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IT is understood that the interest in Edward Hillman's Saloon Coaches, Ltd., which was formerly vested in the Elfrida Syndicate, Ltd., the well-known concern of merchant -bankers, is now held by the Motor Trust, Ltd.
London and County Passenger Services, Ltd., has been registered with a capital of £225,000, divided into 250,000 7 per cent. 10s. preference shares and 400,000 ordinary shares of 5s. each, all of which will shortly be issued to the public. The object is to take over Edward Hillman's Saloon Coaches, Ltd.
Although Mr. Edward Hillman, founder of the business, is understood to be nominated as chairman and managing director, it would not be surprising, writes a special correspondent, to find that, in future, he devotes himself almost exclusively to the development of his air lines.
A SPECIAL meeting of the Motor Omnibus Proprietors' Association (South Wales) was held at Cardiff, on March 30, for the purpose of presenting to Mr. Howell M. Davies, proprietor of Imperial Motors, Ltd., Abercynon, and to Mrs. Davies, gifts commemorative of the four consecutive years of chairman
ship of the association by Mr. Davies. There were 105 of the members present, and Mr. William E. Gough, Mountain Ash, the chairman, presided.
In the course of the addresses the " unhappy " lot of operators, especially small men, in London and Yorkshire, was contrasted with the South Wales position. The "fair deal" given by the Commissioners to operators was much referred to and the chairman stated that he had heard the South Wales position enviously mentioned in England.
REFERRING to complaints regard
ing irregular Aberavon services, the South Wales Commissioners said that difficulty had been experienced, in the past, in obtaining evidence on which the penalty of the loss of a licence might be imposed. Now, however, they had succeeded in obtaining a plainclothes inspector who would travel around the area to detect irregularities.
THE conduct of passengers and public service-vehicle drivers and conductors is dealt with under a new regulation made by the Minister of Transport It Is laid down that the driver or conductor shall not smoke in a vehicle, during the journey, or when carrying passengers, and shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of passengers.
The conductor must not, unless essential, speak to the driver when the vehicle is in motion and all reasonable precautions must be taken to ensure that routes, fares and destinations are clearly and correctly displayed.
Passengers must not use offensive language or conduct themselves in a disorderly manner, and must not make excessive noise, or throw from the vehicle any article likely to cause injury or annoyance. RAILWAYS AND COACH OPERATORS TO CONFER?
AS the result of a remark by Colonel A. S. Redman, chairman of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, in connection with the waste of time caused by railway objections to applications by rail-associated bus companies, the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. has intimated its willingness to confer as to the extent to which the interests of long-distance coach operators and the railways could be reconciled.
This announcement was made last Friday at a meeting of the West Midland Commissioners, when it was suggested, on behalf of the L3LS., that the reduction of rail fares to id. a mile during the summer, Eshould assist in road-rail co-ordination.
• Mr. O. C. Power, traffic manager of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., signified his willingness to join in any such conference. Colonel Redman said that the matter would require careful consideration, and he would consult the other Commissioners before calling a meeting. • Reference was made, on behalf of the L.M.S., to wasteful long-distance services run during the winter, and Mr. Power said that it was possible that his company would be able to offer substantial reductions during the winter. Colonel Redman said that the Commissioners might feel that it was more necessary to have road services during the winter nionths, unless the railway companies could offer ld.-per-mile travel all the year round.
BY a majority of 17 votes to 13, Gloucester City Connell decided, last week, that it was prepared to negotiate, on satisfactory terms, an agreement for the operation of the municipal bus services.
As we announced in last week's issue, Gloucester City Council rejected the offer of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., whilst Red and White Services, Ltd., withdrew its propose]. The Bristol concern has signified its willingness to re-open negotiations, if desired.
THE Southern and West Midland Traffic Commissioners have formulated a scheme for the isgue of special licences to cover pre-booked party work, where passengers are carried for separate payments. Applicants must be prepared to produce evidence showing the need for a proposed service and backings will have to be applied for, as required.
One picking-up point (unspecified) may be used if within a radius of four miles of the originating point. No advertising to the general public will be allowed. Members of a pre-booked party may be picked up or set down en route, provided that a full fare is paid, and may be taken to the originating or picking-up point free of charge, if there be no convenient local services available at the time.
An inclusive return fare is to be charged and it shall not be less than the minimum shown on the schedule approved under the licence. The total c48 sum of the fares reckoned in accordance with the seats occupied shall be paid to the operator without any deduction.
Parties comprising individual visitors collected at hotels or boarding houses are not permitted to be carried under this licence.
Full details of the arrangements may be obtained from gazette 98 of the Southern Commissioners or gazette 105 of the West Midland Commissioners, GREY COACH DECISION CONSIDERED.
CERTAIN operators held a meeting in London, last Wednesday, to discuss the decision of the Divisional Court in connection with the Gray Coach case, the result of which was fully reported in last week's issue.
Tim subject of express-carriage fares
will be dealt with at a conference of the No. 6 (East) Regional Committee, to be held at 11.30 a.m. to-day, at Ipswich Town Hall.
THE needs of summer traffic and, more particularly, the Derby private-hire business, have • caused the roofs to be removed from 46 covered-top NS buses operated by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. With those open-top NS vehicles remaining in service, and about 50 of older types kept normally in store, some 150 open-top buses can be made available.
THE bus service of the Embankment Motor Co., of Plymouth, the proprietress of which is Mrs. M. M. Williams, was absorbed by the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd.,., as from yesterday.
Mrs. Williams told a Press representative, on Monday, that a most satisfactory financial arrangement had been brought about between the two companies, and that the transfer involved only the buses which the Embankment company was operating on the routes between Plymouth, Yelverton, Dousland and Buckland Monachorum. The Embankment concern continues to have Its offices in Westwell street, Plymouth, for the conduct of the coach side of business.
THAT part of York Corporation's Transport Bill seeking power to form a new company to merge the undertakings of the corporation and the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., was rejected a few days two, by a select committee of the House of Commons.
It was pointed out that the Corporation's deficit was not on working, but was due to heavy capital charges. An adjournment was made until last Tuesday, to enable an agreement to be reached on the form of a clause for the abandonment of the tramways and trolley-buses. Meantime, Sir John Ganzoni, chairman of the committee, was to ascertain whether it was competent for the committee to amend the Bill in that way.
The decision was considered at a special meeting of York City Council, last Monday, when it was announced that the special transport committee had decided to continue negotiations with the West Yorkshire concern.
WE understand that Regional Com mittees Nos. 1 and 2 decided, last Monday, to recommend a reduction of 15 per cent. in those coach fares that are affected by the " cuts " of the railway companies. No. 5 Committee has also agreed to reductions in fares. Next Monday, a meeting will be held to approve the new fares schedules.
ON Saturday last, Sir John Maxwell,
chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, held a conference with representatives of local authorities in the Northallerton district, to consider the local bus services, with regard to complaints as to their inadequacy, fares and to irksome restrictions placed on operatoro.
Sir John said that, in future, the Commissioners would sit cat Northallerton when applications affecting bus services in the rural districts of North Riding were being considered. He further mentioned that the Minister of Transpert had expressly instructed the Commissioners to safeguard the interests of the small operators.
AN informal conference of bus operators was held at Nottingham, last meek, under the Mr. Shapland intimated that the Commissioners were advised that the mere formation of an outing club, to which members paid subscriptions, did not relieve the operator from the necessity of obtaining a road-service licence. This also applied to operation in connection with public-house parties. L.P.T. BILL BRINGS ABOUT MORE MERGERS. IT is proposed by London General Country Services, Ltd., to take over the Chiltern bus business of Messrs. E. Prentice and Sons, of Tring, and operated with Leyland Titan vehicles between Watford, Tring and Aylesbury, etc. This is part of a rationalization policy, presumably preparatory to the London Passenger Transport Board assuming control, under which Mr. C. Aston, of Watford, with his fleet of Dennis vehicles running on the same route and to Abbots Langley, is also to be taken over, with other small men. CONTRACT CASE WON. ON Saturday last, the Canterbury magistrates dismissed the summons issued against Mr. G. T. L. Deakin, of Langton Garage, Canterbury, for running a coach without a licence. The vehicle was used to carry passengers to and from a dance hall, the coach tickets being sold at the hall. The defence held that this was privateparty work, as the coach was hired to a club at a fixed price per journey, although the dance was advertised and any member of the public could attend. On the other hand, the coach tickets could be purchased only by persons attending the dance. WHY FARES VARY. CRITIOIS3IS of the policy, in con nection with fares, of the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., were made by Sir Haviland Riley, chairman of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners, last week. The Commissioners were hearing the application of the company to replace season tickets by weekly 12journey tickets, and to abolish or increase return fares, the object being to raise revenue to meet the higher cost of petrol. The proposed basis for the calculatiou of fares was to be six, seven or eight times the single fare, according to the route. When it was explained, on behalf of the company, that the fare depended upon the amount of competition on a particular route, Sir Raviland. Riley said this meant that every time a rival operator removed his service from the road the cost to the public increased. Applications for the abolition or increase of return fares were originally made by 23 operators, in addition to the Eastern Counties concern, but all except three had withdrawn their applications. The arguments between the company and Sir Raviland Riley were long and involved, and it was annouriced that a decision would be given later. COMMISSIONERS MAY USE THEIR OWN KNOWLEDGE. TN connection with an appeal by the "'Great Western Railway Co. against the granting, by the South Wales Commissioners, of road service licences to Gough's Welsh Motorways, Ltd., the Minister of Transport states that Commissioners need not approach the consideration of every application with an open mind. The South Wales Commissioners granted the Gough concern licences for Newport-Aberystwyth services, and the G.W.R. alleged that the Commissioners had not, at the public hearing, suffidient evidence upon which to reach a decision. The Minister states that Commissioners may make use of experience gained in connection with licence applications, or of their own personal knowledge. He adds that the requirement that two of the Commissioners should be chosen from panels nominated by local authorities, would appear to indicate that the legislature contemplated that Commissioners should possess some special knowledge of the conditions of their area. The G.W.R. appeal is accordingly dismissed. A NEW COMPANY. A NEW company, with a nominal capital of £8,000, has been formed with the title of Everingham Brothers, Ltd., to take over the passenger-transport, haulage and agency businesses of Messrs. Everingham Brothers. The permanent directors of the company are Messrs. S. H. Everingham and I. A. Everingham, both of Pocklington. STRIKE AT HILLMAN'S. ON Thursday of last week strike ac tion was taken by the employees of Edward Hillman's Saloon Coaches, Ltd., Romford, Essex. The cause is said to have been the discharge of four men, the conditions of service and the wages of garage operatives. On the following day successful conferences between the organizer a the Transport and General Workers Union and Mr. Edward Hillman were held, and the strike came to an end. L.M.S. PLANS FOR' "ROYAL." IVIIEN the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. was opposing an application by East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., to run excursions and tours to the Royal Show at Derby thio year, a representative of the railway company mentioned that an elaborate scheme was being prepared to cater for traffic for the Show. It was proposed to carry passengers by road to the railway stations, by rail to Derby, and then by road to the Show ground. This arrangement was apparently regarded as meriting the prohibition of coach operators from running services to Derby. AGREED FARES IN WALES. ACTING on the suggestion of the South Wales Traffic Commissioners, the coach proprietors a the Merthyr 'Tydfil area have prepared and agreed to a schedule of fares for excursions and tours. Subject to Commissioners' assent, it is to be adopted by all the operators. Amongst those negotiating the agreement were Councillor Clifford Thomas, Argoed (secretary to the South Wales Omnibus and Coach Proprietors Association), Mr. T. J. Bevil). (chairman of South Wales Motor Coach Proprietors Association), and Messrs. R. C. Evans and T. Brown, representing the Commissioners. ATTRACTIVE SOUTHDOWN TOURS. AN ambitious programme of holiday tours has been planned for operation during the forthcoming season by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., Steine Street, Brighton. People who are attracted by the scenery of Devonshire and Cornwall are well catered for by means of tours of 3 days' to 12 days' duration, the fares ranging from £5 5s. to £21. There are also several trips to the Wye Valley, North Wales, the Lake District, Yorkshire and Derbyshire, and four to Scotland. One tour, of 20 days' duration, is from Brighton to John. o' Groat's and back, the fare being £30. Many famous beafity spots are included in the various tours, the first of which commences on April 14. NEW COACH STATION FOR LONDON. FACILITIES for operators working services from the east end of London are provided at a coach station which has just been opened by Gilbert's Garage and Coaching Station, Ltd.. at Jamaica Street, E.1. This street leads into Commercial Road, an important traffic artery for servioes to the eastern counties. The station is rectangular in plan, with a combined entrance and exit in the corner, and is covered.., ,Facilities are also provided for vehicle' maintenance, the equipment including highpressure washing and greasing plant. Arrangements have been made for operators other than Gilberts Luxury Coaches, Ltd., to use the premises, the charge being 6d. per coach per call and 15 per cent. commission on all bookings made. Five vehicles are, we understand, able to operate at one time from the station, whilst there is garage accommodation for about 16 coaches, At the front of the station are the offices, including booking office and refreshment and waiting-rooms. The premises are open day and night, and are managed iby Mr. A. S. Hansford. EAST MIDLAND MERGER. IT is understood that on Sunday next, April 9, the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., will take over the bus undertaking of Mr. C. W. Rhodes. COACH STANDS NOT SALEABLE. BOURNEMOUTH town clerk has made a representation to the Southern Traffic Commissioners in connection with the application of Symes and Sons, Ltd., to continue to operate excursions and tours from the stands in the Square, Bourne Avenue, and Durley Road. He considered that the privilege of a turn at these stands should not be regarded as saleable by the concern by which it was enjoyed. The Commissioners decided to reserve the right to reconsider the question of starting places in Bournemouth, so far as the applicant was concerned, should the company be reconstructed.