The Motor Omnibus World.
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The Bavarian Budget contains five million marks for new lozomotives, on the condition that combustion engines be substituted for steam, should they prove practical. A number of State motor omnibus lines will also be established.
The Todmorden Corporation intends to promote a Bill in the next session of Parliament to authorise the spending ot ratepayers' money on the provision and working of motor omnibuses in connection with the tramway systems of the Corporations of Halifax, Rochdale, Burnley, etc.
Says the Sussex Daily News—" The Eastbourne bus service is gradually winning a favourable opinion, and, though there are rumours that now the Corporation has steadfastly set its face against electric trams, and alerts are being made to induce a private company to supply a service, it may be taken for granted that so long as the motor buses are meeting the needs of the public there is small fear of such a calamity overtaking the town."
A new motor line is to be established on the SchwarzachBogen road, near Straubing, in Bavaria. In order to expedite matters, the Schwurzach Municipal Council has agreed to build garages with the necessary repairing shops and benzine depOis. The projected line, we should mention, will be State property, and the co-operation of the Schwarzach Municipality is significant. When the State arid parishes work together in this fashion, the rapid progress of motor traffic is ensured, and in this respect Bavaria is showing remarkable enterprise.
The Motor Traction Company (1905), Limited, has been registered with an authorised capital of Laxi,ouo in „6i shares. The objects are to acquire part of the assets of the Motor Traction Company, Limited, and to carry on the business of omnibus, van, carriage, steamboat, and launch constructors and proprietors, carriers of passengers and Oads; engineers, founders, etc. The registered office is at 14, Great Winches-ter Street, E.G., and there will be no initial public issue. This company, presumably, will take over the license to build under the Daimler patents, which license was the property of the original Motor Traction Company.
Lancaster is a county town where a service of motor omnibuses might well be instituted by private enterprise, and the town would benefit immensely by such a departure. The Municipality of Lichtenberg, near Berlin, is busy with a big motor omnibus scheme for connecting the capital with the town and other important eastern suburbs, such as Rummelsburg, Friedrichsfelde, and Xarlshorst. Properly managed, it ought to pay, as the present means of communication are quite inadequate to satisfy the needs of these
places, especially Rummelsburg, which has long been endeavouring to persuade the Grosse Berliner Electric Tramcar Company to improve its line in this direction. We understand that the Town Council of Lichtenberg will both own and work the projected line of motor buses.
Appended is the official notice issued by the secretary, Mr. C. E. Esse, convening the next meeting of this society. Only members and associates will be admitted :— "I have pleasure in advising you that the third general meeting of this Society will be held at the Hotel Cecil, Strand, W.C. (Banqueting Room entrance), on Monday, Dcember iith, at eight o'clock punctually, when a discussion on The Driver Question, and the Possible Organisation of a Training School,' will be opened by Mr. 3". Frost Smith (Thomas Tilling, Limited). It is hoped that the nominated representative of each associate of the Society will arrange to be present on this occasion, and that they will attend at 7.3o p.m.
"Associates are reminded of the following regulation of the
Council with reference to attendances That in the event of any associate wishing to appoint a substitute for the representat4ve nominated and accepted by the Council, notice must be given in writing three days before the meeting on which such substitute proposes to be present, the frosh nominee to be a responsible member of the firm or company. Further, in the event of any question arising in this connection, it is to be in the discretion of the chairman and the members of the committee present to decide whether such substitutes shall be admitted to the meeting or not.' "Light refreshments will be provided by the Society at 7.30 p.m., adjoining the room for the meeting."
Discharge of Petroleum into Sewers.
The Public Control Committee of the London County Council reported last week having decided that copies of the Order made by the L.C.C. on December 20th, ISO, prohibiting the discharge of petroleum into sewers, be served on a nUillber of motor garages, including, amongst others, the following :—The Star Omnibus, Co., Ltd„ 31-49, New Kent Road, S.E. ; Thomas Tilling, Ltd., Red Bull Yard, High Street, Peckham; Peek, Frean and Co., Ltd., Drummond Road, Bermondsey; London Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., Albany House, Albany Street, St. Pancras; Associated Omnibus Co., Ltd., Whitcher Place, Camden Town ; London Motor Cab Co., Ltd., 93, Manor Street, Chelsea; London Road Car Co., Ltd., Farm Lane, Fulham; Argylls (London), Ltd., 17, Newman Street, Oxford Street, W. ; Jas. Nelson and Sons, Ltd., 448 Arch, Hackney Downs Station ; and the Motor Exchange of Great Britain, Ltd., 3, Boundary Road, W.