Fire-Brigade Matters.
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The Birkenhead tests, to which tie make full reference below. were attended by deputations from Southport, Bolton, Bootle and 'Alterland.
Birkenhead's New Engine.
The Birkenhead Town Council, through its Watch Committee and Superintendent J. T. Burns. of the Fire Brigade, has expressed itself greatly pleased with the demonstrations now recorded, and has officially taken over its Dennis six-cylinder engine as illustrated. The deep-lift test ot 26 ft. was accomplished in 30 sec.
At Rodney Street (Road Test-).-To negotiate the steepest incline in the borough (Ilodueâ– Street, 1 in 7.3) when fully erluipped, 1-1 men. Duly performed.
At Beaufort Thaid.--The engine was put through a five hours' continuous pumping test, at full pressure, at 'Messrs. Land 's Old Yard, Beaufort Road, commencing at 9 o'clock. For four hours' pumping. without any variation. at 110 lb. pressure through 1:4. in. jet ; half an hour at 120 lb. pressure; and the last half hour at 150 lb. pressure.
Dennis to the Fore.
We reproduce a photograph which shows one week's delivery of motor
fire-engines at Guildford. flue sixcylinder machine is for Christchurch, one for Birkenhead, and one (the second for that authority) for Kings ton-on-Thames. Each of these engines is capable of delivering some 400 gallons of water per minute at a pressure of about 150 lb. The engines are the Dennis standard sixcylinder model (127 mm. bore by 130 mm, stroke); the pumps are manufactured by Messrs. Gwynne's, of Ham
mersmith, and are of the centrifugal type. In each of these machines there is a tank which holds about 40 gallons of water, which is of great use for first-aid purposes. By means of this, the engine can dash up to a small fire, and, without spending any time at all in coupling up the pump to the maul hydrants, can, practically instantly, by the moving over of a lever, direct a strong jet of water. Two have Dennis block-section tires, and fire-escapes are carried on the Christchurch and Birkenhead ma chines. Provision is made on the Kingston engine for the fitting of a fire-escape. Following the landing of the Dennis engine for Fremantle, it is expected that the Perth (Western Ail. tralia) Fire-Brigade will order one.
Country-house Fires.
Yet another country-house fire. and damages estimated at k,50.000. We refer to the fire at Hope End Mansion, Ledbury, Herefordshire. There was not, of course, any motor fire-engine within reasonable call. Further to our announcements on this development, in regard to the intentions of the Renfrew County Council, we now learn that the Kirkcaldy District Council may adopt a joint.ownership scheme.