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Important Decisions by A.R.O. Lawyers T RAFFIC-COURT representatives of Associated Road

6th November 1936
Page 40
Page 40, 6th November 1936 — Important Decisions by A.R.O. Lawyers T RAFFIC-COURT representatives of Associated Road
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Operators from every area attended a conference in London, last Sunday. Agreement was reached on many subjects of great importance, and a common policy in respect of renewal applications was laid down.

The question of the inauguration of a national fund, to be administered by a special committee, for the purpose of contesting matters of principle in the traffic courts, was discussed and ratified. The line of argument which might be pursuel in cases such as the BoutsTillotson application was agreed. Where such cases arise, they are to be contested, each area following the policy laid down.

Other points dealt with at the conference included the difficulty of obtaining permission to use replacement

vehicles where the additional tonnage did not exceed 5-10 cwt., the policy adopted in certain areas of restricting A licences, the issue of contract licences, and the reduction of B-licence

Another matter of vital importance that was discussed was the difficulty facing legal representatives in obtaining, in good time, detailed statistics from applicants. Recommendations are to be made with a view to the appointment of qualified persons—possibly accountants—in each area, so that the accounts and statistics of operators may be made available on some uniform basis; such an arrangement will, of course, be of special value to Licensing Authorities.

It was agreed that further conferences of traffic representatives should be held periodically.