Passing Comments
Page 17

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Give a Kind Thought SORTERS of paper salvage to the Waste Paper have been the subject of Sorters . . many a joke, but life for them
is not all . beer and skittles. They get a mixed bag and are kept on the alert by unpleasant memories of unexpected finds. At one depot, where salvage from a camp is dealt with, the helpers spent several unhappy days before they found the scent factory among the sacks. This was comprised of seven haddocks and half a large American cheese—all in an advanced state of decay. Old razor blades among the papers are the unkindest cut of all and of too frequent occurrence.
• Windmills to Supply gOME good things have Current for Battery■--" resulted from the war, notelectric Transport . ably the employment of com
modities, which, in normal times, it is not economic (or people are too lazy) to use. Examples include hip berries for human consumption, acorns for pig feeding and dead wood from the coppices for domestic burning. We have seen dis • used water wheels put in working order again for light sawing and such-like jobs, and we should not be surprised to see further use made of Water power. Might there not also be scope for windmills to charge the accumulators of battery-electric vehicles? The authorities could hardly ration the wind.
Who Was Responsible HE haulage industry of the for Libelling U S.A. I U.S.A. has been strongly
Hauliers ? . . . resentful of a suggestion by a Detroit paper that 28 haulage concerns were being subsidized by Germany. It was added that no contracts relating to the war effort would be awarded until the matter had been cleared up by the Intelligence Services. This accusation was looked upon as most serious and as being a grave reflection upon haulage interests, The Federal authorities have, however, stated. unequivocally that the story was a pure fabrication. One official said that it was apparently designed to accomplish the propaganda purposes of private interests.