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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen.
provised Magneto Carbons and Carburetter Jets.
sender of the following communication s been awarded the extra payment of this week.
31] " G.F.F." (Northampton) is :--" A short time .ago; on a run Northampton to Liverpool, I had let() trouble, and On examination vered that the carbon brush which is contact with the slipper ring of irmature had worn right down to pring. I had not a spare part, and out in the country, so had to desome temporary means of overcomle difficulty. Ultimately, what I vas to make use of my pocket-book 1. I tapered one end of it and sed it to accommodate the spring. le other end I cut away the woodfor a, quarter of an inch, so that ?encil projected. I arranged this io that it bore upon the armature. equipped and fitted, the pencil most satisfactorily as a carbon . At any rate, with its aid I was o travel a distance of eight miles, Weedon to Northampton, without r mishap.
n. another occasion I lost the main Lt of a Solex carburetter as a ref not having any gauze under the rt of the air intake. Here again case for immediate repair, which, ately, I was able to. effect, in the ing manner :—I procured a piece' id and burnt a hole right through li a red-hot wire. I gimped the a of the piece of wood so as to the hole for the jet, and hamthe bored hole up a little until i the right size. With this ex
temporized jet I was able to complete my journey and return home again, a distance of 30 miles."
A Sparking Plug Hint,
[2282] " A. W. R." (Gillingham) writes :—" Readers who have any considerable amount of trouble with oily or sooted plugs maybe interested to know a method whereby the life of such plugs may be prolonged. When taey liave been cleaned till they can be cleaned no longer, and when it seems as though the porcelain is so impregnated with burned oil that the plug is thereby rendered useless, it is quite a good plan to, chip away the porcelain within the body of the plug, as shown in the accompanying
sketch. y so doing, the oil-soaked portion is taken away, and a clean, new surface of porcelain exposed. I have now got quite into the habit of doing this with old plugs and can vouch for it that Once the treatment has been effected the plug is again as good as new." [This hint is of doubtful value.—En.] Getting Home on,One Chain.
[2283] " A.M." (Birmingham) writes : —" Some time ago I had.the misfortune to break 9ne of the driving chains of my lorry. I had no spare links, and was not within hail of any garage where they were likely to be able to help me in any way. I was worried to know what to do, for I found that I could not drive home on one chain, as when I attempted to do so the sprocket on the side where the chain was missing revolved, while the one which I had hoped would do the driving stood still. Eventually I had an idea which proved to be my salvation. I thought to myself, Well, I must stop that sprocket from revolving, for evidently all my power is going there instead of to the.other side.' I therefore took the broken chain and wrapped it round that sprocket, securing the free ends to the chassis. What was my surprise to find that the engine drove me home quite satisfactorily on the other sprocket,; and 'that I had no further trouble whatever."
An Emergency Repair to a Magneto.
[2284] "OP.' (South Croydon) writes: —" Quite recently while driving a Hanford lorry from the London Docks to Luton I had the misfortune to break the spring of the magneto contact breaker into three pieces. I had not a new spring with me, nor anything from which I could make a temporary one Eventually I managed to get the machine, to work again byfitting a block of india
rubber underneath the short arm of the contact breaker lever, as shown in the sketch."
[We know of at, least one case in which a company running a considerable number of vehicles fits two springs to each rocker arm, so that in the event of tone breaking the other will perform the work until a new spring is fitted.—En.
Lamps Alight.
On Saturday, September 10th, light your lamps at 8.27 in London, 8.36 in Newcastle, 8.35 in Birmingham, 8.44 in Edinburgh, 8.42 in Liverpool, 8.37 in Bristol, and 9.27 in .Dublin.