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Scare tactics have been order of the day at CM, and they've whetted our appetite for more...
It was Hallowe'en last week, which explains the sudden proliferation of ghoulish plastic toys on our desk. A number of the skeletons rattling around the office arrived last Friday, courtesy of Northgate. Then we opened the post on Monday to find yet more rubbery terror this time scorpions, again courtesy of Northgate.
Were so grateful that we'll mention them again: Northgate, the name in seasonal plastic toys. They may also carry out some van hire too, but we seem to have lost the press release. And lest we sound churlish, we should point out that we are pathetically grateful for any goodies that PR firms wish to send us, with the possible exception of the dozen locking wheelnuts we featured some months back from Disc-Lock, which are still sitting in the corner of a meeting room looking as sad and folom as a basketful of abandoned kittens.
Speaking of freebies, we include the next press release in the distant hope that anyone from Fuller's Brewery (London's finest brewery) is reading this and feels sufficiently moved by our beeriess plight (did we mention what a fantastic tipple Fulle(s London Pride is?) to send us some of their excellent bitter. The story'? Ah yes... Fuller's has bought a van to deliver beer in London reaching the parts other delivery vehicles can't reach. It's painted with the London Pride logo and roams all over the capital dispensing those wonderful Fuller's beers (mmm, Fuller's). Perhaps it may even venture as far as Sutton one day...
Finally, we turn to that last bastion of beer and sandwiches, the Transport and General Workers Union. We recently put the union's Ron Webb through the sort of inquisitorial grilling normally reserved for captured spies. Anyway, Ron likes a cigarette or two and we mentioned this. Cue response from the T&G's Roger Seeley at a recent FTA training conferenceā¢ "Unfortunately, Ron Webb cannot be here today as originally planned due to other commitments, and not, I assure you, due to the shortage of ashtrays in this venue, no matter what certain people in Commercial Motor may think or write."