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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier, A Government Scheme for Testing Agricultural Machinery.
It is not sufficiently well known that the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has had in operation for some time a scheme for the testing of agricultural machinery. The value of such thorough and impartial testing has for long been recognized in important manufacturing countries abroad, and many of them have well-established speciaqinstitutions equipped with laboratories and scientific apparatus, etc., for this purpose. Here, there is a carefully formulated scheme for the conduct of individual tests, which is operated by the Ministry with the assistance of a small permanent committee. The tests are carried out at selected institutes, helped, when necessary, by the National Physical Laboratory. On completion of each test a certificate is issued under the seal of the Minister, and this, together with a report by the committee, is available to entrants, who are entitled to copy them and use them for publicity purposes, whilst the documents are, as a general rule, placed on sale by um. Stationery Office.
The advantages to the manufacturer are that he can obtain, at relatively little cost, scientific data on the performance of his machine under definite controlled conditions, together with suggestions regarding efficiency of design and a definite guarantee of performance, whilst the tests assist the institutes concerned.
Forms of entry may be obtained on application to the Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 10, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.1.
Minister's Decision on Section 19.
The Minister of Transport recently referred to the Industrial Court for advice the joint application from certain Important transport organizations for an Order varying, in certain circumstances, the periods of time laid down in Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act for the employment of drivers of specific types of road vehicle. The previous Order, made on March 30, 1931, expired on March 31 last.
On the recommendation of the Industrial Court, the Minister has now decided to continue for a further period of two months the Order, made two years ago, governing the hours of duty of drivers of passenger road vehicles. As the Court has not completed its inquiry, it has suggested a temporary extension of the regulations, but in respect of only passenger vehicles.
No application has been received for a further Order in respect of goods vehicles, and, therefore, the conditions of Section 19 apply to goods vehicles as from March 3L English Electric Company's Trading. The accounts of the English Electric Co., Ltd., for 1932, reveal a trading profit of £106,196, as compared with £209,394 a year earlier, the past year's figure being 'arrived at after crediting special dividends, as well as normal dividends, receivable from Winans and Robinson, Ltd.
After charging debenture interest, rent and interest payable to Willans and Robinson, Ltd., directors' fees and an item of £24,501 not otherwise provided for on old contracts, a loss of £11,908 is shown which compares with a net profit of £34,086, after providing 150,000 for depreciation, in 1931.
A credit balance of £2,474 was brought in, so that the debit balance carried forward is £9,434.
Petrol Transport: Revised Regulations.
The Secretary of State has issued revised regulations for the conveyance of petroleum spirit under Section 6 of the Petroleum (Consolidated) Act, 1928, and they are now in force. The effect of the regulations is to prohibit the carrying of petroleum spirit on vehicles other than those properly adapted for the purpose.
Commers for Overseas.
A fleet of Commers has been shipped to the Venezuelan oil fields, and new distributors have been appointed in Sweden and South Africa. The Commer range Is steadily increasing its popularity overseas, and a considerable number of orders has already been placed for the 21r-ton Centurion and the 20-25-cwt. model.
Night-service Vans for A.A.
A further development in the Automobile Association's road-service system is the provision of specially equipped night-service vans to deal with emergency roadside breakdowns. A limited number of these vans, which carry more comprehensive equipment than the familiar A.A. road-service outfits, has just been put into operation on arterial roads carrying a large volume of night traffic. Activities of the British Road Federation.
At the first general meeting a the British Road Federation, held on March • 29 under the presidency of Mr. Frank Pick, it was announced that a Parliamentary road transport group had been formed under the chairmanship of Sir John Sandeman Allen, with Captain W. F. Strickland and Mr. A. 0. Roberts as joint secretaries.
Application has been made for a hearing before the select committee of the House of Lords on the Road Traffic (Compensation for Accidents) Bill, and the Federation is co-operating with other organizations in opposing the Bill.
Over 500,000 pamphlets and booklets dealing with road-transport matters have been issued by the Federation to Members of Parliament, local authorities, manufacturers, traders and other commercial-motor lasers throughout the country. A careful watch is being maintained upon articles and letters am pearing in the Press, and, wherever considered desirable, a suitable reply is submitted. Speakers representing the Federation are addressing meetings of Chambers of Commerce and Trade, Rotary clubs and similar bodies, on topical subjects. Proposals are being considered for admitting to the Federation as 5850dates, organizations representative of trade and industry.
Defective Tyres: An Interesting Case.
An interesting case, in which the production of technical' evidence with reference to tyre construction undoubtedly averted a conviction, was recently heard at Brecon. The facts were of such a nature as to throw a certain amount of doubt on the justification of many convictions in respect of defective tyres.
The defendants were an Abergavenny haulage contractor and his driver, who were alleged to have used a motor vehicle with a defective tyre. Police evidence was to the effect that the tyre was badly worn, and the canvas showed for a distance of about. 2 ft. This, it was contended, constituted a danger.
With the aid of a section of tyre' Mr. 3. C. Boyce, of the India Tyre Co., Ltd., explained its construction. Mr. Boyce stated that underneath the tread, which was of rubber composition, was a breaker strip of pure rubber, and, consequently, Of great durability. This was what the constable had mistaken for the canvas. It was, he said, more effective than the tread in the prevention of skids, and could be no more easily pierced than the other portions of the tyre, and was, in his opinion, good for another 10,000 miles. The case was dismissed.
Easter Publishing Arrangements.
The Commercial Motor for April 14 will be published one day earlier, and will, therefore, be on sale on Thursday, April 13. Advertisements for this issue should reach the manager by Tuesday, April 11. •
"Northern General" Results:
In the year 1932 the working surplus of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., was £145,556, against £169,857 a year earlier. A final dividend of 5 per cent, is to be paid on the ordinary shares, making 9 per cent, for the year, whilst a sum of 165,100 is provided for renewals. The carry-forward is £20,260, as against £17,517 in the previous year.
During the year 150,000 6i per cent. preference shares were sold, the proceeds being applied in repayment of loans. The premiums of 114,597 were added to the reserve, bringing it up to £102,815.
Fire Pumps Wanted in Egypt.
The Commercial Secretary to the Residency. Egypt, reports that tenders are being invited for the supply of two motor fire-pumps for the villages of Delingat and Tema. Tenders should be addressed to the Municipalities and Local Commissions Section, Cairo, and will be received up to May 8, 1933. A copy of the specification, conditions and form of tender can be had, on loan, from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, ,S.W.1. Local representation is essential. Those
concerns in a position to offer products of United Kingdom manufacture and which are not represented in Egypt, can obtain ,.from the Department the names of British merchant houses with Egyptian connections which may be prepared to handle quotations on their behalf.
Bristol Tractor Developments.
Bristol Tractors, Ltd., 5 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London, VIT.C.2, advises us that the formation of the company has now been completed and that it will proceed to ensure early deliveries of the Bristol tractor, which, it may be remembered, was described in our issue dated July 19 last. We understand that tests, which have been in progress throughout the winter, have served to demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the Bristol tractor.
German Exports and Imports.
The development of German trade in motor vehicles was much less favourable in the first months of this year than in the same mouths last year, exports of German vehicles for January-February, 1933, being• about 45 per cent. fewer in number than for the same period of 1932. On the commercial-motor side, however, 449 vehicles were exported this year, as compared with 392 last year.
On the other hand, 17 commercial motors were imported during January and February of 1932, against 84 this year. The increase in iniports during February is accounted for, to some extent, by the Berlin Show.
Showmen and the Salter Report.
At a recent meeting arranged by the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, which was attended by a number of Members of Parliament, it
was shown that the proposals contained in the Salter Report for an increase in road licence fees would have a very damaging effect on the business of travelling showmen.
Mr. Pat Collins, a former M.P. and one of the leading travelling showmen in the country, said that, in his case, the increase would be from 1870 to 15,511 per year, and that if the suggested increase in fees was adopted, it would mean the end of the pleasure fairs in England. The Report and its effects were discussed at considerable length.
Manufacturing the Oselllit Rubber Bush in England.
In our issue for last week we described and illustrated a new type of rubber bush called the Oscillit. We are now informed by Apex Shockabsorbers (England), Ltd., 73, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1, that it is busy arranging for the manufacture in England of this type of bush, and the company will be pleased to deal with inquiries at the above address. For the time being, supplies will be obtained from the French factory.
Personal Pars:
Mr. George Carr, who, for about 12 months, has been acting as traffie superintendent to Neweastic-on-Tyne Corporation, has been appointed permanently to the position. Be succeeds Mr. T. Chalder, who retired a year ago. Mr. Carr has.been with the transport authority for 30 years.
The directors of .Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd., recently gave a luncheon to Mr. Owen J. P. Wray onthe occasion of his retirement from the board. Many of
Mr. Wray's old colleagues—all of between 20 and 30 years' standing—were present. In presenting him with a grandfather clock, Mr. J. Russell Knowles, managing director, said that Mr. Wray had joined the company in 1905, and his keen sympathy for his fellows and his wise counsel had been greatly appreciated.
The Horse Power of the Tangye Engine.
In our issue dated March 10 we included a letter from Mr. H. Maynard Thompson, which referred to the Tangye engine as developing an output . of 12.3 b.h.p per litre at 2,000 r.p.to. Mr. Thompson has written to us correcting his figure, and pointing out that the power developed by this engine should have read 14.3 b.h.p. per litre.
Carrimore -Attachments in the North.
Carrimore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., High Road, North Finehley, London, N.12, advises us that it has appointed the Scottish Motor Traction Ca., Ltd., Edinburgh, its sole distributor for Carrimore attachments, for use with Bedford chassis, throughout the whole of Scotland, Cumberland and Westmorland. B.R.F. Representations to Parliamentary Road Group.
As announced elsewhere in. this i581.10, the British Road Federation has been instrumental in forming a Road Trans.. pen. Group of Members of Parliament. This.Ithas a strength o.f over 50 On Eruesday evening representatives of the B.R.F. attended a meeting of this group comprising over 20 Members, to place before it the Federation's views on the tax proposals contained in. the Salter Boort. Mm. Frank Pick, representing the Omnibus Owners Association, was the speaker, and he was supported by fi.Er. 0. N.`'Wilson (Petrol Distributors' Committee), Mr. Norman. Hardie (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders), Mr. R. W. Sewill (Road Haulage Association), and Mr. W. H. Birch (Motor Hirers end Coach Services Association). Mr. F. G. Bristow attended as secretary of the Federation.
Another meeting of the group will be held at Easter to receive the views of the Federation on the matter of the licensing or goods vehicles; this will be mainly from the motor manufacturers' point of view.
The meeting on Tuesday was a very enthusiastic one' and a large number of questions was dealt with. There is no doubt that the formation of this group will have a very beneficial influence upon the future of road transport.
Atkinson Lorries Reorganization.
The Nightingale Garage and Engineering Co. Ltd., Nightingale Lane, London, S.W.12, announces having acquired the business of Atkinson Lorries, Kendal Street, Preston. The company is specializing in the production of a 3-4-ton lorry with the Dorman-Ricardo 4JUR-type four-cylindered oil engine, also in the fitting of Dorman oil engines into existing vehicles.
It is understood that, for the 3-4teener, an order has been obtained from the Italian Government, and it is intended shortly to publish in this paper a full report upon this model.
Annual Meeting of West Midland Area of the R.HA.
The hnnual general meeting of the West Midland regional area of the Road Haulage Association was held at • Birmingham a few days ago, under the chairmanship of Mr. C. J. Hurst, the area chairman. In its annual report the committee emphasized the amount of work which the Association had done in combating the recommendations of the Salter Report. At the same time, it pointed out that much work remained to be; done to bring the road-haulage industry to a satisfactory state of organization, and expressed its opinion that there was much scope for service to‘short-distance operators. It recommended the appointment of a special sub-committee of local short-distance operators to deal with this matter.
The following members were elected to fill the vacancies on the committee: Messrs. H. I. George, F. J.• Marseon, T.J. McKenna, W. Pilkington and F. Wood.
At a sabeeqnent meeting of the committee Mr. S. R. Marston was appointed chairman and area representative on the National Council for the ensuing year.
At the termination of the business of the meeting, Mr. S. R. Marston addressed those present upon the question of rates. He put forward some useful proposals for the stabilization and unification of rates, and suggested the formation of a special committee to consider the matter. The committee will be appointed at the next meeting.
Amending the Railways Act.
A meeting of the Industrial Transport Association was held on April 4, at Caxton House, Westminster London, S.W.1, when a debate centrd around the question of so amending the Railways Act, of 1921, as to give considerable freedom from the restrictions imposed upon railway companies as an alternative to the proposed placing of new restrictions and obligatim on other forms of transport.
Mr. T. J. Hughes, chairman of the Traders Co-ordinating Committee, Federation of British Industries, presided in the absence of Mr. P. J. Hannon, M.P., president of the Association. Some interesting views were put forward by Mr. William J. Oldham, chairman of the Association and traffic manager of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., who opened the discussion, and Mr. H. F. Barnard, vice-dhairman of the Association and transport adviser to the National Federation of Iron and Steel Merchants.
West Riding Branch for I.T.A.
The inauguration took piece, at a meeting at Leeds, on March 31, of a West Riding branch of the Industrial Transport Association. The branch will have its centre at Leeds.
Captain A. H. Amor, general manager of Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd., York, was appointed chairman, along with three vice-chairmen, Mr. W. H. Potter, traffic manager, Joseph Watson and Sons, Ltd.. Mr. P. Beetham, traffic manager, Bradford Dyers' Association, and Mr. E. G. Rayeen, traffic ananager, Rowntree and Co., Ltd.
Mr. Stanley Tuckwood (Yorkshire Tar Distillers, Ltd.) was appointed hon. secretary, and a committee was elected. The national hon. secretary of the Association, Mr. J. A. Dunnage, attended the meeting. The branch will meet fortnightly, starting on April 11, when the speaker will be Mr. H. 0. Fanthorpe.
Eastbourne Concours d'Elegance.
There will be four classes for commercial vehicles at the fourth COTICOL/11 d'ElAgance at Eastbourne, which will be held on Wednesday, June 14. The closing date for entries is May 31, and entry forms should be sent to Mr. E. Edgerton, secretary, Eastbourne Concours d'Elegance, 21, Gild redge Road, Eastbourne. The following are open to commercial vehicles :—Class 23, vans up to 15 cwt. ; Class 24, vans over 15 cwt. ; Class 25, lorries ; Class 26, coaches. The entry fee is 12s. ed. per vehicle.
Stomas Profits in 1932.
During the year 1932, Sternol. Ltd., made a net profit of £10,433, as against £8,574 a year earlier. After deducting loss (f3.922) on final realization of Vancouver stock, and a 4 Per cent. dividend (£4,500) already paid on the cumulative participating preferred ordinary shares in respect of arrears to December 31, 1930, there remains a balance of /2,411, which is carried forward.
Exhibition of Plastic . Materials and Their Products.
• Last Wednesday Lord Irwin opened, at the Science Museum, South Kensington, the Plastic Industry _Exhibition, which will continue until the end of September.
Plastic materials play an increasingly important part in the production of motor vehicles, being used extensively for such parts as dashboard fittings and controls, battery casings, insulated parts for magnetos, pinions, etc. The exhibition is, of course, not confined to articles for motor vehicles, as the industry is already producing goods to the value of at least £20,000,000 a year.
Sir Henry Lyons, Director of the Museum, has collaborated with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the Society of Chemical Industry, and the British PlaStic Moulding Trade Association in gathering the exhibits.
Lixerpool Officers Elected.
Mr. A. E. Masheder (transport manager of Liverpool Co-operative Society, Ltd.), has been elected chairman of the Commercial Motor Users Association (Liverpool Area), and Major James Bennett, O.B.E. (Mersey Shipping and Transport Co., Ltd.), vice-chairman. Their election took place at the monthly meeting of the general committee, which appointed the following sub-committees :— Emergency : Mr. A. E. Masheder, Major J. Bennett, 0.B.E., Messrs. F. G. Birch (Tate and Lyle, Ltd.), R. W. G. Barnett (Liverpool Cartage Co., Ltd.), Charles Grieve (Grieve Haulage Co., Ltd.), T. Laverensort, J. T. Mount (Thomas Wilson), W. H. Ravenscroft (Spillers, Ltd.), J. F. Supplies (J. A. Webster and Co., Ltd.), and It. Walker ,(United Molasses Co., Ltd.).
Rates : Mr. Masheder, Major Bennett, Messrs. Birch, Barnett, D. A. Elwes (Unilever, Ltd.), Lawreneon, Mount, Grieve, and Supplies.
National Council representatives: Col. A. Jerrett (Lewis's, Ltd.), Messrs. IVIasheder, Mount, and Barnett (ex officio).
Mr. Barnett was also elected to represent the committee on the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.
Restricting Bridges: E.N.E.14. Exceeding its Rights?
The Hull Chamber of Commerce and Shipping discussed, last Monday, the notices issued by the London and NorthEastern Railway Co. to limit the weight of vehicles using various dock bridges owned by the railway company.
Dr. T. C. Jackson (the Chamber's solicitor) said he was not satisfied thai the L.N.E.R. was complying with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. The president (Mr. W. Minnitt Good) said that many drivers had been,stopped and their names and addresses taken, but, in his opinion, drivers were not under the slightest necessity of divulging this information, or particulars as to their loadi:,`, destinations, etc.
Mr. E. V. Taylor (district goads manager, L.N.E.R.) : "You are not suggesting that I should accept that view? "
The President: "I am laying it down as the dictum of this Chamber."
Valuable Contract for Armstrong-saurers.
We learn that Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., has recently received an important order from a wellknown Surrey concern, which is buying 10 Dominant lorries for general haulage work. The value of the contract is approximately £20,000.
Morris Motors Good Report.
The report of Morris Motors, Ltd., for 1932 shows a gross profit of £1.122,263, the net figure, after making full provision for depreciation and all contingencies, being £912,675. The reserve for .contingencies. stands at £642,025, of which figure £336,673 represents profit on the sale of investments and appreciation in Government securities. After meeting dividends on the preference shares (£225,000) and income tax (£173,721), there is a balance of £513,954, this being increased to £773,285 after adding the balance brought in from the previous year.
A dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, is to be paid on the ordinary shares, and this will account for 1200,000, whilst goodwill, patent rights and trade marks are written down by /300,000 and £50,000 is transferred to the reserve for income tax. After making these deductions, the carry forward amounts to the sum of £223,285.
"Motor Horses" to Relieve Congestion in London Streets.
The London and North Eastern Railway Co. has placed a contract with Scammell Lorries, Ltd., for 80 road motive units and 113 carrier units to work in conjunction therewith. These new vehicles will be employed for collection and delivery services to and from the L.N.E.R. Farringdon Street depot and will considerably speed up this freight service, also relieving street congestion.
The L.N.E.R. is the largest individual owner and user of "mechanical horses," the new order bringing the company's fleet up to 211,machines.