to the gritty dust which it is impassible to keep away from the machinery. . . I have received excellent service from the machine." The equipment referred to is a large hydraulic baling plant.
.... Stamping Petrol Pumps.
The control committee of the Essise. County Council reports that it has conmiderect a memorandum from the Board of. Trade relating to the stamping of measuring instruments, such as yip etrol pumps, in current trade .use, and that it had instructed its inspectors to verify and -.stamp.measuring instruments in respect-of which a certificate of approval has been issued by the board where alma -instruments are voluntarily. submitted . to it. • •
The committee has since received a communication from. the • camtherIand County Council-on the subject, which suggests that pressure should be brought to bear on the Board of Trade to introduce legislation,to bring measures of this description within • the scope of the Weights and Measures Act.
Lecture on American Metallurgy.
Dr. W. Rosenhain, F.R.S., is to lecture before the Institute of Metals, London local section, on "Some Impressions of American Non-ferrous Metal, lurgy " on Thursday, November 8th. Invitations to the lecture may be obtained by sending a stampedand addressed envelope to the hon. secretary of the local section, Miss K.E. Bingham, liff.Sc., the Natienal a Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. Hyatt, Ltd., 56, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, have recently sent us a copy of a small pamphlet entitled, "In the Interests of Service," which they have just produced. The, company feel that with the great number of lorries, tractors and other types of vehicles using Hyatt and N.D. bearings as standard equipment, such information as is contained in this pamphlet would be of .general assistance. to the trade, because it gives the necessary information which is required by the company in order to trace a given. type Of bearing in the shortest possible time.
Incidentally, the „pamphlet includes a list of agents in various parts of the country who carry a stock of Hyatt bearings.
Stands for .Licensed Vehicles.
Worthing Corporation Licensing Committee has had under consideratieu the question of the provision of additional stands to meet the increasing needs of the owners of licensed stage carriages.
The town clerk reported that new stands could only be appointed by the council by means of a by-law fixing the stands, which required the confirmation of the -Minister of Health, and that, as the present regulations were made in 1892 and did not cover adequately matters relating to motor atage carriages, it was desirable that a new series of by-laws should be adopted.
The town clerk was instructed to prepare a draft series of by-Iaws.
New Midland Benzoic Depot.
The National Benzoic, Co., Ltd., recently opened a new depot at Lumley Street, Sheffield, in the presence of a large gathering of motor-vehicle owners and others interested in road transport. After the opening ceremony was performed the guests were entertained to luncheon at the Grand Hotel, Mr. Hen. thaw, chairman of the company, presiding, and being supported by Aid, Simp son, Mr. A. 3. Tibbitt, managing director of the company, Mr. W. Newton Drew. and Mr. Westlake, who are alsO directors of the company, and others.
The whole of the benzole which is distributed in the Sheffield area is produced locally, supplies being drawn from the. collieries and chemical works in the vieinity. The benzole is blended with a superior grade of petrol to provide the 50-50 National benzole mixture which is now used by many motor-vehicle owners throughoutthe country.
The new depot has a total storage capacity of 200.000 gallons, and is equipped with the latest filling appliances and special loading devices. It is one of the numerous large depots which the company have erected in various parts of the country to enable them to give more effective distribution.
A Railless Inquiry.
St. Helens Corporation has authorized a deputation to visit Bradford, Leeds, York, Birmingham and Wolverhampton to inspect awl report upon the various types of trolley vehicles in use.
Buses First, Powers • After.
The Ministry of. Transport states that it will raise no objection to the Rotherham Corporation running trackless trolley vehicles from 'Maltby to the centre of Rotherham, on the understanding that the corporation Seeks statutory authority for the extension in the next Session of Parliament.
Chief Constables' Call for Motor Parks.
The South-Western District of the Chief Constables' Association is suggesting that local authorities should make provision whenever possible for ample parking accoinmodation for motor vehicles or to permit certain streets to beused for the purpose. The view is that this will reduce congestion in busy streets as well as meet the reasonable ,requirements of road users.
COMMERCIAL MOTOR Road Upkeep in Sheffield.
The report of the highway and Sewerage Committee of the City of Sheffield for the year ended March 31ist last shows a gross expenditure of £536,631, a figure which represents an increase of £88,542 over the amount for the previous year. The total expenditure on highways wae £101,748, which represented a slight in crease. The Sheffield authorities received certain grants from the Ministry of Transport during the period under review amounting in all to L17,836.
A table in the-report gives the average cost of road maintenance per mile per 'annum, audit shows that the average for the five pre-war years was £246 per mile, for the five years from 1915 £122 per mile, and for the four years following the war and to the end of the period of the report £277 per mile.
Those figures represent a graphic illustration of the dependence of commercial progress upon the modern method of road construction.
Dnring the year tit(' area of asphaltic road' surface in the city was increased from 141,000 yds. to 225,000 yds. Most of this material is laid in streets which bear heavy traffic, and some of it was laid four years ago in thoroughfares carrying, at the present time, over 10,000 tons per day, and it has been preyed that it is a satisfactory and economical surfacing material for most
of the chief arteries of thecity. •
The expenditure under the heading of street cleansing has 'amounted to £52,187, a figure equal to £136 per mi)e. Since the war the Sheffield Corporation has adopted 'mechanical appliances for this work.
A Tyre Appointment.
We are informed that Mr. A. Phippen is now representing the United States Rubber Co., Ltd., and is specializing in the sale of Dominion Royal Cords and Traxion-tread tyres. Mr. Phippen is well known throughout the tyre industry, and particularly amongst the garage owners in the Central and West London dis,tricts--the territory which he is now
Retaining a Fire Brigade.
Blackpool • Watch Committee has agreed to the application of the parish council of Ribbywith-Wrea for the use Of the Blackpool Fire-brigade and appliances in cases of emergency in the parish, subject to the council paying re retaining fee of £20 per annum.
Local Proceedings.
Leybon Corporation is purchasing a Ford chassis with tipping body.
Todmorden Corporation proposes to runi. a motorbus service to Burnley.
Ditch.ling Fire Brigade is agitating for the provision of a motor fire-engine.
Fareham Urban District Council has taken delivery of a new motor firsengine Blackpool Corporation has purchased a Commer Car tipping lorry for the gas department.
• Manchester Corporation is advertising for tenders for the supply of oneman motor omnibuses.
Salford Corporation is erecting a motor garage adjoining the Central Fire Station at a cost of £334.
Romforcl Rural District Council has decided to buy a new or a second-hand. vacuum cesspool emptier.
Nelson Corporation is seeking sanction for the experimental running of motor omnibuses within the borough.
Cardiff Corporation Tramways Committee has decided to invite tenders for the supply of six omnibus chassis.
Lancashire County Council is ernbarking on a comprehensive scheme for the erection of motor danger symbols.
Burnley Corporation Gas Committee proposes to purchase a 4-ton Yorkshire steam tipping wagon at a cost of £740.
The London-. County Council reports the purchase for the tramways department of four motorcars at a total cost of £540.
Arbroath Town Council has prepared draft by-laws to secure the regulation of " through" motor traffie in the town.
Norfolk County Council has decided to provide seven new divisional road surveyors, now being appointed, with small motorcars.
. The parish councils, of Kentisheare and Cullompton are endeavouring to fix up a scheme for the joint acquisition of a motor fire-engine.
Burnley Corporation has instructed the borough surveyor to prepare a specification for a 2-ton petrol motor tipeeng wagon, and to invite tenders for the supply of such a vehicle.
St. Helens Corporation has authorized the tramways manager to approach the Ministry of Transport with a view to obtaining consent to the permanent operation of one-man cars of the type now in use. . Burnley Corporation has had _23tendors for the supply of four motorbuse$ and has referred them to a sub-corn mittee.
Blackpool Watch Committee has given a licence to Mr. Wm. Smith for a motorbus service between the town and Hardhorn.
Rawteristall Corporation is considering the advisability of seeking powers to run motorbuses beyond the borough boundaries.
Rotherham Corporation has empowered a sub-committee to arrange for an additional service on the Maltby tailless route if deemed necessary.
The Caerphilly Urban District Council has given statutory notice of its intention to acquire land for the erection of a bus station and shelters. Tile council rune its own bus services.
The Treclegar Urban District Council has asked the leading insurance companies to make a grant towards the cost of a new motor fire-engine which the council has decided to purchase.
Manchester Corporation Tramways Committee has decided that the motorbus route between Levenshuline and Gorton, already authorized, be extended through Abbey Hey and Openshaw to Droylsden Station.
Application is being made to the Burnley Watch Committee by the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for the granting of licences to ply for hire between Burnley and Toclmordee, Burnley and Bacup. and Burnley and Rawtenstall.
Burnley Bus Stands.
At a meeting of the Burnley Watch Committee the chief constable reported that it was necessary to fix new motor omnibus stands within the borough, and the committee decided that stands for buses plying for hire be fixed at the following places :—(1) The north side of Todmorilen Road, near the tramway terminus; (2) Rossericiale Road, at its junction with Manchester Road; and (3) the Cattle Market, subject, in the case of the last-named stand, to suitable arrangements being made with the markets committee with regard to its use on market days.
Rail Rims for the Swiss Berna.
We have received a letter from Swiss Berne, Ltd., Short Street, New Out, London, S.E., pointing out. that over 12 months ago they contracted withlarge engineering hrm in London to supply rail rims for attachment to their Swiss Berna lorries. They state that these rims were capable of attachment to the ordinary type of Berne commercial vehicle, which had not been altered in any way from the standard design.
A Rotherham Bus Exchange.
Rotherham Corporation Tramways Committee recommends acceptance of an arrangement by which Guy Motors, Ltd., will supply nine two-ton 20-seater one-man-operated Guy buses at k880 each, and allow £418 each for the return of six Guy buses now in operation and £300 each for three Daimler buses.