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6th September 1917
Page 3
Page 3, 6th September 1917 — ONE HEARS
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

All will be gas and gaiters.

There's room for more goodwill.

" What ! Four shillings a gallon!" That the electric is not an experiment.

That coal-gas in Glasgow is a moving force.

That Ireland leads in the hoarding of petrol.

Of experiments with other gases besides coal-gas.

Of arrangeinents for a coal-gas demonstration in London. '

That the last penny 'belonging to the Campaign Comforts Fund'has left Rosebery Avenue.

That Mr. P. L. D. Perry, C.B.E., living up to his new distinction, has Come Back to 'England, Sincere congratulation's on all sides to the motoring appointments to the Order Of the British Empire.

The orders in the inotor trade are nowadays not .'appt'eciated, but the Order of the British Empire will be.

That there never was 'a time when developments in the internal-combustion engine were more imminent than the present.

The report of the L.G.B. expert committee on heavy motorcars and traffic will in any event be published not later than the beginning of December.

ThatSir Alfred Herbert regards the honour conferred upon him as a recognition of the work of his Department in the Ministry of Munitions. That some people think the A.A. has E14h,000 in cash.

That more compulsory changes of address are imminent.

That a day load will come amiss to scarcely any gas-works. '

That we're coming fast to necessities by road motor of necessity.

That the whole output of steam wagons is wanted for the war.

There will have to be a chief gas man, or a gas committee, with official status.

That if many more committees sit there will be no outsiders for them to sit upon.

Of an early decision, to try gas. (in compressed form) on London's passenger vehicle's.

That there's been disappointment about improved' priority in electric-battery Circles.

That the G.W.R. motorbus department at Slough hopes to beat coal-gas with oil-gas.

There is scarcely a road in the -country which will not in the future carry at least one motorbus service with parcels facilities.

That verified "all in agrimotor. costs look high only until they are set alongside contemporary and comparable horse costs for equal work.

That delivery of war motor spirit under the authority of the Pool Board is heaviest in numerous areas during the first 10 days of each month, after which a proportion of the, licences are exhausted for the time being.