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It’s in our hands

6th October 2011
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Page 2, 6th October 2011 — It’s in our hands
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Without wishing to spoil the party, the euphoria of the FairFuelUK e-petition crossing the 100,000th signature boundary – thus triggering a debate in Parliament – needs to be tempered with some realism.

CM was in Manchester this week at the Conservative Party Conference, and it was overwhelming that the rhetoric coming from the government was the need to reduce the deficit, and not stimulate the economy with tax

cuts. Campaigners hoping the debate would lead to changes in the way diesel is taxed shouldn’t hold their breath. The hard work is only just beginning.

Let’s start with the good news: calling for a debate about cheaper petrol and diesel was the first business-related e-petition to cross the line (taking benefits away from London rioters and an investigation into the Hillsborough disaster were always going to attract mainstream support). It pushes the fuel duty issue to the top of the political agenda in a way MPs cannot ignore.

But here is the bad news: fuel duty still fills the Treasury’s coffers. If the argument cannot be made that a tax cut on fuel will improve its overall tax take, then the idea is dead in the water. Furthermore, the Conservatives have blinkered themselves into the deficit-reduction argument. Sensible, true, but is it what the economy needs? The jury is still out.

Hauliers can help by proving to MPs that cutting duty will improve their business prospects, create a level playing field with European haulage rivals and increase employment levels. It’s in your hands.

Christopher Walton