Fitters on all fours
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[AINTENANCE facilities at le Nottingham depot of itioval contractors Hoults td were virtually nontistent, claimed vehicle taminer Brian Hackett when ke company appeared at displinary proceedings before le East Midland Licensing uthority Charles Sheridan at ottingham on Monday.
Hoults of Newcastle upon .yne, who operated 64 ehicles in four traffic areas, ad the two-vehicle margin of lcrease revoked from the 'ast Midland licence.
Mr Hackett said in January e inspected four vehicles and sued one immediate prohibion and four defect notices. he prohibited vehicle had everal brake defects.
The facilities consisted of ard standing and a jack,' Ihich meant that anyone inpecting the vehicle had to raw) underneath. The chicks were low-skirted and pit was required if they were o be inspected properly.
Fitters who travelled once a rionth to Nottingham from Iewcastle to inspect the chides perhaps did not have ufficient time to do the work horoughly, he felt.
Questioned by Robert Hird for the company, Mr Hackett agreed that the maintenance area was covered.
Thomas Veil, a director, said that although six vehicles were authorised at the Nottingham depot, usually only four were operated.
After Mr Sheridan had commented that three of the four vehicles at present at the depot were not specified on the East Midland licence, Mr. Veil said the paperwork involved in transferring vehicles between depots had been neglected since the retirement of the previous company secretary.
Steps were now being taken to put matters right.
Turning to maintenance, Mr Veil said a service manager had now been appointed who would be personally responsible to ensure that the fitters visited Nottingham once every three weeks.
Newer vehicles would be based in the East Midlands and the installation of a pit at the depot was being considered.
Questioned by Mr Sheridan, Mr Veil said the company employed local fitters at its other depots because of the number of vehicles operated.
Announcing his decision, Mr Sheridan said it was not to be taken as an endorsement of the "travelling system" of maintenance. Howedver, he .could not ignore the economic realities of a small local fleet.
Hoults might well consider a , redistribution of vehicles which would justify the employment of a fitter in Nottingham, said Mr Sheridan.